I guess i'm finally switching to something else.
The absolute state of google
just download an addon to fix this
no problem
The bing image search is actually really good too, don't do this google
does chrome have an addon for this?
I'm more upset by the mentality of this change. This sets more precedent for them to keep doing this bullshit in the future, an extension wont be able to fix everything.
>This sets more precedent for them to keep doing this bullshit in the future
Google has been doing dumb bullshit for a decade, what precedent is this exactly?
I'm aware google has always done things like this, this was just the tipping point for me.
Hover zoom
Is this for advertising or what? I use google image search because I don't want to visit the website it's on.
How the hell did google get punked by Getty images?
I believe its related with some dispute with Getty images not knowing how to exclude their photos from image searches.
What's the reasoning behind this? I'm guessing it's to force users to go to the websites and view Google served ads or some similar reason?
Goddamnit, I don't want to navigate the hellhole that is Pinterest for random images. I'd rather not visit websites I'm not familiar with either.
>Right Click
>"View Image"
Don't mind me.
That isn't going to give you the full size, just the thumbnail.
It works for the vast majority of sites. All of those that don't work, didn't work with the "View Image" button either.
are you dumb fucks not even aware that this is part of a court-ordered settlement in the EU
oh wait this is the internet so of course nobody can fucking google something (heh)
>this is part of a court-ordered settlement in the EU
No it isn't
you don't need any addon, right click using firefox and the effect is the same...
>Today we’re launching some changes on Google Images to help connect users and useful websites.
>This will include removing the View Image button.
What a load of bullshit.
Like, not even the usual kind of corporate bullshit but legitimately and obviously hypocritical. There's a reason peopled used the view image button when it was right next to the already existing "visit image source" button.
it opens the full size image (at least in Firefox)
View Image? That's what most websites seem to be recommending. From what I can tell, it restores all the functionality that Google removed, including the "View Image" button and the "Search by Image" hyperlink. The source code is hosted on github.
Never thought I'd use bing or yandex over google.
Please tell me this is not real. Viewing the image by itself is a $1,000,000 idea.
Aw fuck it's real.
t. right click and view image in new tab
Senpai, it doesn't work on chrome, it just comes out with the same resolution as the thumbnail
and I am far to lazy to click 3 times over 2
>we removed the only useful feature, other than reverse image search, from google images
they actually removed that too somewhat, the direct button is gone but I think the functionality is still there.
Some dumb fucking dispute with Getty images.
oh, nevermind. I looked at the twitter page and they've removed that too. Now you have to copypasta the link into reverse search yourself, if you dont install extensions to do it for you.
I wonder how they'll be fucking up YouTube soon? It seems like we're overdue for a feature to be removed or ruined.
I really am tired of google's bullshit. Sup Forums need to get rid of these FUCKING CAPTCHAS. They're a pain in the ass if you block google's tracking faggotry.
Unironically using software with a universal backdoor.
>I wonder how they'll be fucking up YouTube soon? It seems like we're overdue for a feature to be removed or ruined.
Implementing DRM so youtube-dl doesn't work anymore. You know it's coming. There's too many shekels being lost here.
Says the guy using a processor with a universal backdoor.
Because people just went to google images to fetch the image link and hotlink it without visiting the page, and that meant no ad clicks.
They're trying to get people to visit the pages, so they can get more ad views.
Of course, you can still view image with a simple right click, but a lot of tech illiterates don't know this, which is most of Google users.
Bing is unironically better for media anyway
They've been doing their best to fuck up Youtube creator-side for a while, we are due for a consumer-side fuck up.
A simple script should fix it
document.onclick = () =>
document.querySelectorAll('.irc_mi').forEach((e) => e.parentNode.href = e.src);
but instead of creating a button, I thought it'd be better to just click directly on the image
Just switch to ixquick for regular searches and bing for porn/images
oh okay
get(ty) fucked
just switch to duckduckgo already.
It's the lesser evil when compared against other search engines and just works fast, reliably and well. My only issue with it is that they wont let anyone independently verify their claims of protecting user privacy. It's a glaring flaw but still the least flawed option as far as I can tell.
If you're a total autist I suppose you can use that piece of shit searx.
