Why are japs still using java and flash Sup Forums? I though asians were good at science and tech
Why are japs still using java and flash Sup Forums? I though asians were good at science and tech
They are, but Japan is doing a weird mix between high-tech and old low-tech
They just wont stop using something they like cuz us uld.
They very rarely replace systems. Any new systems they put in are recent tech, but it goes in right along side old systems if those old systems are still working.
because it just werks
They copy and perfect things, they don't create or adjust well.
What a bunch a cuties
They already have 3d holograms, the real deal, but the device to create them looks like some abandonware out of my uni's science department warehouse in facts.
Chinese are the big brained high tech Asians
Japanese are wannabe westerners who haven't evolved past the 80s/90s
But what if I don't like sluts? Can I post juju instead?
They still use chopsticks and windows xp lmao
>I though asians were good at science and tech
Going to assume by "asians" you mean Japanese. And they are good with science and tech. What they AREN'T good with is computers. At all. Even a little. No one actually owns the damned things, and they don't want to. The PC98 was the last "big" persocom and even then it was a flash in the pan in the grand scheme of things.
They love them some cellphones, though. "Keitai Culture" is a thing.
>japs are the original phone posters
And it's ogre onion levels of layered, too. Even their subcultures have unique ways of using and interacting with phones.
Japs aren't good at tech, they just dream big and aren't afraid to get out there and make their weird shit (VR sex sims, Gundams, Miku hologram concerts, etc.) happen.
that is chink.
nips actually invent shit but can't compete on the business side.
they use windows 10
is this her?
can't tell.
arr rook same.
Yes and this one is Sakura
In this case, they both do look alike.
time for gasaraki
>Japs aren't good at tech
I wish we were like this sometimes. I hate how we (the west) always fall into hype memes and leave piles of shit behind for foolish reasons.
>Why are japs still using java and flash Sup Forums
those are one thing (they are still getting updated to this day).
The real problem is that they still use xp, xp-tier niggernet exploder and fucking SHIFT-JIS when every fucking OS supports Unicode since forever.
>The real problem is that they still use xp
Everyone still uses XP.
>Americans gobble every new trinket to keep up the capitalism from falling apart
>The rest of world, German quality, never breaks, practical, if it's working then there's no need to replace it unless there's something better.
Really, it boils down to these 2 mentalities. Also Americans rarerly release their consumerist trinkets abroad.
Lots of proprietary tech from asian supercorps.
No you really wish you don't. You have no idea how terrible it is to maintain 6 parallel deprecated systems because they still "just werk". Japs fucking use fax all the time. I bet in some places they've still got functioning teletypes because hey why not.
My Japanese buddy had to write out his job applications. That meant his handwriting had to be perfect, or he would be judged poorly (pen only)
>Everyone still uses XP
Of course, sweetie.
XP was the last good version, from there up all are shittier and shittier.
>Japanese are wannabe westerners who haven't evolved past the 80s/90s
The reason why I love Japanese media. The last bastion of real Western culture.
Is there also one subculture that inserts their phone into their anus and call themselves afterwards?
> being this stupid
Yeah, there are no upsides to not replacing functional tech at all.