Why in God's name is this allowed?
Why in God's name is this allowed?
Different attributes (as in whether a head is designed to make a tool slip out when it exceeds specified stress or not) and time periods.
And then patents. Patents are part of the reason why there's actually like 50 times more of these.
BTW, the way to deal with this in a household is to have bits sets, a hex key set, plus maybe a nice dedicated PZ2 and PH0 1 2 or something very nice like pic related (could be cheaper).
you forgot the Apple ones
Because you're a fucking retard. kys
Slot heads are the fucking worst
hail torx fuck you phillips
>no tri-wing
Simple. The leaders decided that capitalism is more profitable than communism so we now have different types of screws.
Robertson is best bit
There's also the pentalobe
> tfw
More surface area touching screw = better distribution of rotational force
He also forgot the common Pozidriv (Ikea and many others use that).
There are plebs that try to use Philips with these, but that's obviously wrong.
I bought an ifixit kit for around 60 euro. Works pretty good
Fuck me
post you're tools
> got pic related for $17, it's chink shit, but just werks
i dont really care anymore because i have tools for all of them. will probably never use some of them but its good to have them.
Then why don't people just use spherical screwdrivers? Spheres have the greatest surface area
Could be said for any standard really. They love ruining things.
Frearson is actually better than Phillips because you don't have to squeeze the screwdriver like you're trying to stab your piece of equipment. Fuck Phillips.
>Slot heads are the fucking worst
They exist for aesthetic reasons.
Mainly for woodwork where it just looks nicer than a more complex screw head.
(Robertson looks aesthetic too though)
Using Philips in 2018 is just retarded.
Cam out serves no purpose whatsoever with modern tools, and can cause stripping and even damage.
there's like a zillion specialty fastener drives out there, stop 'showing off' by listing ones you randomly seem to be aware of as if OP actually made the picture
>slot fully compatible with Phillips
I don't see a problem. Just buy flat screwdrivers.
Almost half of these are redundant.
just use Phillips driver on Frearson and press down harder, niggers :^)
>as in whether a head is designed to make a tool slip out when it exceeds specified stress or not
Phillips is the only one of those designed to do that. Which would be okay if they didn't use those goddamned cuck screws literally everywhere. I'd be a rich man if I had a buck for every time I've had to deal with a reamed-out phillips head because of that design being used where the camming-out wasn't needed or desireable, when it could have been easily avoided with torx, flathead, allen, or whatever.
Not just that, but there's also the so-called "security screws" that purposely use uncommon heads to prevent people from being able to easily open them. Most people have some Phillips and maybe some Robertson screwdrivers, probably some Allen keys rattling around a junk drawer somewhere, but a secure Torx? Tri-wing? Not so much. Nintendo, in particular, has long been a fan of these.
With Frearson you also don't need a different screwdriver/bit for every different size screw.
Fuck Philips indeed.
>one size fits all
Except it doesn't. You will hurt your screw heads this way.
shit to drive
looks classy as fuck
shit to drive
looks like cheap shit
usually good to drive (shit for softer metals)
looks good with some styles
excellent to drive
looks hideous
canadian cancer garbage, shears immediately upon force not being applied perfectly parallel with screw axis regardless of material
>>slot fully compatible with Phillips
No no no no.
You can NOT be this retarded on Sup Forums
it's hard for me to express how much i hate fucking phillips screws
>They exist for aesthetic reasons.
That's what plugs are for, cocksmith.
Used it for years, retard. Literally no issues.
Why do they do this? Wouldn't 6 identical screws make the whole product cheaper? At least to manufacture, not to sell.
>literally lying
Are you just sticking random words together and mashing post, hoping that the result is a non-childish looking insult?
He meant surface area perpendicular to the radius only counted in the direction of rotation.. but explaining that would be too much to type for a shit post.
literally everyone here has had to find a flathead driver of the right size to fit into a phillips head that's gotten stripped by that designed-to-cam-out garbage. If you can't bear down with all your weight on the screwdriver, that's the only way to extract a phillips screw after this inexcusably common failure mode.
>thinking I care about convincing you
>where the camming-out wasn't needed or desireable
Which is always.
Camming out was needed in early electric tools, which didn't have a clutch and could burn out when fighting against too much resistance.
But they don't make tools like that for a very, very long time, and nobody still uses them.
if everything would be torx, life would be good. i'd accept allen too, if it would be a single standard
how did philips become a standard computer screw is beyond me
Yea, there's more than:
But if you take OP to be a complaint about what you randomly need to use at home (not on a job) it's basically more or less straight, philips, pozidriv, hex, square, torx.
If anything else is used, it's probably not even intended that you touch it.
>he's never heard of a cocksmith
Are you 12?
>blocks your path
That doesn't make it "fully compatible"
He's clearly thinks Philips is one of these.
