/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly search engine, mailing lists...
>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Try autistici or aktivix.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


Guise you know the thing where you hover over the top-left part of the screen in KDE and it pops up with the opened program overview? Was that copied from MacOS?

how should I replicate the behavior of 'netstat --continuous' with 'ss' ?

>b-but what e-mail providers respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
Why the hell must they choose such awful names?
No one is ever going to put an email address with those in a resume. Even cock.li's best option was airmail and even that blows.

>b-but what search engines respect my privacy and freedom of speech?
>Try qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.

Why not DuckDuckGo?

>how to spot the pedo

I don't know what you mean, people use DDG for pedo shit? That sounds silly

yeah i think it's retarded and should be changed. here's a list of supposedly good emails. Not familiar with any however, I've just heard of protonmail before

it's based in US, it's not fully open source, the owner is a Jew, and apparently he soldl data in his previous business endeavor (?) Not sure how true it is

literally the default search engine on tor
have fun being tracked harder than with google

>not fully open source.

That's fishy, are you sure? Why would GNU IceCat default to it then? Of all people you'd think GNU would be super careful about endorsing non-free projects

>Search engine
>On Tor


Isn't one of the big points of Tor for things not to be indexed and searchable?

>Isn't one of the big points of Tor for things not to be indexed and searchable?
Keep believing that, tor has been an NSA playground for years. Everything is logged and tracked now.

>cia nigger spotted.
Ur right.
But search engines like startpage exist only becouse google api allows it.
Also bangs are great.

Tor started as an intelligence agency project, user, there have always been honeypot nodes, this is nothing new

>tor honeypot meme
[citation needed]

What I tell people like is that Tor is a tool that you use and is not a bulletproof deal. It's just something that affords you a little bit more anonimity, like a VPN. It all depends on how you use them and that you assume worst case scenario always depending on your threat model, using GPG encryption plus other measures.

What's the worst that can happen if I don't have any swap areas on my GNU/Linux system?

I have an older version of qbittorrent installed. If I sudo make install will it overwrite the current version or how does it werk?

I don't think anything truly bad would happen but Linux is always using Swap, even if you don't run out memory. However, it might start killing processes if you completely run out of memory and have no swap enabled


Trying to watch Netflix, but Chromium, Firefox and Iceweasel all lack "silverlight" or "WidevineCdm". Any way to fix it?

yes you need to enable DRM and non-free codecs

Use piratebay instead.
And spend saved money on donations, Wikipedia and FSF always need money.

I think it was from gnome. But I'm not really sure of what you are talking about. Can you post a picture?

Aren't ixquick and startpage the same?

How do I make neofetch update color blocks? After I add new pallette on .Xresources, it just shows gradient of white to gray instead of actual colors. I use urxvt.

Many of them have several domain options. Tutanota for example has tuta.io, which I think is a good domain.

In my experience protonmail and tuta are good. The later being the provider for my main address. Tuta premium packages seem good but I never used them. The cheaper is 1 EUR/month and allows custom domains.

Yeah, I'll just do that. Thanks. Anyone recommend a good Black Mirror episode to download?

>Isn't one of the big points of Tor for things not to be indexed and searchable?
That's a hoax. Onion pages are usually not indexed by common search engines by lack of interest or password protection. Tor is just a different way to serve HTML, the same algorithms that work for the normal web work for it.

I'm currently on an Ubuntu based distribution and have been switching between Ubuntu distros for a few years now.
I'm thinking of expanding my horizons and trying other distros. I'm not trying to make my life harder, just let myself see more of the options. Does anyone have any good distribution recommendations? Preferably user friendly like Ubuntu


Is this the systemd meme I've heard so much about.
Or snap being shit

this isn't my desktop because i couldn't take a screenshot properly

does amd have better drivers than nvidia for linux? specifically for screen tearing, don't care about performance beyond watching videos

I've been using a modified version of Unity with the launcher completely removed for awhile now, but the build finally broke on me after some other updates. Thinking I should probably take the opportunity to move to another DE that isn't hacked together the way mine was.

I can't stand having a launcher/dock, but I liked Unity Dash quite a bit. Basically, I think I just need a menu bar, a way to search to open programs, and a way to tab through them.

