So how hard has botnet penetrated your assholes Sup Forums?

so how hard has botnet penetrated your assholes Sup Forums?



since when is signal botnet ?

since close sourced backend.

Pretty deep in



ur an epic gamer d00d



>commies want everyone's hard work to be (((open source)))
>use "botnet" buzzword when people don't bend over backwards for them

how exactly botnet?


Everything that is not fully open source is a botnet, everything



It all makes sense now


I am the botnet.

ITT: paranoid manchildren afraid that the government finds out they fap to furry porn

>muh anything connected to internet is a botnet
>muh i host my own web server cuz afraid of botnet

3 BIN go x3


Not even trying to fight agaisnt botnet. But my phone was unusable with the stock ROM, I forgot to install the Gapps but realize that I can live without them (and make my phone evem faster). AlsoI use Yuzu instead of Chrome for the ricing options.

If I would want to fight agaisnt botnet I woudnt use a phone in first place.


I wonder who's behind that post

No bingo


Why the fuck is signal botnet

>mfw any messaging tool is "botnet"
do you think i can be safe with smoke signals? or maybe should i encrypt them?

it's not paranoia when it's real


Use matrix

>using anything connected to the internet

like, do you want the fucking government to spy on my tranny anime collection or something?

it is paranoia when you've got nothing to hide but still afraid that somebody finds out


there was no point including Sup Forums since everyone who posts here obviously using Sup Forums

why not put it in the middle as a free space

I don't think it's too bad. I keep (sensitive) personal info away from all of these services.

I think I did pretty okayish

what do i win

Sup Forums is a honeypot. Enjoy the fun but don't pretend such a valuable political asset isn't pwned by NSA, KGB and everyone else who wants some. Moot left for Jewgle so they know everything. Gookmoot isn't real, just an AI.


>the virgin windows tick
>the chad twitch graffiti
are you ashamed of using windows or something?

I don't know what 90% of those icons even are.


t. shit for brains

Do you have down syndrome or something?

How the fuck MusicBee is a botnet?


wow did I hit a weak spot user c:

Not him but what are you even talking about




install gentoo

Not today, NSA

I like this list. Pretty updated.

Nice try, reddit

Haha epic bingoogle Xd

You do know that Microsoft, Google, Adobe etc have plenty of open source software and they're still botnet, right?

Jokes on you
i use my calculator to do my computing

>Firefox is botnet
Opinion discarded.


Use tox

>bitcoin is a botnet

Salty nocoiner.

>Anything that reads data is botnet

> tor a botnet
OP is a faggot as usual.

Bitcoin, Tor, and Firefox are free software.

Gtfo faggot.

>a member of the most intelligent race invents ideology to create fairness and avoid corruption
>autistic screeching from his capitalistic bretheren untill the end of time

Jews are natural fascists, reminder, and originally looked at the goy as an animal in human form meant to serve the Jew. If there were nothing but jews, communism would work. As it is, they use propaganda to break the goyim into obeying them, propaganda such as an all seeing eye, christianity, and software that controls you too, it comes from them to break you.

Also back to pol.

here you go ;^)

True, but vanilla Firefox still spies, that's why it's botnet.


Lol, Brave and Tor are open sourced and designed around optimizing privacy. I see Firefox is not on there, despite the fact it is funded by George Soros and has gotten rid of more privacy features in the last few weeks. Hmm, really gets the noggin a joggin haha.



'Where's Sup Forums?

there is firefox on the bottom alongside with microsoft edge and opera

why would i include Sup Forums we already know each on who posts here already fucking using it.

Don't worry I only use botnets I R O N I C A L L Y


Still have gmail as my main e-mail provider since 2013.
Come at me bros




What's middle school like?

cause it's botnet

>not understanding that we desire free as in "freedom" not free as is price
Communists desire control, so they're more botnet than anything

>all those botnets yet no netflix, vpn or photoshop
Poorfag detected.

bruh your asshole is penetrated by big botnet cock

I also have an android phone but it's running official linaege without gapps so I didnt mark the android field

You're right, I'm retard.

>skype runs on windows
>skype runs on linux on x86
>skype runs on android on arm
>skype does not run on linux on arm
easy fix, i'll just compile it...
...oh wait

basically i cant run skype on my linux arm machine cause microsoft is fucking retarded

>cant even spell botnet right
Stupid thread for stupid people who think everything is an overused meme



> has gotten rid of more privacy features in the last few weeks

Android uses Linux. Why do you name both? Are you one of those retards who think Linux is an OS?

Now explain literally how Steam, Bitcoin, Teamspeak, Photoshop or Twitch is botnet.

like I said, reatrds thinking everything is botnet

>I have a job at a normie company starter pack

Adobe CC
>the rest
either joke or actual tinfoil law

How can i create a wechat account without disclosing my voiceprint?