Being at a computer all day isn't good for your eyes (as far as I know). What are some of your tips and tricks for eye care Sup Forums ?
Being at a computer all day isn't good for your eyes (as far as I know)...
It actually doesnt do anything to your eyes. It only causes eye strain but that goes away.
Not spending all day on the computer
Good room lighting.
Proper monitor calibration.
i use computers much more than normies and my eyes are much better than theirs. even most people that are younger than me are using glasses but i dont need them.
you need to use a film or wear "gaming" glasses to protect your eyes from high-energy visible light
or you a monitor that doesn't have massive blue spikes (aka 0.1% of monitors)
Dark as my soul themes. It honestly helps (and makes you looks cool)
Fake and gay. If you look at stuff close to you all the time and don't look at stuff not close to you you will get myopia.
How many carrots do you eat?
>or you a monitor that doesn't have massive blue spikes (aka 0.1% of monitors)
Or just fucking calibrate it.
Hydrate and eat carrots, at least one a day, they contain carotene which is what your cornea's needs for daily maintenance (ACE juice doesn't work and makes you fat fyi). Wash your face with cool water (not too cold) every 2-3 hours. Keep your eyes closed for 30 seconds, at least once a hour. If your eyes are flashing and it's not because of defective light bulbs in your room, then you need to take a break and wash your face, if you can sleep a bit too, if you don't rest it can cause permanent damage.
>eye strain but that goes away
Making an habit of straining your eyes will cause retinal detachment, dumb ass.
calibration does nothing against blue spikes unless you make everything yellow
This is probably the best advise i've seen in a while.
What about projectors?
Personal experience is the best way to learn, though I don't wish anyone to go through that.
Medically, they say it does cause eye strain but I have the best eyes out of my entire family and I've been looking at screens for at least 8+ hours a day since I was 3.
They should be better if they don't use leds or use high-cri uv-based leds
38yr old.
Been in front of a monitor last 29 (got my first computer at 9).
No glasses or problems of any kind...
Literally a myth designed to conceal radar in WW2
The carrot good for eyesight was disproved years ago.
Use red moon on your mobile at night. Available on FDroid
I use all dark themes for my software, helps a lot until you need google and your retina get burnt
A friendly reminder for a fucking RETARDS:
Carrots is GOOD for eyesight AT NIGHT
Do not fall for CRT meme
Some people can use a computer all day every day and have perfect eyes for their entire lives. All computers do is speed up the process of your eyes going bad. My parents had glasses when they were younger than I and they didn't grow up staring at screens.
I got myopia from reading at poor light around the age of 10.
It haven't gotten any worse in well over a decade of regular computer use.
Take breaks every once in a while and don't cheap out on your screen too much,
what if you work at computers? 8 hours pretty much is all day.
Is lasik a meme or does is actually work. Tired of wearing glasses and losing them.
It works for a while and then your eyes go back to being shit after a few years. My mom got it done back in 1999 and needed glasses again in 2010.
Myopia is a genetic disease. It has nothing to do with reading under poor lighting or looking at a screen or whatever.
Really? Damn. Maybe im stuck with glasses for life.
surprised no one has said to download f.lux
Bother got it about 5 years ago, went from 3.5 dioptre to 0.25. Has not gotten worse since, though I wouldn't take that as a guarantee it won't get worse later.
>genetic disease
Is it? Both my parents are farsighted, yet I am nearsighted.
Got it done in 2010. Absolutely fucking magical, and my eyes are still reasonably good today. Even if you go back to needing glasses in 5 years, it's still awesome while it lasts.
10/10 would have both eyes go bright red for a week for it again.
Considering that I did thousand of pages under diode equivalent of small candle flame and that nobody two generations back in my family had myopia I find the explanation of bad habit somewhat more plausible than that of genetic inevitability.
They don't realize it because they never go outside and look long distances.
It is. My parents were convinced computers were the devil, so when I got myopia they saw it as the perfect excuse to keep me from ever touching a computer again, but every doctor they took me to (and they took me to a fucking lot of them) told them that eyestrain like from staring at a screen or whatever couldn't cause permanent damage like that.
Sup Forums falling for British propoganda
Have your desk next to a window, and download an app that reminds you to look out of the window every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds.
20/20/20 rule. You should be looking at least 20 feet away.