/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous thread: /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try autistici or aktivix.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=linux mouse config gui

what distro is best for taking inventory of my mcnukes and storing my hit lists?

Red Star OS

Please be so kind as to e-mail your local asylum to come and pick you up asap

Is there anyway to get just this part of system monitor maybe as a widget or something that i can pin to desktop?

Install Screenlets.

conky can do that

So everything is going great in Linux, except my Corsair water cooler is not working, none of the Linux utilities I have tried have been able to see it. Corsair of course does not support Linux with their software. Can anyone recommend a good CPU cooling solution that works in Linux?


Need video call software for linux.
Skype doesn't work because 32bit os.
gnu-ring doesn't work because it's piece of shit.
Anything else?


Why do I get a fatal error on GRUB loading with GPT but not with DOS partitions? It's Virtualbox btw

Is it a true story?

You have to check that its efi in the vb settings for that guest

Yes it's happened multiple time in shit hole right wing states not just once. It's the future we can all look forward too.

I understand the idea, but it's absolutely not the correct answer to someone refusing to pay tax.

It's dangerous and stupid. I don't get the American meme about free loaders anyway. I'd rather pay some taxes than get stabbed to death by a crazy homeless on the train or let my house burn down because some faggot couldn't pay a 75 dollar fee.

Americans hate everything that looks/sounds/tastes like socialism.

Askes this last thread but didn't see it addressed, so I'll ask it one last time.
Admitting brainlet status from the get-go.
Just installed openSUSE on a VM and plan on partitioning my hard drive for dual boot. Where do I go from here? Rather, I should ask, what should I do next to make myself a proficient user or at least know what I'm doing?

Pic related is not mine, just a pic of the screenfetch

Given your detailed description of the performance requirements, I'm going to say the one your CPU came with.

>Just installed openSUSE on a VM and plan on partitioning my hard drive for dual boot. Where do I go from here? Rather, I should ask, what should I do next to make myself a proficient user or at least know what I'm doing?
I'd say you should install Arch a few times to understand what's really happening under the hood before you decide to go with dual booting, you might (willl) fuck up if you don't know what's happening and the dual boot options in graphical installers aren't really helpful

Do some study.


Just come up with a project related to whatever you're trying to get good at and work through it.

> how not to shell script, the definitive edition
followed by
> sending mail incorrectly
> i have no idea what awk is or does sorry
> a bunch of other antiquated practices that should be forgotten

Tux would never carry that meme-flag

Anybody here use neovim?


Do you like it? What makes it better than vim?

Vi-like text editor based on GNU Zile when?

It's exactly the same from my point of view.

As far as I can tell the only appeal is really on the developer side, and for the very reasons neovim was created to begin with: to clean up the codebase and make it easier for developers to make updates/improvements in the long run. Which one we should use probably won't be obvious for years, until we see if the plan worked and neovim gets more updates, or if it dies and normal vim gets more updates.
I don't think "neovim vs. vim" is really a thing. At least not yet.

Help! Installed kubuntu and something is continuously eating my hard drive space. Last night I only have 2.8gb of free space and now it's down to 500mb.


In i3 does anyone know how to change the edge color? What I mean is when you have a container set to open windows horizontally or vertically relative to the current window and you see that blue line on the right or bottom of the window.
Is it possible to change the color of that blue line? My window borders are already set to blue so it's hard to see it.

I am running Arch from a Chromebook with a 16GB SSD. I have an 64GB msd, how do I automount it the moment I put it in and then maybe link it to an easily accesible folder?


Why not? Pay for services or go without them.

Gibs only encourage homelessness. It should be legal to shoot beggars.

Post hackermen


>Installed openSUSE Tumbleweed 2 days ago in VM
>some KDE updates come out today
>everything breaks
jesus it didn't even last a week

>aynclap propoganda in thread about free software
where's the connection

GPL = Free as in free market
Prove me wrong

PROTIP: You can't

freedom is more than just calling something freedom you brainlet

>free software

>tfw my Stallman thread was bullied away and died in favor of this AnCap autism
fuck you op

ah that was easy. Thank you~

Is there something like compton, but less shit? i.e. something that gives me fades and some shadows, but doesn't fucking stutter constantly and cause cancer?

Change your compton settings.

I've experimented a lot with the settings, but I can't seem to get it to a point where it isn't buggy as shit

Compton is garbage

Maybe I'll just go without my fades, shadows, and transparency, then. Cause I can't stand this flickering buggy shite

So I'm installing manjaro (fuck off) and my autism is holding me up at partitioning
1tb hard drive, root boot and home, let's say 20gb, 2gb, rest on home? Or more for root?

100GB for root. You have the space.

Help! Ubuntu is constantly eating my partition space. only 500mb left and it's still going down

sudo du -h --max-depth=2 /

fuck off nigger

Of course, because a homeless/drug addicted that was willing to stab someone will change his mind because the goverment gave him some free money.

HAHA so truuuuue xD

And 2gb for boot is fine?

>not instantly telling the designer fag to fuck off as soon as possible
of course this was written by a woman.

How do I install steam on clover os

This might be the wrong place for it but I figured if someone would know it'd be here. My systems programming course this semester is demanding that everyone does their work on a mac since they needed a reason for the compsci students to use the mac labs. This wouldn't really be a problem but OSX has certain system calls that aren't quite the same as linux ones, which is a pain in the ass because I lose a ton of points on assignments because my shit either doesn't compile or gives a ton of warnings. However, while digging through manpages for an assignment I noticed one of them had a reference to BSD on the top right, and the Sup Forums wiki said OSX was built on openBSD.
So I'm wondering if I could just install openBSD on one of my old laptops and just compile shit there. Will that introduce any other issues I haven't seen? Hoping someone has experience with this.