Should I invest time into move to a tiling WM (I'd kind of prefer a compositing one though), or is there something friendly in between that I'm overlooking?

so I compiled the latest qbittorrent-nox version but when I access the webui it still says 3.3.16. Does make install not overwrite the old version or whats going on?

Just use GNOME like everyone else.
You can hit Super to get a screen of open programs and tab/arrow through them. Also Super brings up a launcher like Unity where you can click on favourites in a panel on the left of just start typing the name of your desired program.

The benefit of the most widely supported DE is that people have made it do everything. You can even make it look like MATE with Gnome tweaks if you're into that for some reason.

Not if it's still running. Did you restart the application? The only other place old information might stick around is config files inside ${HOME}

The out of memory killer axes your browser process halfway through a financial transaction and you die alone and penniless.

I made sure the old qb version wasn't running at the time. The qbittorrent-nox file in /usr/bin hasn't been touched since 2017 so I feel like somethings gone wrong. I've also checked the config file and it's pretty basic, theres nothing there that might point to the wrong version.

I just noticed when I execute make install I get
>strip:/usr/local/share/man/man1/qbittorrent-nox.1: File format not recognised
>Makefile:2236: recipe for target 'install_man' failed
>make[1]: [install_man] Error 1 (ignored)
>/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmake -install qinstall -exe qbittorrent-nox /usr/local/bin/qbittorrent-nox
>strip /usr/local/bin/qbittorrent-nox
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/qbtuser/qBittorrent-release-4.0.4/src

Why the fuck strip touch manpages??
IMO its bug in makefile, chek bug tracker

I'm just recompiling from a freshly extracted source tar and if it doesn't work this time I'll try a previous version. I have no fucking idea what I'm doing apart from following guides btw, if you haven't figured that out yet.

I've got it senpai.
/etc/systemd/system/qbittorrent-service was a line called
Wich was pointing at /usr/local/bin /usr/bin
So it did install, the bin was just in a different place for some reason.
What's the difference between the two folders?

I need some help with disk partitions bros. I have Arch on a USB stick (for RasPi) and initially I had 3 partitions. I got rid of the unencrypted partition and now I have two. However, the free space is in between the boot and LUKS partitions (see pic).

I'd like to somehow resize the LUKS/Partition 3 so it uses all of the free space.

How do I do that? I've tried using GNOME's Disks but it won't allow me to resize anything.

sdc 8:32 1 14.9G 0 disk
├─sdc1 8:33 1 100M 0 part /run/media/ras/A40D-B671
└─sdc3 8:35 1 12G 0 part
└─luks-7589346587 254:4 0 12G 0 crypt /run/media/ras/4985737979

Thanks for any help!

AMD's open source drivers are considered superior to Nvidia's open source drivers

So after a couple of years of using gnome, i'm trying out kde on my Arch system now. I don't really feel like it's /comfy/ but am willing to give it a fair shot! What do I do to tweak it so it has a better workflow?

Why don't you just make an image of your LUKS partition, and place it back over the formatted rest of the usb stick....

Intel Iris Pro can wreck "nvidia's" open source driver. Let's not even involve AMD in the conversation.

I don't think the GNOME disk utility allows you to grow partitions to the left, plus even if it did you have to unmount that shit anyway. Make a bootable image of gparted, boot into it and you will be able to do it.

Oh I didn't read that this was a USB stick, in that case you can probably do it from an OS you have on bare metal, without needing to make a gparted image

Use GParted.

But nvidia blob drivers are considered superior to amd open or pro drivers.

Nouveau should never be taken in to consideration for anything.

>linux always uses swap
That's not true, though. My swap usage is always at 0.

Looking for a distro that's a good balance of lightweight but has up-to-date software and is usable on a day to day basis

Can I get some quick facts on Android emulation in Linux vs Windows

Ubuntu MATE / Xubuntu / Lubuntu 17.10
The software isn't really up to date but it's not too far behind, it's a good halfway point

What GNU/Linux software should I use to integrate with my Github account besides the terminal?


