Hey Sup Forums I'm in a pretty dark place right now...

Hey Sup Forums I'm in a pretty dark place right now, drunk autistic and fuming at cyber-powerâ„¢ basicly I can't get my new PC to register with my moniter I've tried holding the power button for a min with the power off, resetting the RAM and the GPU I daren't touch the CPU in-case there's some kind of warranty sticker on there, I daren't touch the motherboard battery as I may end up grounding it in my drunken state am I fucked and doomed to call customer services tomorrow after having not slept for 20 hrs?

pls respond........


fuck sake im literally fucking crying right now because i cant play with my firends pls help Sup Forums

Are you getting beeps at start up?

I was until I reseated the ram and graphics card.

I can't help but I am pulling for you OP, you're gonna make it bro.

now it just starts up and i hear the humms of the fans.....is this good or bad?

Did u plug the monitor into the igpu instead of the other one lol

sad kot

>go to bed
>sleep away your intoxication
>wake up with a hangover
>take away motherboard cmos battery
>reseat after 5min
just werkz

try in

No I plugged my monitor and the adapter into the main DVI-D slot.

>and the adapter into the main DVI-D slot.
DVI-D won't work with a DVI to VGA adapter you faggot. Do you have a VGA out on your motherboard?

Post cock and I will help you.

its a dvi-d adapter and I tried the VGA adapter you mong.


ok curtis calm down...

i have more if u want

what did you even mean by this the DVI-D adapter works fine it plugs into the graphics card and the graphics gard fan is spionning so as far as I know it's working you nigger.

its working but the output isnt going through

How do I get it to work user? I just checked my amazon order and it DEFINITELY is a dvi-d to vga adapter and the port is dvi-d it even says so on the rig.
