How do i find my tech co-founder

Hey Sup Forumsentoomen i'm looking for a technical cofounder who can help bring my product (ios app) to market. Where do I start?

Hey look, it's an ideas guy


Are you saying you when the app and just need to market it out to some VC? Or do you currently have nothing

Can i come up with the logo?

Offer them 60% of the company and hope they don't run off with your idea

Henlo, i am the programmer who can do all the technical stuffs, if you tell me ur idea ill make it 4u

I have a lot of iOS development experience. What's your idea?

Don't. Don't get a co-founder. You will split your equity 50% 50% and then you will be unable to do anything when one of you disagrees. Also, if they are male their girlfriend/fiancee/wife will inevitably cuck your shit up, until you become profitable. Then when you do become profitable and you do get anywhere they will fuck you over because she told them to fuck you over. For female co-founders, good luck. Women appear to be hardwired against taking creative risks, whether that's biological or sociological it still exists

>Do everything yourself
Unless you have a laser focus, this is bad advice

I had a female cofounder, she changed the documents and got me kicked out in favor of her boyfriend, and I didn't have the money to sue.


They are slimeballs and belong in the kitchen not the boardroom.

Basically, avoid women and avoid men because of women and because men are fucking brainlets. Just avoid people in general
Nothing is free, either get cucked or get focused. HEY NOW YOU'RE AN ALL STAR


I actually have an working beta right now on testflight... and overseas team but they cant pull off the design i want, well because language issues and talent issue. I need a local team that I can talk to and actually have a discussion not some bs skype call every now and then

Hell yea if you are serious then it would be great. I'm using a chainlink fork meme logo right now

if you are serious and not joking I would like to talk to you outside of Sup Forums. I have a beta product and the website is almost ready. I need a legitimate co founder who can bring a polished priduct to market,

actually there are benefits of having a great cofounder. A tech superstar can bring your company's valuation through the roof and just generally more skills on the table.

I already have 1 cofunder right now in charge of UI/UX design. I'm in charge of fundraising and other shit.

My shitty company already raised seed round because of my cofounder so its not bad at all.

just closed beta on testflight but i need a non-pajeet local programmer who can make the app we designed on adobe xd. current version is mvp that looks like dogshit

Where are you located? How big was your seed round? What are you offering the technical cofounder?

I have a lot of iOS development experience (mainly Swift but also Objective-C), as well as backend (Java/Node.js) and frontend web (React) experience.

You can email me at [email protected]

My contractors fee is $120 an hour I'm sure you'll find it very competitive

>ios app
Pick one

Hey i'll contact you soon. I just need to catch some sleep and talk this over with my partner. Thanks for your interest man, we are badly in need of some help right now.

>I have an UI person
>talking about a 'tech superstar'
user there's better places to go if you want to scam.
You're not gonna find Knuth looking to join a startup here.