Then connect to github via SSH

Then sign your commits with GPG

Ubuntu or Fedora release branch. Any distro is relatively lightweight if you grab a net install image and use tasksel (Ubuntu) or `dnf group` (Fedora) instead of the prepackaged spins, which always ship with a bunch of crap you should probably use in flatpak anyway.



I've cranked down volume in pulseaudio and alsa (Which is the same volume so it doesn't matter). I don't have any options for mic boost, only two volumes: built-in analog and remapped build-in analog. I have no boost to adjust in pavu or alsamixer so it doesn't seem like that helps. I've tried adding tsched=0 and changing resampling to speex-10 and got fucking nothing. I'm reaching the end of my patience because i've been trying to fix this for years on my desktop and I never fucking can. Works flawlessly on windows but i come to linux and everything shits the bed and it's a noncommon problem? pls help

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

[Citation needed]

I'm gonna go ahead and back up my original claims with an actual article
>Though note the Radeon Linux driver here was ~44% faster than Windows while the NVIDIA Linux driver is only 24~27% faster than the Windows performance
Note that they're comparing AMD open source against Nvidia proprietary

That would be a much more convincing argument if they didn't get absolutely buttfucked in modern games on the next page. All that really shows us is gaming on Linux is a terrible idea in general, and even worse on AMD like 80% of the time.

Also the original questioner probably just needs to learn to edit their damn xorg.conf. Because all 3 brands have that issue where you need to include a magic "no screen tearing pls" directive. Which isn't enabled by default. Probably because of GNOME.

Literally every benchmark ever made

is there a command for filtering through a list of directories for a specific file?

Have been using GalliumOS for some time and have had zero issues.

Very underrated

I want process to get killed if memory is full, Linux is unusable otherwise.

>My swap usage is always at 0

Please, explain. Is it bad?

No, it just means you fell for the meme.

website name

What are you talking about? You can have swap on and still have it basically always at 0. And I'd guess that for most people with 0 swappiness it was just the default when they installed their system, not something they chose.

reddit is no longer open sourced.
What about Sup Forums?
Is Sup Forums close sourced from the beginning?

In my case swappiness is 60, but it's still never used because there is enough ram.
He is probably talking about 16GB meme.

Sup Forums server side software is closed source, but since you are not dealing with the software directly it doesn't affect you much.
Sup Forums official js is free software.

>free software
What license?

>Sup Forums official js is free software
Not according to my official Stallman approved LibreJS plugin

Steal It While You Can Public License.

what the fuck is the point of KASLR if anyone can just read /proc/modules?

That's a bad copy of the activities overview from Gnome.

Because it doesn't have tags for it and probably never will because hiroshima cares not for freedom.

github.com/Sup Forums/4chan-JS/blob/master/LICENSE

Is there a convenient way of packaging a piece of Windows software bundled with Wine in a way that allows essentially a zip with the application in it to be distributed and ran as-is without requiring the end user to actually install wine on their machine? I believe something like this exists for OS X, but I'm looking for something for Linux.

Debian in virtualbox stuck at load ramdisk what can I do?

At least state how much ram you gave it.

1 GB of ram
It's the 32 bit version

>He's a RAMlet
lmao cuck

that should be enough desu. In the boot menu press e to edit the "start installer" line, remove quiet/silent from it and add verbose. Now it should output a lot of text, see where it stops.

ok, now I try it

Ok, so now after
freeing unused kernel memory
Write protecting the kernel text
Write protecting the kernel text rad only data

Is stuck showing "loading, please wait"

However how can I scroll the text To find where the error is?

is btrfs slow as fuck for anyone else?
I bet the meltdown patches have something to do with it

Why not host yourself?

Is it going to be messy to try to convert a MBR drive to GPT drive?
(I'm on KDE Neon, this is a typical 2.5" 500gb HDD)

AFAIK no, you don't even need to move your partitions. At least when I tried once, I didn't need to.

blazing fast for me

can you remember how you did it, what guide you used?

1. I wrote "convert mbr to gpt linux" to google
2. clicked the 1st or 2nd result, it was gfdisk or gdisk or something

anyone have ideas how to fix this?

System Settings -> Desktop Behavior -> Screen Edges -> Tile windows by dragging them to the side of the screen

Its enabled and its what I want but it fails to tile the first time some reason.