When are you going to buy your next Huawei product? For some mysterious reason the FBI, CIA and NSA don't want you to buy them. I wonder why.

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>When are you going to buy your next Huawei product?
Why? My Nexus 4 works just fine.

Just because the NSA hates chink botnet doesn't mean chink botnet is good.
Neither one of these are good.

I'm euro, would rather be spied by great chairman Mao Zedong than you Trumplets.

>literally has to pajeetspam shill against fucking XIAOMI to sell their devices

Oy vey, dont let the chinese spy on you! Let us spy on you instead!

I trust the Chinese government more than what I trust American government.

Now I know which phone I will buy next.

There are such things as custom ROMs and Huawei phones which support them. You're not necessarily faced with choosing between two evils.

Emberassing, although their phones aren't bad by any stretch of the imagination.

LineageOS has like 5 huawei phones on their website.

>what is a hardware backdoor

Nice try NSA.

>What is closed source drivers + firmware

Anons, pick one. Say why if you feel like
>Chinese Botnet

I already have a huawei phone

>Chinese botnet is DANGEROUS! Only Amerifat botnet is good

Choose between those 5.

Well, we have democracy, you can choose who is collecting your data.

I'm not sure why I'm bothering when you didn't, but certainly unlockable bootloaders and open source custom ROMs are just what the NSA wants, right?

Something you could start us of by providing proof for. I'm not defending backdoors of any kind, I'm just not taking your word for it.

>mfw I have a ZTE phone

>we have democracy
not for long tubby

Is 2018 and people still believe democracy is real lmao

>not for long tubby

Well I am not american, or chinks so I like to think it is going to hold out for a while longer.

>Is 2018 and people still believe democracy is real lmao

Mate, it may be shitty, but it is still democracy. My grandpa remember how it feels under faschists or comunist, and what he says, makes hair stand on my back.

>relying on shitty pajeet ROMs in order to avoid malware
>not buying Librem 5

>I wonder why
Fucking CIA niggers I swear to God

>relying on shitty pajeet ROMs in order to avoid malware
I'm not going to dignify this half effort with a response.
>not buying Librem 5
Not available worldwide and not nearly as capable as Android.

What can the Chinese do outside of China, pee in your proverbial Coke?

Chinse, thanks.

soyboy cocksucking macfag site founded by the most disgusting hipster macfag that left engadget, which was already a cocksucking macfag site

he somehow managed to create an even more disgusting shitshow of a website

I don't think anybody will choose MURRICAN lol

Because they're quite literally spying, not just on you, but on everybody around you. Same goes for ZTE. Xiaomi surprisingly doesn't, despite being memed to death over that matter.

>not available worldwide
Just where the hell do you live?
>not nearly as capable
>full GNU OS
>not as capable as android
You're delusional. Not to mention you could always install Android if you wanted to, it still benefits from open source hardware and drivers. But you wouldn't need this since GNU can run Android apps if you install a compatibility layer like SailfishOS does.

Intel Management Engine


>on a phone
spotted the retard

I choose Xiaomi, so the answer is obvious.

>having your every move tracked by a foreign communist government because you wanted to save a few bucks on your phone.
LOL I hope comrade Xao Ling enjoys reading your green bubbles to fat girls.

>Not to mention you could always install Android if you wanted to, it still benefits from open source hardware and drivers. But you wouldn't need this since GNU can run Android apps if you install a compatibility layer like SailfishOS does.
Interesting. How are distros implemented and how powerful is the hardware?

>what are custom roms

>how powerful is the hardware?
Dogshit. The only thing stopping me from buying it.

>spoonfeed me
Read the link

The implementation looks like Android 1.6. And the screen is hardly anything to write home about. Other than that, hardware is decent.

Still, it's a year away.

>hardware is decent
I only wish it was 4GB RAM and 64GB storage. It would be a lot better seeing how the device will launch in 2019. Not to mention extra storage would be good since one of the selling points is that it would be able to dual-boot and even use it in "docked mode" as a desktop.
They confirmed they'll use MX8 instead of MX6 CPU, so that's good. Also a shame it only has bt 4.0 and not 5.0.
I hope they make a second revision of the device with all of this improved.
Here's also hoping GNOME won't be too much of a bloat on the device.

>Here's also hoping GNOME won't be too much of a bloat on the device
Here's also hoping GNOME won't make its way to mobile devices as well. Just a friendly reminder:
What would happen to the first FOSS phone then? Feature removal with each update?

Even this isn't proof of a hardware backdoor. The ME has come under significant scrutiny in recent years from security researchers and to my knowledge it's turned up two things:
A vulnerability in a web portal you had to enable that was so braindead (enter a zero length password) that it clearly wasn't a deliberate backdoor.
And a JTAG vulnerability that requires physical access to the machine (useless for mass surveillance, if you're under such scrutiny that they're breaking into your house to physically access your machine you're fucked anyways)

3GB is enough, it's the CPU and GPU that worry me. EVEN if they upgrade to M8 it's still, like, only equal to low-power cluster of modern phones, and the GPU only has 2 computing units of questionable performance.

I guess I should start using my Mate 10 Pro.

I bought my p10 a couple of months ago, used it for 2 months, then got tired of getting spied on.
Now its sitting there on my desk, until I can flash lineage or other to it.