If you weren't aware, clover os is basically gentoo. Go look up how to install it on gentoo. And when you can't find shit about gentoo either then use the arch wiki.

Uh what does it do? Am linuxnoob

~ >>> journalctl -xb | grep -E "[Ee]rror|[Ff]ailed" | wc -l

nothing *seems* to be broken, but this really rubs my autism the wrong way
is it worth bothering to try and fix any of this shit?

what doesnt work? nothing? no don't bother

tumbleweed is getting more unstable recently, the problem is that mesa got a new update and is more unstable and some fuckar updated ssdm too early and crashed to everyone else, there is a shitshow now at their reddit

ostensibly nothing
I have no idea if any of these represent actual problems
my main concern is that my system is spitting out 25 errors every boot and either something is broken that I haven't noticed yet or maybe some things aren't working as well as they could be, or that maybe if the boot process went smoother it could be quicker (but that's probably a stretch)

I've already found out that at least 2 of those (i.e. the only 2 that I've looked into so far) are systemd bugs which the developers are committed to not fixing, and I suspect that might be the case for most of them

if any other anons want to post the output of journalctl -xb | grep -E "[Ee]rror|[Ff]ailed" | wc -l I'd be curious to see the results

>everything breaks
just as planned

0.5gb boot, the rest in a LVM blob. 20gb root is a good start.

65. Yet all my services are running fine without error

fucking systemd

A couple of hundred megabytes is fine for /boot.

Are there any gui tools to configure the mouse? Touchpad, trackpoint, and individual mouse sensitivity and acceleration are always fucked in every distro and it doesn't look there's any way for a user to fix it. Touchpad sensitivity is way low, but it's also extremely fast when doing small movments, but the only setting is "speed". And there's nothing at all for the ultra sluggish trackpoint.
Do I just have to fuck around with xinput files? Is there no gui tool because I'm the only person ever to have problems?

lmgtfy.com/?q=linux mouse config gui

here's a xfce mouse config

Does anyone know of virtualbox is missing from Devuan repositories? Or did they fuck up the repositories again
Use whatever the other end us using, probably Skype (use the web version, the program has a CVE that won't be fixed anytime soon) or Discord (dunno' if there's a 32 bit or a web version)
Otherwise Jitsi and Pidgin work fine

CPU is an overclocked i7 4770k I do 3d modeling, texturing, simulation and rendering. Putting the stock cooler in would be better than a non functioning water cooler, but it would still not be acceptable as all cores are frequently at 100% when I am working. So please if you have information on any performance CPU cooling that is proven to work under Linux I would love to hear it.

Probably 65 systemd services dedicated to just echoing text into config files.
What a fucking joke this software is

OS X was built on NeXT, which is Mach with a bunch of 4BSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD and GNU stuff on top. It's not OpenBSD. Just use the Mac lab or run a Hackintosh VM.

Has anyone used a log structured filesystem like NILFS? I've heard that it blows the doors off ext4 for an SD card filesystem in terms of latency (and thus for software development) but I haven't got any spare SD cards to check on.

I hate poettering

Question regarding LUKS:
I have an encrypted root partition and also an encrypted data partition that gets decrypted/mounted automatically on boot via /etc/{crypt,fs}tab. Is it necessary to use an increased --iter-count for the key of the data partition? This increases my boot time by a few secs, which is a bit annoying, since the root partition already requires a few secs for mounting due to its own increased --iter-count. The key which is being used is 4096bits long (if that makes any difference here, probably not).


The most basic advice about LUKS is that if you've got a working setup, DON'T FUCK WITH IT.

Windows 10 only PC
Ubuntu 16.04 only laptop
Windows 7 only laptop
Windows 10/ Ubuntu 14.04 dual boot laptop

How come no one uses lxpanel or xfce4-panel with a tiling wm?

i dont know what xfce is or does, sorry

Most tiling WM users don't want a panel. Awesome and i3 already include systrays.

I want to recreate a gnome2 redhat look but with a tiling wm so I will use xfce4-panel

How do I into blocking YouTube ass? I have pihole running and it just werks but YouTube ads get through. I've combined the host lists from chrome extensions like adblockplus which block those ads but no luck.


If the hosts list from adblockplus werks why doesnt it werk when added to pihole? I've also added the ublock lists too.

will a binary compiled with an older gcc work on a system with a newer version of the c library?

Most likely yes. Libc and the linux kernel take backwards compatibility very seriously.

>Private property at the center of political philosophy
>Latches self on to a thread about Free software
"an"cap pigs fuck off forever

Gb2 r/leftypol, commie nigger. It isn't free as in free beer, it's free as in freedom.
Your memes suck.

thank you.

>searching the kernel ring buffer for errors
>thinking it has anything to do with systemd
This is the average retard that posts in these threads. This is the average retard who shares his opinions about technology without even knowing the basics of the technology he has strong opinions about.
End yourselves.

What's the point of [Ee] when you can use the -i flag?

[user@localhost Downloads]$ sudo dd if=neon-devedition-gitstable-20180207-1057-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb1 bs=1M
[sudo] password for user:
dd: error writing '/dev/sdb1': No space left on device
1545+0 records in
1544+0 records out
1619410944 bytes (1.6 GB, 1.5 GiB) copied, 76.914 s, 21.1 MB/s

why is the error happening? i'm dding a 1.6gb iso to a 32gb usb drive