Draw your graphics card in paint, Sup Forums

Draw your graphics card in paint, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?dcr=0&tbs=imgo:1&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=KoiJWpnEE8u6Ur37kpgF&q=980ti golden 20th&oq=980ti golden 20th


Kek! Nigforce. I love it!

I appreciate this post. But it also pains me.

This is so tech related



i tried

Witness my autism


im lazy, she is nude tho

1060 niggabyte

I barely remember what it looks like, I haven't really seen it since I installed it in 2014. I remember that it had a fairly large black heatsink



I bought and ran a Tesla V100 card, the one that costs $10k. It had no cooler in it my brother found out after it burnt up and killed him


yes, you won

But where is my reward :c ?


My trusty RX 480 4gb sapphire nitro. Sadly with hynix memory

the heatpipes are on the other side but i'm too lazy to redraw

I see. GIMP = Green Is My Pepper

I don't even remember what mine looks like.

I tried...



Literally worthless

Fucking none of you have pci-e or what

not sure if autism or 14 year olds
>the state of g



Not sure if mentally retard or just a fucking idiot.

>he has nothing better to do than paint his GPU
how about just play a video game with your gpu?

There are no good games anymore

>I have shit taste and only things from MY childhood were good.
go away.

only if you're a depressed burned-out neet fuck.
normal temperate people enjoy all kinds of games.

Ouch, why did you have to bullseye me that badly

>implying I'm not doing both

Are you too retarded to multitask?


Go drink some bleach, fuck stain.

Richard Stallman is cute... CUTE!!!


intel HD graphics?







MLG™ official card

Needs more wood screws

Hope you have an AMD CPU. That GPU will burn out any Intel CPU it's used with.




Go back to /mlp/, horses dont have human parts

If you look closely, you'll see that one of those horses is not actually a horse.



holy shit




holy shit user do you draw technical manuals for a living?


>GT 610
Finally a good GPU in this thread

>that Crossfire cable
heh, brings back memories

Crossfire cable? I thought I was seeing a VGA passthrough from a normal 2D video card going to a Voodoo card that can only do 3D but no 2D.

Oh yeah, that would make sense as well. The first attempt at crossfire in X800 cards looked very similar.


I see. I hadn't encountered those.

The giveaway though is that the 2 cards the guy drew aren't the same, one says MATROX on it, and the other says 3DFX.

DRAW YOUR card in PAINT, you mong. Not posterize a card you wish you had in photoshop.

RX 480 Nitro. I've tried really hard drawing it.

Best I can do from memory
The green stuff is its aura





GPUs are technology
Digital drawing is technology
Prove me wrong

It's some retarded filter.


it looks something like this

Those dubs





Mining industry >>>>>>>peecee gayman hobby




can someone who is skilled at paint like OP, please draw mine?

google.com/search?dcr=0&tbs=imgo:1&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=KoiJWpnEE8u6Ur37kpgF&q=980ti golden 20th&oq=980ti golden 20th

nicely done user

tracing over pic is not drawing

Challenge acepted


not bad tho

Is this, by your standards a drawing (painting)?

Since it is a trace of reality done by means of a camera obscura.

at least that is a masterful trace. if you're gonna make a shit drawing, at least try it instead of tracing digitally. tracing with physical brush and paint needs skill.

So, you would have preferred i take a significant chunk of time out of my busy day, to set up a Candace and paint it in oil, just to satisfy you childish concept of art? Doing so for a silly Sup Forums challenge no less.