You should've researched before choosing a phone. Model name + XDA - simple.

Aaah well... I like all the specs of the device,I like the camera, I just despise the software. But that's something that can be fixed

>But that's something that can be fixed
Hopefully. Huawei did release kernel source codes.

You cannot prove software backdoors either; your point is moot.

>Well, we have democracy
>we have democracy
>have democracy

So, why bring it up at all?

Huawei phones have BOTH chinese and american botnet. Having chinese does not automatically mean the other doesn't exist. Probably the american botnet detected the chinese one too.


>uawei phones have BOTH
At hardware level they have the MURRICA one too? I doubt it.

Probably it's a meme excuse, because huawei won't pay to MS a penny for their so called patents.

Then botnets cancel each other durrr


Is there proof?
Or it's just capitalist propaganda?

Just accept the botnet guys it's very comfy here

Yes, you can. You can run it in a VM and analyze traffic. It's trivial.

It's not like botnet can't detect that and act accordingly.

I always do the opposite from what murrifat say.

we live in a world where I trust that huawei products don't have backdoors but american phones do

>I'm euro, would rather be spied by great chairman Mao Zedong than you Trumplets.
I'm American and honestly I feel the same

I will probably buy a Chinese phone next

>having a SIM card
>implying you already don't have a hardware backdoor

>for some mysterious reason

To protect local economy from corporate espionage and external forces dumping prices

To protect state secrets

You really can't imagine why they would do that?

This is so old. People have been saying that Huawei phones have spy capabilities for years. And I'm pretty sure they already got caught for it in the past

>Well, we have democracy
We have a plutocracy. The easiest government money can buy.
>you can choose who is collecting your data
Not really, no.

I've been using a Huawei Honor with Lineage for about 6 months now. It was goddamn arduous to unlock, but since I've set it up I haven't had any issues.

I went with it because murrican companies don't sell phones that have removable storage because then they can't charge a premium for different tiers of the same phone as easily

Then log it at the gateway rather than using a virtual machine, hell if you're super paranoid splice some box of tricks into the ethernet cable itself.

>I wonder why.
They are not American corporations. It's really that simple. Where are iPhones made? Oh right, in China next to Huawei phones.

This reminds me of how the US Department of Justice issued a huge fine to UBS and some other EU banks last week. For.. order spoofing, market manipulation and the usual. No US financial institution was fined even though they are doing exactly the same, just worse. Gee, wonder why that is.

>hardware backdoor
This is obviously possible, indeed all cellphones have a separate broadband processor which can be considered a backdoor (think Intel Management Engine, it's a separate CPU with full access). But what difference does it make which phone brand you buy if that's something you are worried about when the phones are all made the same factory? Foxconn makes phones for Apple, Huawei and Xiaomi. Yes, really, it's all from the same factory.

None are so hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.

It really isn't. It's not Intel and not called a management engine but there's something very similar in every smartphone. The cellular modem needs to do quite a few things beyond just being a modem and all of them have a special CPU on it that (last time I read about it) had full access to memory and so on but the host OS does not have full access to it. Who knows what, if any, security implications there are. It's kind of a black box.

How hard would it be to cook up a vanilla android for the p10? I'd be willing to spend time on this, having only experience with customizing ROMs.

Yes! This is the great! Thank u fur the concern sir I will know whitch phon I will be purchase very soon the Huawei is very best!

>lineage only supports 3 year old huawei phones
Am I better off using an american phone with lineage + micro g, or a huawei phone with gapps?

Recent Huawei phones have in-house SoCs, and they can't get custom ROMs.

What? Mate 10 and P10 have their kernel on public.
The only think you should be worried about is the inevitable rise of our AI overlords.

Taking phone advice from US Gov't agencies :-\

I want to get a Xiaomi next year


And then there's this fag, this is pure cringe on so many levels its not even funny.

You seem to misunderstand an important thing.
Chinese espionage can't do anything physical, but three letters agencies can easily get you v&.

Bootloader is locked and undocumented. You can't load custom ROM.

It's a matter of time, TWRP will release one soon.

I don't really care about the performance, all I'd be doing on any device would be emails, calendar, sms and IM plus some standard calling. I'll be using KDE/Plasma mobile. Fuck Gnome. Fortunately both are officially supported on the Librem5 and you're free to choose distro.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha

Not just Phones. Lots of companies switched to Huawei network options because they undercut Cisco.

Their shit is leaky.

if the NSA would advise against sharing needles with homosexual heroin addicts would you do it?

I hope the FBI comes out stating that cyanide is poisonous and shouldn't be eaten just so all of you contrarian fuckers kill yourself.

Australian isnt democratic either. Richard Murdoch tells us who to vote for and we just do it.

> gommunism bad >:^(
Thanks for your contribution

we're not contrarians.
The FBI's interests do not align with those of the general public. When they accuse some products of spying on consumers, despite the fact that they themselves have been proven to do the same, there is clearly something fishy going on.
The most plausible reason is that there is no backdoor the CIA/NSA/FBI can access in these phones.
If you have another believable theory then go ahead and let us know.

>you can choose who is collecting your data
James Clapper disagrees

I miss my Nexus 4 so much

iphones processors are chineese.

>being controlled by Jews
choose one and only one

>3 gave birth to 1
that's a new magnitude of brainlet

wow good luck