Which password manager is the best?

Which password manager is the best?


A piece of paper

Gray matter


best one would be the one you wrote yourself. You could make your own private file format,and maybe add some steganography and for example hide passwords db inside of a movie file.

Srs answers only pls

google it nigger

I like LastPass. But i also like (you)'s

A piece of paper except you seriousky have more user/passwds than what you can fiill in a few pieces of paper.

What do you think of LastPass vs Dashlane?


the same pass

Rolling your own crypto is always the best.

What do if someone steals the piece of paper?
The best password manager is your brain. There are many ways to create secure passwords that you can remember.

Google Keep [spoiler]:)[/spoiler]

scanned and saved in a protected rar


Grey matter 2018 edition

LastPass was bretty good, my old company used it.


Keepassxc is not bad

I use keepassxc (and i run it as separated user)

>Keeping your passwords in the cloud
Your old company deserves to get pwned

If you aren't carrying sensitive data you shouldn't worry ir just buy a safe.

>There are many ways to create secure passwords that you can remember.
Can you remember dozens and dozens of long and complex passwords?

I bet you can't.

Why not just store them in your clipboard utility for convenient pasting?
>It's also nice to be able to screenshot to clipboard, then drag from the image tab to the browse button.

This one:

openssl aes-256-ecb -d -nosalt -in my_grandma.gif 2>/dev/null | tr -cd [:graph:] | fold -w16 | head -n16 | nl


I can. There are many ways to choose a complex password that you can remember.
An example: you choose proverb that you like, and you create your password by taking the first or the last char of each word.

>There are many ways to choose a complex password that you can remember.
That means they're not secure.

>An example: you choose proverb that you like, and you create your password by taking the first or the last char of each word.
We're back were we started. Can you do this 40 times? And remember each of them?

The problem isn't to come up with *one* secure, complex password, it's to come up with *dozens and dozens* of them.

and remember them all.

That is what I do. I do not trust the password managers.
And keep the passwords on a piece of paper is too risky. I trust only (for the moment) my brain.

I write on a piece of paper the key to make my password for the first time. But in a week, the key is stored in my brain and I can shred the piece of paper.

No bitwarden?

So you're using the same password across your services?

Encrypted txt file, duh.

I use a method that works like this:
I have a strong password and a weak password.
My password for a given site (example.com) becomes: easy_hash((strong/weak)pw|salt|example.com)

where easy_hash is a function hash function that I can perform in my head.

This means I use unique and strong passwords everywhere and it's easy to remember.

No I have a password for each website

lol, more like gay matter xD

keepass2 with masterpassword and key file in an sd card, stored in my wallet. If I lose my sd card I have a backup key in a safe in my room.
this or with diceware

UNIX pass + browserpass-ce + git

It's a good idea, thank you.

Your brain, faggot.

Keepass / KeepassXC compatible open source types for Android (keepass2android for instance) . Alternately, PassMan which is a self hosted module for NextCloud (PassMan.cc) .

I'll one up your workflow, sharex has a hotkey with which I can take a screenshot, then I just ctrl v while posting like this

Plus I have set up another hotkey for uploading

And then your mother finds. Just use an encrypted FOSS solution.

I am looking into switching over to Bitwarden too but I'd prefer to wait for a full security audit.

keepassxc is ok, never tried anything else though

Its open source. You can run it on your own server. Or is that not good enough? Genuinely curious be cause I use it

>Which password manager is the best?
And why is it keepass ?

text document on your desktop

>pay $10 /year to get yubikey 2FA and TOTP

You're right. And you name your text document "mypasswords".

>shred the piece of paper.
no, you have to burn it

I cross out the key with a marker and I shed the piece of paper. That is enough.

What does this do?

Am I a brainlet?

Nothing that masquerades as a free service offered through a browser. Why the fuck would anyone trust something like that. Keepass for the win.


Bitwarden is god tier

The one you wrote yourself
100% no botnet, unless you're a fag


Only if you how to implement it correctly.

whats the difference between Keepass and KeepassX?

KeepassX has a capital X on the end of its name

Noon question here from someone that never tried a password manager. When you have a password manager in your computer and it generates a password for you in a specific site, if you want to access that site in your phone how you get the password?


keepassxc is better.

Wow this is neat I think i might switch from KeePass to this

Except it doesn't protect against dictionary attacks like keepass

Keepass 2.

>Which password manager is the best?
I keep a keepass database on my nas and sync it to my phone whenever I'm home using ITTT.
It's FOSS and lets you customize your database enough for me.

Keepassxc. It sucks, but all others suck more.

Use a cloud manager like Dropbox which also has a mobile version.

Store your database on that cloud. Then access it using the mobile version of your manager. For security, encrypt your database with a key file in addition to your master password, and store that file elsewhere.

That's how you have your accounts compromised.

Or use a proper password manager and save yourself the hassle.


KeePass = Bitwarden > Master Password > 1password > Last Pass

lol. Security by obscurity.

>living with your mother
>your mother is living


I switched LastPass to Dashlane last year.
But I don't see any significant advantages.

Google chrome

Just keep your aluminum hat on, and no one can read your thoughts, user. Stay safe and secure.


A good long password it's better than using a botnet software or scrambled random passwords!.

Is in theory uncrackable yet memorable.


ur fucking brain u mong

Chome remembers passwords.

>Enter complex password in an obsecure site
>my chains are broken

Who are you quoting?

Fucking hell! Kek

There is such a thing as using a crypto lib, dumbass

what the fuck i just ran this and my computer won't boot. very funny how do i fix this?

Except you have to change a password due to policy or it got compromised

Now you have to remember whether it is example.com1 or example.com2 or example.com3 or example.com4 etc.

Also if your hash and salt are compromised (ML is getting better every day), you have to change every single password on every site.

Good luck with that.

> Except you have to change a password due ... compromised
This happened once so far, it's a good reminder which sites you can't trust. And very easy to remember.

> Also if your hash and salt are compromised (ML is getting better every day), you have to change every single password on every site.
Wrong, an attacker would still need my password (PW). Remember I use easy_hash(PW|salt|sitename).
Also this would require an extremely targeted attack, where an attacker would obtain enough different passwords to learn how I do it. Practically impossible, and if I ever was the target of such an attack, it would be much easier to just break my legs to get to my passwords.
My passwords are save with my method.

literally this

Do people actually use these? Even when I was like 9 I knew to stay the fuck away

Yes, this is the safest password manager.

Are you using the same salt everywhere?