what does Sup Forums think of vs code?
What does Sup Forums think of vs code?
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pretty comfy, the terminal works unlike in Emacs
I like it
Into the trash it goes
D - barely adequate.
Could be A - quite great if it weren't for electron.
Just comfy botnet
What are some good alternatives that you Sup Forumsuys recommend for web development?
stop developing for the web and do something with your life
Adobe botnet or GitHub botnet
FUD. Some stupid third party extension is making calls to MS servers. The code is open source and they even talked about the specific code that disables telemetry.
>100% cpu cursor blink
maybe 150% with the current mitigations
I tried examining with 0 (ZERO) extensions enabled and yet it tried to connect vortex.something something .com. Read full thread and stop being a blind microsoft apologist.
it's pretty good
fast, extensions are good, built-in terminal and good features overall imo
Works for me. Surprisingly responsive for its CPU and memory usage, too --- past a certain project size some Java IDEs feel like using a remote desktop over a bad connection.
The Language Server Protocol is an interesting project.
Do some research before you shitpost moron
>M-x term
Checkmate, soyboy
gayest fucking ide ever.
Good for web development
Bad for anything else.
it is pretty nice honestly, I really like the intellisense with C and the themes. Built in terminal too. pretty much as comfy as you can get. too lazy to set up the launch confgurations so I just use a custom bash script to compile
It does what it's supposed to do well
Why should I care how it does it?
>doing anything well besides eating cpu and memory
> javascript
> to do well
Seems to mainly be for people who can't into vim. It's not really good at this point.
Jetbrains' IDE are honestly much better if you want IDE. And Vim is the better editor.
You are gay, soyboy. Emacs for true man
> some Java IDEs
That begs the question why you were using these.
IDEA and other IDE that can handle huge projects have been along for a long ass time, and really, they're pretty obviously better for Java and JVM languages than VS Code is.
I keep hearing about intellij idea bla bla
What are some reasons it's better than vs code?
The legit version (Visual Studio) is hands down the best IDE and industry standard. I am not a freetard but I would imagine VS Code is quite good.
does vim have something like intellisense?
Vim is for idiots that like riding a bike in a Formula 1 race and claiming superiority.
Enjoy your botnet
Sublime text > shit > electron based IDEs
World is a botnet, user.
Go to moon.
> What are some reasons it's better than vs code?
Everything is just better. All the possible configuration, capabilities, performance, code analysis abilities "Intellisense" and otherwise, better integration with tools from the JVM ecosystem (you know, anything up to sbt, gradle and maven as well as J2EE and stuff on the paid versions).
But again, why the hell wouldn't you have tried this if you had problems with whatever crappy IDE you used before? It's surely one if not the most suggested IDE by far - impossible to miss, really. [Not that you should have had problems with most other recommendations either, large Java projects are common and so is IDE support for them].
It almost sounds like you went from trying to use VS with Java straight to VS Code.
For certain languages as plugin, yes, but you generally want an IDE if you want such functions.
Again, better editor, not better IDE. But better IDE are also elsewhere than VS code for most languages.
>It almost sounds like you went from trying to use VS with Java straight to VS Code.
That was my first comment my this thread lol. but I appreciate the insight. I'm actually using sublime right now.
>using a proprietary text editor
>cheap, uses no fuel, has little to no carbon footprint, so easy to use that even small children can learn, can be fixed by anyone with basic tools, practical, serves its purpose of getting someone from point A to B
Formula 1 car
>expensive, wasteful, dangerous, requires many years of training to drive, needs regular maintenance by an entire pit crew just to go a few laps around a track, no purpose whatsoever other than bragging about how you fast you went
I'll take the bike thanks
The objective is to get from point a to b as fast a possible. The tool you use is a piece of shit for debugging, speed and everything else. That is fine if you want to be a retard and get nothing done, but do not claim text editors are superior over IDEs.
eshell is GOAT, better than any terminal emulator abortion
>inb4 someone cries their shitty ncurses garbage doesn't work
In your car race, point A and B are the same. IDEs are great if you want to go around and around in circles implementing the same three features that the developers optimized for over and over again. For everyone else, IDE is just a buzzword for a bloated to fuck text editor. Stop falling for marketing memes, stop falling for monolithic themepark-style products that try to impress you by being all style and no substance.
i am so triggered by that logo. is it a shadow? is it a door? regardless the corners don't match
Can legit handle big text files better than vim or emacs or most other FOSS editor.
your mom handled my big text file last night if you know what i mean
It does.
Its one of the better botnets
why arent you using a catgirl editor?
because having a hard dick is distracting
You mean this part?
I mostly use either Vim or VS Code.
I like it, arguably the best piece of software Microsoft has made for a long time. nice and comfy with sublime keymaps, I actually ditched sublime for vscode
t. never used emacs because IQ too low
>a whole chrome instance for a "web app"
>it's supposed to do well
Java approach looks awesome compared to it
In increasing level of complexity:
First 2 are FOSS. I use Kate 90% of the time since I'm too lazy to learn Vim right.
Best possible thing out of shittiest technology.
You mean autocomplete, you fucking retard? Get Microsoft's cock out of your mouth for 5 seconds so you can speak without using their marketing terms.
Read the full thread yourself. It checks for updates. If you don't like it, you can disable that too, which you didn't do.
I love it. I use it with gdb to code c++ apps under Linux. Git rebase conflicts are so easy to resolve...
Not sure if blind or troll...
Further in the thread its confirmed even with updates disabled it's still sending info to their server.
Notepad, what more do you need?
Honestly, I use bluefish. It looks like it was made in 1998 but it's actually pretty feature rich. If your doing a bunch of design work Brackets is good
Soyboys use vscode and vim. Stick with Emacs