Guys, seriously!!!

Guys, seriously!!!

Stahp it now!!!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

how badly do you have to program your software to let a fucking character crash it wtf

apple hired gays and women


>"leave aplul alone ;_;"

Soo, whats the character?

its in the title are you blind or using an iphone?

>"AsMashablenotes, this is harder to address than using webmail to delete an email, or letting your friends know that the joke is old already. You need to access twitter on a non-Apple device, and then search for the character in your Twitter feed, blocking them."

have fun

But I’m on an iPhone జ్ఞా doesn’t crash it

try this link:

Apple OS devs are absolute jokes, there are 5 ways to crash iPhones with a link/unicode character combos that I know from the top of my head.

[spoiler]i got it from wikipedia[/spoiler]
thought they hid the real one

Post the real one, nig.

They have a secret set of sexist homophobic characters that triggers the kernel into cant even.

So, what exactly makes apple devices to crash when they try to display that character?

I accidentally clicked on something and it fucked up my firefox session on Windoze

good now go download a real browser like chrome or opera

thanks user

should have hired a few telujeets

Those are botnets


I'm on Debian and I watched three of my CPUs go up to 100%.

Google did it as well.
Remember when a % sign could crash Chrome? kek

I remember using Chrome Canary to test out some WebRTC stuff, and I sent it a string of Unicode characters which led it to use all of my 32 GB RAM, and forced me to restart my computer.

I stopped testing Canary after a similarly shitty bug one time.
Hell, I can't count how many times normal release versions have corrupted peoples installs, profiles or the updater itself!
Google are incompetent as fuck.

Still nothing

Not even the first time user.

try this
జ ్ ఞ ా

Good thing I use Linux and can't see that character at all.

1 core CPU to 100% and my system becomes slow as fuck and firefox crashs

>kde neon user

I guess real browsers and not half baked pretend ones are botnets then.

women i agree with but traps make the best programmers

Never happened to me and I've been manually moving my profile from canary to dev to chromium to google chrome beta for years.

An idiot is someone lacking in intelligence, like Apple users who buy into excuses such as Apple telling them that they held the iPhone 4 wrong. Malicious intent doesn't equate to idiocy unless the malicious intent fails in its task, like Apple failed in its task of providing a quality serves and Apple users failed in their tasks by being low IQ humans who buy Apple products.

>telugu character
>i know an indian word so threfore i am cool and culturally informed

hang these faggots holy shit

Huh. I was certain this was going to be about how Apple had already fixed it for virtually all iPhones and the trolls were just wasting their time.
But apparently not.
What an awful company.
Carry on.

No it makes sense to say it by name. First of all a Mac oriented website wouldn't want to show it. Even if it was malign. It also gives some idea of pronunciation. Which is useful for communication. They want people to talk about it in coffee rooms.

>instead of getting mad at apple for releasing broken software they get mad at everyone else
the state of macfags.

How sad is it that an iDevice can't even crash properly?

Happened to Runescape years ago too. Thousands of players disconnected and couldn't understand why.

wow, rude

>an indian symbol is used by android users to crash iphones
says something about what kind of person Android users are, hmmmm


It’s already been fix you mongoliod. Have fun waiting until 2030 to get Android 8 on soy powered meme phone.


People unaffected by text causing apps to crash?

Made that one tab lag like hell+ firefox bloated to 2gigs of ram, and still lagged like hell after i closed the tab.

Had to kill the process.

He said gays, not traps. I know both are disgusting degenerates, but know the fucking difference you fuck.

>tfw ryzen on manjaro, 0 fucks given


wtf i love pajeet now

It already got fixed.


Doesn't work
Let's try this

What am I supposed to do

send the link in imessage like this user

>I-It's not gay if I g-get dicked by a trap

that doesn't make them idiots just because they are doing something you don't like

Telugu is the language and the writing system. It's the same as saying 'Latin character'.

lmfao try this try that try those XDDD
may be at least this works?
t. tryhard poodroid fanboy

>mfw 4 year old versions of actually proper mobile operating systems like BBOS10 don't have this problem.
apple kek