Yay Dollar Tree
>swastika screw
This should be the default screw head design to be used in all cases unless there is a very good reason not to (like needing a flush finish).
>less common
>not shown
2/10 never worked in the real world
Robertson is objectively the worst
>tri wing
>no gamebits
Gamebits are the fucking worst.
OP clearly meant:
>superior screws are less common than shit screws - why is this allowed.
Pozidriv is medium good and medium common.
It's not very relevant to the debate.
*blocks you're screwdriver*
i dont think ive ever come across a stripped robertson. only logical choice imo
Slot - OpenBSD, the screwdriver has a billion uses except turning slot screws, I use one for breaking the vacuum in jars a hundred times for every slot screw I even see.
Philips - Mac/Windows, you see it everywhere, it kinda works and is terrible.
Allen - Linux, you'll only ever encounter it on furniture and forget it exists.
Torx - Gentoo, once you get over its brutality it does what you want and gets you pizza and hookers.
Robertson - Arch.
Confirmed for never actually using robertson.
Literally the best driver type.
Quadrex are best screws since they allow cucks that only have phillips to remove them if needed.
Pozidriv is fine but deprecated in the face of Robertson and Quadrex. Even cabinetmakers tend to use Pozisquare now since it's the equivalent of Quadrex for Robertson+Pozidriv
i thought that these things are glued now
What's the point of torx security?
I guess.
The idea that Robertson is bad which some people in this thread are implying is inherently wrong, Robertson is the best.
Philips heads have been made redundant with Pozidrive, but they're so ubiquitous that they're not going anywhere
Phillips is total aids. It's the only type that frequently rounds off in my experience.
You can't put a flathead in it and get the screw out.
they are all T5 torx, just different length because it's probably "ultra" thin
Stops kids and vandals from opening up (potentially dangerous) devices using improvised tools.
I notice they use them a lot in public transport for example, probably to stop the general public from unscrewing access hatches.
Start using the right size bit and stop over torquing the screw
this. phillips slides off way too easily and makes the cross become a hole in just a few failed attempts even if the screw is made of fucking diamonds
Secure torx is an easy fix, insert some object (slot driver works well), break off the useless pin with ease, use regular torx.
If you use the right size bit, Philips won't strip 99% of the time.
Although there is still a risk of cam-out when using power tools, so don't go full throttle.
You are like little baby.
So manufacturers can sell bits and specialized drivers for each type and take more of your money.
I think I paid $15 around Father's Day
So you're in the garage and this guy comes up to your toolbox and slaps your screwdriver, then fastens it to concrete, what do you do?
flatheads are deprecated, philips and allen are the norm the orhers are just here to fuck with you, the customer.
Get the drill
A large flathead screwdriver is still one of the most useful and versatile tools you can have
If you think that's bad, take a look at the fucking 2016+ machines, they have T2's or T3's, and a lot of them!
i dont know what the real world is to you, maybe machining or something
but in 8 years of general contractor carpentry i think ive used posidrive screws maybe 5 times
robertson is incredibly common though, despite it being objectively trash
>two worst standards (slot/flat and philips) happen to be the most common
fucking WHY
You're just Canadian.
The rest of the world uses Pozidriv.
I have literally never seen a Robertson screw in my life, I only know about its existence thanks to Sup Forums.
If you dont have to pay for your own bits and can go through like 3 or 4 a day Robertson is fine. A lot of shit at my job uses these horrid phillips/robertson hybrids that can fit both, but just either end up stripping the shit out of Robetson bits or the phillips bits just strip the fuck out of the screw.
Although I'm all for just sticking with what we have now, even if it may not be 100% optimal, because people going "this is the ultimate screw drive, it will soon become the new standard!" is how we got into this mess in the first place, and will only make it worse.
How often do you need to unscrew something?
For construction I would always use the latest and greatest screws.
Let the demolition crew deal with it 300 years from now I'll be long dead lol.
Why isn't pozi on there? Everyone confuses it with Philips, but it's far superior.
Nope. Pozi is what you have almost all the time. You just don't realise and think it's philips. Incorrectly.
>it's only about profit
Capitalism is more efficient than communism as well.
Is be willing to bet so your Philips screws are actually pozi.
Nobody in the uk came then pozi either, it's always spoken as Philips, but you can barely buy a true Philips screw if you try. They were just replaced overnight, years ago. Lol
I work maintenance I fucking hate everything other than Robertson. I'm slowly replacing everything with Robertson. Also fuck Torx but fuck Phillips more.
>how did Philips become a standard computer screw is beyond me
Screws had a standard long before computing had a need for one.
>you can barely buy a true Philips screw if you try.
Not true at all.
Wall screws normally have a Pozidriv head.
But metal screws pretty much always still have Philips heads for some retarded reason.
The ultimate fastening method
The thing is that regular Phillips can still bypass those with a bit of effort..
Grub screws are top tier