A few years ago Sup Forums decided on the phone of Sup Forums. That was the moto g 1st gen...

A few years ago Sup Forums decided on the phone of Sup Forums. That was the moto g 1st gen. The times have changed and chink phones have entered into the market with insane specs for cheap. It is now time to decide what the next phone of Sup Forums is.

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moto g 5th gen

huawei p9

i hope the oreo update introduces treble (unlikely) so
i can use the camera properly on AOSP Oreo

Normie phone.

Xiaomi mi 4

iPhone 6S

>Sup Forums

chinese backdoors.

nsa backdoor.

>chinese backdoors.
use LOS

>complains about chinese backdoors
>every single phone is made in china
Really makes you think.

Xiaomi mi a1

just get an old nokia/samsung and root it with whatever custom rom you're using, much better than trying to circumvent a shady fucking chink phone with a CPU backdoor.

Why is this even a question? iPhone 8 is obviously the superior choice.

How a little 1800 mAh battery lasts 7 hours screen on + 65 hours standby with 20% left is a complete mistery to me but there is literally no Lagdroid capable of this with a battery that small.

Pixel 2 xl my brothers

This desu

I think Sup Forums wants at least an SD slot for more space.

iphones are oversized, overpriced fragile pieces of shit prone to overheating and of course they have proprietary parts so apple can jew you for more money to fix it themselves when you eventually break it since that POS is made to break.

not only that but apple is affiliated in PRISM


chink botnet

What in the fuck would you need more than 64gb for? I've already downloaded more apps than I'm ever gonna use and I still have 43gb left.
>But muh music
Apple Music gave me 3 months for free, and even if I imported all the CDs I own to iTunes I would still have like 30gb left.

>since that POS is made to break
My old 4s lasted 7 years, choke on a million dicks.

>Apple Music

Streaming services are all shit, there are no exceptions.
Download all your music to an SD card.

>My old 4s lasted 7 years, choke on a million dicks.
>works on muh machine
come on

Do those work in the US?

since you have a motog 1. be sure to buy a phone that at least has a glass like the gorilla glass your phone already have. pretty sure you dont want to look like all of those normies with cracked screens

They have cracked screens because they put them face down.

>anime poster
Gay backdoor

Redmi Note 4 and G5(s) Plus
>big batteries
>focused on performance and value
>powerful and battery friendly SoCs
>clean Android (at least for Moto)
>still have headphone jacks

oh and obviously microsd cards for storing RMS pics


too expensive for Sup Forumsentoomens

Do they xiomis have removable batteries?

Moto g was the lowest cost play edition phone at the time.

That means it had updates straight from Google and no bloatware.

There are no chink phones that meet these criteria you mouth breathing lain shitposter.

>using phones
enjoy your botnet

neck yourself

Is there a non-botnet phone?

You know you can flash them right?

What is the Xiaomi A1 then?

Chink phones lose automatically because they're all proven to phone home to China. Moto G5 Plus is my pick, I just wish they spent the extra $2 for 802.11ac.

>storing pics of our lord and savior RMS on a non-free file system

No matter what you do someone is going to spy on you. Chink or not. And they are cheaper.

>No matter what you do someone is going to spy on you

wait a little longer and buy a librem 5 when it comes out next year



>cannot have locked bootloader
>unlocking bootloader does not void warranty
>active development community

That alone rules out 98% of phones.

Nokia 6020

5.5inch screens are .5 inches too big for a smartphone imo.

Moto G5s is perhaps a better option.

you forgot the most important ones: replaceable battery and SD card slot.

I've been using my 1st gen moto g anyway. It just works.

iPhone X.

Librem with Gentoo obviously

Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X (3/16) for $126.99 on AliExpress.

t. Chang

Nice (no) to meet you, Chang. How new are you?

It's okay chang you don't need to be so defensive, we already know you've been shilling chink botnets

Posting this from my G5 Plus, started with Moto G2, then 3, 4 and 5 now. I think I like them, but I will wait till G7 Plus S

Second g5 plus, using it right now

iPhone X

iphone 5s of course

But that is true.

Xiaomi Mi A1


Nokia 625, Moto G1, Moto G4 and now on an X4. Nokia still runs, G1 was brilliant bar a shit camera, no cover ever and the screen is perfect. G4 was possessed by gremlins, ghost touch above 25% screen brightness, but felt great in the hand. X4 is comfy, feels like how the Moto G should have been by now.