GNU Sup Forumsirls thread

GNU Sup Forumsirls thread

Keep it worksafe

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I want to lick her vagina and install Gentoo over her Fedora partition while she's asleep.

Stop posting.

There are no girls on the Internet, user.



OP said Sup Forumsirls.




2/10 would not bang
messy work space
no cable management
uses memebook
excessively long hair
terrible outfit
uses cheap peripherals
why the fuck are the walls so dirty looking
terrible desk ergonomics

>t. kissless virgin
>muh the desk ergonomics is so terrible I surely won't bang you
drink some bleach already

fell for the bait

>wears GNU hoodie
>installs mint
Stallman just shed a single tear.

There are no GNU Sup Forumsirls. Anyone who claims to be is either lying, gay, or a cia trap.

>paid model

I don't think this shit even qualifies as bait, it's the oldest joke there is. is either baiting or retarded.

You can just tell she is about 5 years from turning to in a goblin ham planet

> facebook
Not a GNU girl. Probably staged that photo.

This is the only one I have.

>starts with butterface blatant titty streamer
>"keep it worksafe guise"
good job raising the bar, fag

>falling for a "bf whores out fake tit gf" scam

>tfw no nerdy girl (male) gf.

Why is it so hard to get one, lads? Why they only like other girls (male)?

Realistic looking reasonably-sized milkers?
I must be dreaming.


>80s mom jeans

>Why is it so hard to get one
Because you are gravely handicapped in the necessary social capital and skills, due to your genetics, life choices and circumstances.
Don't expect it to get any easier to get a quality mate without making an effort.


>The advantage of HGH face are DSL

Girls are faggots ok


I would hit it



"Hmmm, I'm a 6, I wonder how I can be a 7 or 8 maybe even a model? I know! Guy hobbies!!!"

(She wouldn't have made it guns or trucks, not even games, had to go full nerd)


LED skirt version or nothing...

Bet she has torpedo titties that all them vintage broads had.

Based Stallman


Someone post Ubuntu Blondie.



At that time she wanted to become a lawyer but was discouraged by friends and mentors because she was a woman. She sought work in the computer field partly because computer programming was a field that was open to women and partly because her geography teacher in the eighth grade had told her during a class discussion, "Mary Allen, when you grow up, you ought to be a computer programmer."
The irony


>baby's first linux

Legit or Jade Raymond tier?

>tfw I tried to get on the internet on it an that did not work


Linux is a kernel, a program in a system.

who's this? her smile seems so pure


Yu's early career was as a programmer for the King's Quest series for the Apple II although she had her own 3D engine projects that she sold to various companies.[2] She programmed for QuickDraw 3D, an early rasterisation API.[2] She worked on the game Zombie, and created the video game engine used in Spec Ops.[3]

Seems legit, that was before the whole "we need women in gaymin/ada Lovelace" crap



wew lad


The correct choice.





Good thread.

Love this track.




1/10 would not bang

Laugh if you like, that's Dona Bailey.
Dona Bailey is an American game programmer and educator who, along with Ed Logg in 1981, created the arcade video game Centipede.[1][2]
As a young programmer Bailey was hired by General Motors and trained in assembly language programming. She worked there for two years on displays,[3] and microprocessor-based cruise control systems.[4] She became interested in Space Invaders and the world of arcade games, another application of the work she was doing at GM.[3] She found out that Atari was using the same microprocessor in its games.[2]

BASED Dona Bailey

She must be the only real GNU girl itt

Nice pair!

I didn't laugh at her, I just thought the picture was humorous in a good kind of way

Let me do the ones that are frauds. I'll let you guys figure out the trends. Said women usually either work in management/startup despite calling themselves programmers, were found it to be frauds, or work in design




but it contains GNU software... what's your point


He installed Gentoo

I think you get the point.

Jesus Christ, the unimaginable horrors concealed by that dress.



>Show this in High School sex ed
>Teen Pregnancy Solved
>Wrestling Team sign ups skyrocket

She went out to lunch and she never came home

invented ethereum

Didn't she die already?


I couldn't hear anything and I thought for a second it might be a joke about how sound barely works on linux but actually my sound just wasn't working

> He installed Gentoo Forums.html

Did he get the sex change then?

Omg original pic/sauce?

>mum jeans
>actually owns Emacs apparel
>not using Vi
>terrible hair
>Grandfather's driving glasses

i love her so much i wish i was her bf