He doesn't use an ssd

>he doesn't use an ssd


I finally switched from a decade old HDD to SSD just a few months ago.
Sure there's a difference but I'm not getting blown away or anything.

>decade old HDD to SSD
>not getting blown away or anything

you fucking what?

>lel i posted it again

The biggest difference to me is that I barely notice when shit gets pushed to pagefile anymore, also fast game level loads is nice.

Other than that, so what if a program takes 3 instead of 10 seconds to start if you're going to use it for 2 hours anyways? Video editing is a big difference I guess, but I don't do several hours a week.

Don't fall for the NVMe memes, I don't notice any difference between my 6 year old sub-400mb/s ssd and my 3500mb/s 960 evo nvme.

It wasn't that much more expensive but it's not actually 7 times as fast as sata SSDs

I use sdd exclusively since 2009.
feels good man, I'm not poor so I don't give a shit about the price.

>any ssd's price being a huge amount of money
it's not about being rich or poor
it's about not being a retard with your money when these things were basically unproven when it came to endurance and a terrible deal when it came to $/gb

I don't give a shit about endurance as I can change whenever I want.
Speed and total silence are the only two things I care about.

>I don't give a shit about endurance

I have yet to see a ssd failure.

>he doesn't use a SD card to SSD adapter as a Linux boot drive and then run his system in a ramdisk for maximum I/O with low cost replacement and a dedicated USB 3.1 Swap drive


I'm a poorfag that's why. If I buy a hdd I want it for space not necessarily speed

Do you not download any media?

Just get a 120GB SSD for your OS.

let me guess, windows?

>s were basically unproven when it came to endurance
So then why are you using an HDD which can fail way easier than an SSD?

>he doesnt copy his entire storage tape to ddr3 ramdisk
>he hasnt collected RAM and storage tapes over the years

let me guess, down syndrome?

I torrent anime.
Usually horribleSubs 1080 so around 500MB and seed for around 20-30GB.
I do a lot of vm testing and play a lot of games and delete them when i'm finished.
SSDs having a short lifespan is a meme, sure you can get this faulty unit which will last 2 years but in general you can write a shitload of TBs until you ran into errors.

>torrent anime
Aren't you massively overpaying for storage then?

I watch when they're airing and delete when I seed around 100Kb.

I still use reg HDD for boot/system drive. Sure the boot times may be less with SSD but the difference ain't worth tossing out a perfectly good 7200 rpm drive to get it. Plus via windows sleep mode I can get back up to normal running speed in no time.

>I'm not poor so I don't give a shit about the price.
Then why aren't you using optane/ramdisk you disgusting peasant?

where is that webm from?

>volatil storage

>I don't give a shit about the price.
That's exactly what poor people say retard. Or rappers who go bankrupt in 10 years

Because it's better performance you disgusting poorfag. RAMdisk is pretty much non-volatile with a UPS. You have no excuse other than being poor.

It was prior to the Windows meltdown patch, and still is on Linux.

>disgusting poorfag
>no excuse other than being poor
Are you somewhat insecure?

I'm just imitating your own attitude and language

Nice try, I wasn't even the user you were replying to.

i want to FUG liru


I'm just imitating his attitude and language


>your own
>his attitude

>literally doesn't know the difference between sequential and random

boku no google

But I do... Silly OP
For the system only!!!!!

You are supposed to use SSD as a boot drive and keep your HDD for storage space you silly baby boomers.

what? What should I google for?
Why are being being this insufferable, geez

What is the windows meltdown patch?

Yes but im not interested in autismo data transfer shit, only load times and boot times matter to me

SSDs had horrible lifespan when they were first mainstreamed because OSes didn't have software support for them and did some really wasteful shitty things

Basically (to paraphrase wikipedia) SSDs can only delete an entire "block" of data at once (several hundred kb, based on some hardware structure inside the drive). When you send a command to delete a single byte of data within that block, the SSD has to copy the entire thing to a backup location, wipe the block, and then copy back everything except the thing-to-be-deleted. Operating systems were only designed to deal with hard drives, which have simple and cheap delete operations, and so whenever a user deleted something from the filesystem they would immediately delete it from the drive as well. With SSDs this causes a massive amount of read and write operations, significantly accelerating deterioration.

Modern implementations just keep a to-do list of "shit to delete when you get around to it", and then when the SSD actually needs to WRITE something to an occupied block (and thus needs to delete the unneeded data currently occupying that space) it deals with all the queued-up deletions for that block at once.

>never read ssd ready manual online

Lmao at your life

Lmao at your down syndrome

uh.. that was literally the case forever
there's a reason secure wipe has always existed

it wasn't the case when people were first talking about "holy shit ssds have no lifespan"

>only have hdd
>want ssd for muh load times
>can't afford ssd (technically can, but not in budget)
>hdd starts to fail
>forced to replace hdd
>definitely can't afford ssd now

come on breh
you gotta treat yourself sometimes

Fuck managing folders. I waited until I could buy a single SSD to replace all my storage for a resonable price. I don't regret it.

I still have my old HDD plugged in but use it purely for backup now


Liru the werewolf by seismic. A legendary game

>legendary game

he's better off going to the tube sites and watching the sex scenes

im going to nakadashi liru and you cant stop me


Fucking weeb kys

Fucking normalfag kys

how do I get this scene?

You need to transfers larges files and constant loading to see a real difference in workflow.

On my servers and Vegas this shit does help me.

No I won't degenerate

Why should I care about endurance if it lasts at least 5 or 6 years?
When it fails I'll just switch to a newer one.

>games and other stuff not bottlenecked by storage
Now show me the benchmarks with heavy storage I/O like file (de)compression, database use multiple VMs, etc. Not stuff even an HDD would be fine with.