i did it fags, hacked cable modem, i can say and do anything online and the fbi and cia niggers cant do shit, what should i do? best idea wins

Well do you have free internet or something??

How does hacking a modem magically hide your traffic from your ISP?

Explain hack in detail

>he doesn't know everything, such as provisioning and bandwidth limiting is done at the ISP's end
>he doesn't know they whitelist modems allowed on the network
>he doesn't know they associate modem's with addresses
OP, you should try

Put the modem up your ass and take time stamped pictures

Send your full name, phone number and address directly to the fbi and cia niggers and flaunt your newly found immunity

>what should i do?
Shitpost on Sup Forums.


???? CloudFlare????

>mfw OP also posted to Sup Forums
why are you such an attention whore?

>*chimps out and breaks open a cable modem*

What jtag programmer is that? I'm looking for a cheap one rn desu

What the fuck are you on about? Is this just Sup Forums being tech illiterate again?

no need for trailing slashes

>being this brainlet you don't recognize a jtag
kill yourself you underage cunt

back in the day you could actually hack cable modems to get faster speeds.

So what exactly did OP do?

>Not knowing what a decently specialised branch of tech is
must be a kiddo amirite bros xDD

That in addition to their post. It's an extremely childish style that you'd see on Sup Forums.

Ok, put me in the screencap. It'll be fun see my post in the Sup Forums retarded stuff thread.

>he doesn't know you can make your modem look like a technician's

You people are truly the worst people.


Kill yourself, shit splatter.

>Being this desperate
Get help

>hacked cable modem
Nigga all you did was break open the case on your cable modem. You're as much of a hacker as clock boy is an electrical engineer.

test *******""

It's interesting where they got that chance from, considering in germany alone 50 people are dying a year to refugees.

Americans everyone

If you count terrorism alone it massively increases the chance.

>t. ahmed

t. pol


Sup Forums is the new Sup Forums so if you don't like it, look away, or go back where you came from.

>if you don't like sucking muslim dick then you must be a nazi
You're so close to triggering my fedora tipping.

ahuhuhuhuuu you gotta get out

far right is a fad, reject.


ahuhuhuhuuu, everyone who disagrees with me but live in a small box

you people get more and more easy to throw in the trash

>implying you don't
Yeah, whatever makes you sleep at night.

lol i have a great life, most of the shitstormers i know are tree dwelling human trash, and the rest have mental disorders. I live in the real world not eastern block twitter

The triples have spoken user (), you know what you have to do now.

Hey Sup Forums, hypothetically what would it take for an edgy middle schooler to get away with threatening to shoot up their school?

TailsOS tor + a VPN + a proxy + an anonymous Sup Forums post?

a bullet to their own head should do it


By the way i did a hack that allowed me to obfuscate my password any time I type it. See? *********** It works!


Testing, does this thing work?


You have to buy a Sup Forums pass to delete your posts. Just put the 16 digit credit card code in the name field, with mastercard/visa/amex and the 3 or 4 digit code on the back of the card, all in one post, and the system will autodeduct the yearly $20 or whatever and you'll be able to delete your post in about 3-5 minutes.

delet -rf Okay, this better work or you're a double nigger


what the actual fuck???

This, but also send them some CP or something.

Seriously, you fell for that?

It must have worked, all I see from here is *************
Okay, now you should be able to chekc the square box at the top left of your post you want to delete, and then at the bottom of the page you click the 'delete' button that just showed up. Nice work!

It was supposed to delet post

Oh okay, that worked. Thanks m8!

It's been a pleasure memeing with you.
