Internet is dead
Google Chrome with adblocking
Only the parts of it that deserve to die.
For Android too? That's great
Forgot link:
Oh look, another browser feature taken from Opera.
you mean it blocks all ads except google's :^)
Chrome for Android with adblock?
You mean Brave?
It only blocks "intrusive" ads
>only blocks ads that intrude on google market share
nothin personal, friends
it’s just that all of YOUR ads are offensive to our customers’ higher sensibilities
The internet ad bridge was burned so hard, i think they will have to come up with an exclusive language for delivering ads that is sandboxed and limited as fuck.
What a coincidence that there's no intrusive google ads!
I wonder if they will disable other adblockers for chrome then.
To be fair, that is EXACTLY how google grew so big in first place.
They were the only ones to not be complete retards with the ads and pretty much took over everything.
Brave is malware
If it keeps normies from instlaling Adblockers so they can support my adfree browsing, I'm ok with this.
This kills the Facebook
This is Embrace, Extend, Extinguish all over again. Will Google be able to kill adblockers? Will they even have the nerve to go ahead and remove adblock-related APIs because "lol you already this"
> Chr*me will only block “intrusive” ads
> ((coincidentally)), G**gle ads are not deemed intrusive (despite the fact that G**gle are the masters of privacy invasion
> Chr*me blocks non-G**gle ads
Antitrust suit incoming
I think they should also replace the blocked ads with some of their own.
Google knew that adblocking was on the rise and addons like adblockplus are getting millions of downloads and that's only going to increase over time, making any kind of advertising basically impossible.
So they're protecting their business model by shipping chrome with adblocking already, but that allows through ads that meet a certain standard. So called non-intrusive ads.
Actually adblockplus by default allows non-intrusive ads through as well, but you can turn that off and make sure it blocks everything.
Personally I don't think it'll work, I think people will continue to be aware of adblockers and install them in increasing number. It could be what eventually brings google down when advertising margins basically stop being big enough to be profitable. Then they have this insane infrastrucure and outgoings they can no longer afford. The next decade or so will be interesting.
I think the main problem is they think the issue is malware when it's just ads being over fucking everything. When it was banner ads ten years ago it was fine but pre videos ads, full page blocking ads, etc are the bigger issue
They don't think that, it's misdirection. They want to set up a captive market with their "coalition".
I honestly don't mind if it convinces normans because then normal ad blocking will be less relevant and safer
I use a duckduckgo extension to block googles ad and tracking software. While also using adblock plus.
forcing Google ad standards != adblocking
I'm not convinced they do think that. I think the people adblocking are a mixed bag and google know that.
1) Some are just genuinely fed up of bad ads, full screen take overs, flashing and sounds. And just want a better experience.
2) Some just want all ads gone (such as myself) generally out of principle that advertising in general is bad, or the effects of having millions of ads crammed into your brain is not good.
3) Some people care about malware and various other things like bandwidth taken by video ads and whatnot, more rare I'd say.
My bet is that Google hope by improving the experience by default that category 1 people above will simply never be compelled enough to install 3rd party adblockers and thus increase the number of people seeing ads, or at least slow the uptake of adblockers.
shame adnau's shilling budget ran out, I enjoyed their religious cult-like threads
so where do I go now that the internet is fucked
no such thing as acceptable ad, as soon as it is acceptable it should not be called ad, maybe (sponsored) content
google drank too much of their kool aid, they are stuck in 2017 and think they can force anything down the user's throat. And they are right as of now, but the genie is long out of the bottle and unless something even more dramatic happens to the normie brain they are on borrowed time
you can always click on ads manually or comment them with 'I BOUGHT THIS STUFF, NEVER AGAIN, THE COMPETITION IS MILES BETTER'
Just to follow up on this the adblockplus devs looked at the upcoming changes.
First the definitions for acceptable ads comes from the Coalition for Better Ads (CBA) which is an independent body. Apparently the blocker only removed 9 of 55 ads they tested where as adblockplus removed 51 by default, or all 55 if you disalow acceptable ads.
been using adblocker on my phone for years
I honestly wish they should relabel them to 'pity ads' or 'misery ads'. Pls goy let me have this half a shekel. So that people could say, lol no, fuck off
So all this shit blocks is shit like crypto mining scripts on sites, not the preroll ads on YouTube or shit like that right? Useless
we unironically, as a society, need to go back to using mosaic
>false advertising
imagine pissed off users installing an actual content blocker
>be Google
>offers advertising on AdWords
>creates an ad blocking web browser
Fuck you, Google. They certainly started to rip off people, but now everybody can see. Every one's ads who ordered advertising on AdWords, will be blocked, but Google will take money for that.
Good business move from google, now they're in position of blacklisting any ads that doesn't come from them.
Not to you and me there isn't, but there are for a lot of people, some people are content with just not being distracted, each to his own.
I genuinely like the idea of eliminating advertising in principle. If you do the math and look at the advertising industry what you find is that all our products cost a lot more because they have to offset advertising budgets. If we could eliminate advertising as an effective sales technique then the cost of living would go down dramatically. Also people would buy products and services based more on actual quality rather than brainwashing so odds are quality would increase as well.
Yeah it's basically a form of ebegging.
They'll use it as an excuse to ban adblockers from all their platform. Then they'll pressure all the other browser vendors to sign up. This includes Mozilla because they still get a shitload of money from them.
>Microsoft hated and sued for including IE in their OS in the 90s
>Google has highest browser market share and is now actively blocking all ads except their own
But ads are deeply ingrained in every single industry so I doubt that they'll die out... It would be cool if they did, perhaps we could have the old Web back
I'd rather have invisible bitcoin miners running in the background than seeing an ad.
I doubt it, there's adblockers on all major browsers now and plenty of healthy market choice, they'd not risk Chromes market share just to fuck with people blocking ads.
However they did ban adnusem and that's quite obviously because they were fucking with the ad business model, not just denying ad views but creating false positives, so I'm not really that surprised.
Between this and forcing everyone to use https in the next few months I welcome our google overlords.
Yeah, no. Getting money for a website that shows you ten pictures of dogs eating pudding shouldn't be possible. If you have a worthy website maintain it by getting donations from people that like your content not by making the user sit through a shitload of ads. I saw an article somewhere about ads that mine shit appearing on yt.. Since then I got the script blocker and holy shit is everything bloated
>All of a sudden uBlock is removed from the chrome store.
>thinks MS got sued just cus they bundled it
>MS was good guys in the 90s
I think this is what Chrome was created for.
Step 1: Invest Millions into creating a good web browser
Step 2: Aggressively market the browser on your services so that millions of people see "Browse faster and more securely with Chrome"
Step 3: Wait
Step 4 (When you have a sufficient market share): Block ads from all networks but yours
Step 5: $$$$$