How do we get rid of Microsoft?

How do we get rid of Microsoft?

microsoft is getting rid of themselves soon enough

Stop using their products. You won't get updates if you're not connected to the Internet.

Why do Windows updates take so fucking long and require multiple restarts?

You don't, you use the LTSB version like any informed person

by installing gentoo

lay down talcum powder and buy some rid bait from the cleansers aisle at the supermarket.

wait, no, that's ants.

they don't, for me. perhaps your net connection and/or pc sucks donkey dicks.

also, i have an unfair advantage in that i shelled out the extra thirty bucks for a licensed version of win10. pirated versions may have problems.

Does Silent Hunter 3 play on Linux?

u now he is right. We should work for it.

>pirated versions may have problems.

In what year did people start fearing piracy instead of understanding how it works? MDL etc publish lavish details on how activators work, and clean activators abound. You can even modify BIOS for SLIC activation on older machines while removing hardware whitelists.

Not that Win10 even requires activation to use, but it's as if even the supposedly tech-literate PC users turned into retarded knigg3rz.

steve jobs died asking the same question

Make a better alternative.

By installing Gentoo, unironicaly.

>tfw on Linux full time

they still pretty much have desktops and laptops on lockdown, even with a shrinking PC market.

What's really fucking retarded is that after 3 years windows 10 is still not stable. I'd be using server if drivers weren't such a clusterfuck of incompatibility.

Microsoft is introducing a new "modern" OS, windows core os.

ok here's the plan:
first of all you & me learn .NET, then we start working at Microsoft
doesn't matter the position so long as we get in there
then, we just go in everday do the work, and gain their trust till we get them in the palm of our hand.

alright, so how do we get the money?

that's the beauty of it bro, they deposit the money into our bank accounts!
Week after week, month after month, they not even gonna know they being robbed
and twenty, thirty years later, we walk out the front door like nothing even happend!

by using windows 7 / windows 8.1 / linux / macOS / BSD

rather suck all the dicks then to be a massive hipster
[spoiler]ironically, that's how all gipsters are, haha[/spoiler]

>be a massive hipster
i dont see your point

staring at a blank screen for a couple of hours wondering why things are still like it was in the 1990s .. whether it'll hang, whether the machine will work again after "upgrade"

utter, utter garbage.

ubuntu etc, you can run a full upgrade while still working, with 1 reboot. upgrades are small, fast to retrieve.

>comes to Sup Forums
>bitches about windows
>turns down all the solutions

>How do we get rid of Microsoft?
Never happen. Even if Microsoft ceased to be an IT company, they do enough other things and own enough real estate that they'll never go away.

>get no performance or usability improvements ever
yeah no thanks

normies use phones and tablets these days
for games console
windows only has a marketplace in the offices

Some laws need to be passed so that Microsoft doesn't have a stranglehold on the games market.
You can mock people who play games on Sup Forums but fact of the matter is many people build a pc to move away from consoles for the extra functionality.
I find it really weird how they get away with this situation.

1. identify microsoft partitions
lsblk |grep -i ntfs
2. open drives with fdisk and change the partition type flags from "HPFS/NTFS/exFAT" to "Linux native"
3. fix microsoft partitions with one of the following
mfks.ext4 /dev/sdXY
mkfs.xfs /dev/sdXY
mkfs.reiser4 /dev/sdXY
mkfs.brtfs /dev/sdXY

Put out an OS that can actually be an alternative to Windows.

Soon we will have more Windows versions than Linux distributions.

Its OK to be gay.

You just have to game on gnu/linux exclusively and just buy games that are releases for that platform. Vote with your wallet, it's the only way things can change

Make an open source alternative that works for everyone's needs. On linux people wonder if their hardware will work and how will they get it to work. On Windows they don't have to worry because it will work, always, no matter what exotic shit you happen to plug in.

that's not something an OS developer can directly control
windows has support for everything because it's popular, so manufacturers develop windows drivers
some manufacturers don't develop linux drivers, as it's not as popular (outside of workstations/servers, where linux does get more manufacturer attention)

That may be, but it's a problem nonetheless. I breathe a sigh of relief when my printer decides to finally shit out a test page on a fresh linux install.

yea, but it's a chicken and egg problem, and ultimately up to hardware manufacturers
people are put off by lack of hardware support, and the lack of hardware support is because people aren't using it
frankly, it's amazing how much manufacturer-unsupported hardware IS supported by linux, thanks to community contributions. linux probably supports more hardware than any particular version of any other OS

speaking of printers, i doubt it's even much work for a manufacturer supporting macos to also support linux, considering both use the same printing system (CUPS)

So long as Microsoft holds Office tools and video games hostage, there's no way to get rid of them.


Words of a losing man.


SteamOS was supposed to spark an influx of Linux games.

Why are Office tools available for MacOS but not Linux?

Stop using microsoft software and then forget they exist.
It won't even matter if they're still around.