PSA: you can right click the expanded image and click open image in new tab to work around it. Google still hotlinks the images instead of mirroring them
In chrome, right click and open image in new tab desu
>people don't know this
just middle click or triple tap the image
with how many threads there are, yeah.. a surprising amount here on Sup Forums didn't know it
what about videos longer than 4 minutes and shorter than 20? ever think about that ?
Way way way ahead of you. images.google.com does not function without non free JavaScript.
what about Startpage?
these people have no idea of what they're doing and have a TV mindset
>can't search for older than some date
>can't search for exact words in the title
>can't blacklist anything
>a fuckton of unrelated playlists made by pajeets show up
This is fucking annoying. I've wanted to search for specific older videos many times before, but the """"""filtering"""""" seems like it was written by a spoiled kid who only cares about shitty memes and minecraft videos.
>mfw I use duckduckgo and can view image no problem
>open image in a new tab
now this.
>open image
>Hotlinking not allowed!
What the fuck is a Getty?
Reverse image search has been shit for years.
What is Getty images and why is image display a problem to them?
you mean jewjewgo? that's worse than jewgle
Getty != EU
Can you get the show all sizes functionality back?
This was likely done because of some copyright claims that said google was responsible for allowing images to be stolen since they gave users a way to avoid the site it was from and get a direct image source. they are basically covering their ass.
What if you could, like... input a number? Might be too advanced for one of the biggest IT companies on the planet.
>not using duckduckgo for images, which provide a cached version of what you want to see which prevents a site hit and any annoying "sorry you can't view this image unless you go directly to the site" bullshit
>reading comprehension
I honestly don't care that much.
A lot of the time you just get an error that hotlinking is disabled or the site redirects you to the page that has the image on it anyway.
>view image
>view the thumbnailed image
Wonderful plan.
It's probably because everyone complained that it's no better than hotlinking, which Google fell for
I dont have this problem on firefox
>It's the lesser evil when compared against other search engines
>censors 90% of all sites
>mines shitcoins
>forms the datamining triangle with Google and NSA
>logo is a retarded fucking duck
>Getty drops lawsuit against Google in exchange for controversial image search changes. ...
Nothing to do with the EU, it's a private agreement between two corporations you absolute moran.
> oh no! a private company is trying to make profits! how ebil~
Start your own image search engine, then, if you think you can do better than Google.
>le it's a private company, start your own meme
and how would one start at doing that?
it always picks the highest resolution available, not just the thumbnail.
>and how would one start at doing that?
If I knew the answer to that, I'd be a billionaire by now. But I don't complain about it just because somebody else is smarter than me to start a company that is profitable.
Nice source you got there.
oh no!!!
You need to click one more time to get to the picture!!!!!
Thats unacceptable!!!
>can't search for exact words in the title
>can't blacklist anything
These are wrong.
>so users can see images in the context
>images is on reddit/some forum
>the link doesn't show the image at all
Half the pictures you'd click will send you to some add ridden script haven of dogshit that you'll have to scramble through just to get the picture you want T
>state of google
Google didn't want this shit.
They lost a legal case against Getty.
Part of the ruling was that they had to remove the "view image" button.
Fucking retarded lolbertarian drek.
Holy crap, I didn't even know google had that feature. I just right clicked the image and selected "view image" from the dropdown menu.
What I don't get: why does this affect all images?
Why not just remove the button for Getty images only?
Then everyone else would come after them and win in court. Precedent is precedent. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending them or anything, that's just how the law works. This is absolutely stupid as shit. There's almost no reason to use google images now since the reverse image search is fucking ass now, too. Fucking eurofag courts.
desu, it's shit, I always end up using google in the end because I can't find what I'm looking for.
solution is simple. just use a better search engine.
Then why not just remove in certain regions?
never even seen this feature
Always right clicked>view image
or right click>copy image location and paste in browser
which are both still present for me, not even mad
Well, technically the old solution was a dick move by google. They ripped the content off a site and delivered it to the user without the user ever even loading said site, cutting the site of any views and revenue.
>t. getty images
Because it wasn't a euro court ruling, it's an agreement getty and google reached themselves. They weren't forced to do it in a certain region, they chose it as the beat course of action.
There’s always Searx, Startpage and DuckDuckGo
So you want google crawlers to do all that for you?
That's because it doesn't work...
Never mind. I must have clicked on a thumbnail for a thumbnail.