NVIDIA Turing is a Crypto-mining Chip Jen-Hsun Huang Made to Save PC Gaming



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What is even better is that the memory modules were probably specially made by samsung for the sole purpose of mining too. At least thats my wager based on samsungs announcements for crypto specific ram.


>two threads, at least , driving traffic for pajeetpowerup
great garbage collecting



or they could just...increase production and reduce prices

>nvidia focusing on miners and rewarding them with their own gpu architecture is somehow good for gamers
they will either shift all their capabilities into mining cards or have both gaming and mining cards sold out
either way, gamers will loose

>Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pickups are bad for us sports cars owners

That's the hardest path, as this requires building more IC plants, and they take years and billions on billions of dollars to manufacture.
And when you finish building those things, apple come and literally buys all the lines .

that's not even remotely applicable
If you make something that literally prints money, you can not make enough of it
no matter how many gpus nvidia makes, miners will want even more of them
the only way of preventing miners from buying gaming gpus is to make them too expensive and that will fuck gamers even more

or they could make so many cheap cards that every miner would be able to buy hundreds of them and soon the entire cryptocurency market would crash

That's so weird, nvidia doing something pro-consumer? Unheard of.

>t. nVidiot coiner

if it earns them (a lot of) money, why not? it's not a secret they are greedy jews

do you remember how much nvidia invested for pascal?
designing gpu architectures is not cheap and nvidia will try their hardest NOT to crash crypto and make as much money as possible
even if they did, the fact that 1050ti's and 1060's are where they are right now proves that nvidia does not have the capabilities to make enough (cheap) gpus to satisfy miners

Eth mining goin to be dead soon. Nvidia tryin to act like gaymin angel

And then they do something else like eth.

Except there's no way in hell this will catch on when miners can still count on selling used cards to retards who buy them at a discount without taking into account the constant 100% load they were under.

most coin is goin asic and pos, Cryptonight the only one But amd just to far ahead of nvidia in this

Why would a miner purchase a gaming gpu when the mining cards are more efficient at mining?

they wont. not if any decent supply can be maintained.

You need to be 18 or older to use this site

then why are you still here?

Kys yourself faggot. Also read a fucking book on tech companies and economics

>nvidia management certainly don't make their prices awful just so they can enjoy their 10k $ champagne every weekend
and you're still here

all retardo faggots who don't understand nvidia has only one goal and its to sell GPU's to consumers

but they don't do it out of the kindness in their hearts. they make money

yes you are agreeing with me

when did i say they cared about how you feel

you said that i don't understand when i understand perfectly

>Why would a miner purchase a gaming gpu?
Resale value. No one will buy second hand miner cards.

>either way, gamers will loose
Good. Fucking babyish manchildren


>buy all turings

>when the turings are gone, buy all the gaming chips too, because it's still worth it.

you guys are just plain fucked. hate to tell ya it.

GPU prices continue to rise -> PC gaming slowly dies -> gaming eventually becomes console-only, for the most part

And AMD owns basically all of the console GPU market.

>implying op is a cryptonigger


maybe Sup Forums will be free of Sup Forumsermin now

Individual miners buy tens of thousands of cards as long as they're available to buy.

And his point doesn't still stand? Obviously the demand is high since the prices are so far above MSRP. Stop being a faggot, nowhere did he imply that increasing production would be easy.

why buy that when they can keep buying gpus and then sell off their used goods later?

They want, but they cant.
Blame Samsung, SKHynx and Micron going full jew.
China is forcing Samsung to increase production atleast.

$/Hash per second.

They made trillions off this GPU run, fucking bitches. They could've released it 4 years ago if they wanted.
Fuck you, I'm not buying a GPU for the next 5 years, I managed to get a new 1050 Ti for less than 170 euros by pure luck last year.

Still, I'm so glad all the retards who stocked on GPUs are now completely BTFO. Enjoy your monthly bills, retards, you won't make any profit from the next difficulty level.

Exactly what I thought. It's a band-aid fix, only solution is to make gaming cards incompatible with mining.


You'd have to be daftto buy a used card these days, it's almost guaranteed to have been abused to hell and back by some mining faglord


>user is jelly that he doesn't have a wife that buys him videogames

And that he fucks bareback every night without annoying kids around.


Cool wife, no kids and video games sounds awesome to me.


Puts a new meaning to "not having the balls" to do something. Like not getting a vasectomy.

Vasectomy does not mean having your balls removed.

degenerate soyboy cant have kid anymore. good i guess

In reality miners will still buy all gaming cards and only once they sold out buy the mining ones

It actually does when you think about it soyboy.

nah, Ampere will have poor mining performance

>Has Sup Forums memes on his PC
>Tells others to go to Sup Forums
You gotta go back.

>tfw your wife is two-timing while you're hospitalized but she feels bad about it and gives you xbone for get well present


>runs out of stock
>miners go back to buying gaymer GPUs as usual
Lol, retards. Nvidia is trying too hard to pretend they are trying to "save" gaymen, and nvidiots keep falling for it, lmao.

They are not, they simply want to create a fake image.

>crypto goes down: nvidiots think their favorite company saved them
>crypto skyrockets: they get more cash from miners, Turing GPUs quickly go out of stock together with the gaymen GPUs, nvidiots claim they "at least tried"

How the fuck does this save PC gaming when the problem is that the market has turned into a DRM/MTX shitfest.

What's MTX?

Unless the Turing cards are so good for mining that gaming cards become huge downgrades or they find a way to disallow mixing cards like that.

Plus they might be able to really hammer out the Turing cards. Miners wont care about looks, only that they keep cool, don't suck power and can mine effectively. They'll probably produce them in the cheapest place they can and ultimately roll in money for as long as the Crypto game keeps going.

>I'm a business adult, I only do business adult things


I too wish to know what the fuck user is talking about

>preteen's first narcissistic breakdown
How embarrassing