How do we get more women into coding? The team I work on has only two women...

How do we get more women into coding? The team I work on has only two women, they are both quite a bit better than your average Pajeet.

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how do you get more pajeet women into coding tho?

Do you have peanuts?

Girls belong in the home making and raising children from the age of 13.

she looks ready for the nakadashi

There is no need to force anyone into any profession. Informing all children about a variety of career paths without the stigmas of gender and providing education is one thing, forcing underqualified workers into an industry for the sake of paper diversity is asinine.

>I have nothing better to say so i better post memes
fuck off OP how about you talk specifics about coding in different languages and let your ability let you speak for yourself.
Your vagina makes you as special as my penis.

How do we get more men into nursing? The hospital I work for only has two men, they are both quite a bit better than your average Lashandra.

>asking how to make my tech related career better

in American schools logic & code aren't even mentioned, unless it's a bigger school but even then it's by highschool so you choose classes and women aren't smart so they won't take these classes

Need to introduce shit like binary and logic gates at a young age. It's easy as shit.
I'm tempted to go into teaching for the hours and vacation. Regular engineering isn't too fun

Fuck off with your common sense.

Lefty westerners will be mad.

That's not at all what you said, let's break down your shitty post:
>How do we get more women into coding?
sex and IT skill aren't comparable objects. Why can't you just say "how do we get more people into coding?"
>The team I work on has only two women
"the Team I work on has two women"
>they are both quite a bit better than your average Pajeet.
So you're comparing sex to a race, Indians both women and men are in IT.
Basically you're a fucking retard who deserves your low wage. It's not your sex holding you back OP, I fucking promise you.

what a cutie

>let's force women into fields that they don't enjoy and are inherently unsuited for to fill imaginary quotas

Feminism at work. How about you just let people go into whatever field they want?


we need more women in the coal mining industry

>women in the workplace
The majority belong barefoot and pregnant. Outliers who fell for the meme have got a lot to juggle, and set themselves up for difficulties.


Calm down ahmet. Wamen belong in the kitchen, but they still should have choices. Also I like my waman aged 21+ . To hell with your 13 years olds

They ALL belong like that

>more women into coding
how about "how do we get more people in general to start coding?" most women are inherently normalfags, and most normalfags can't into programming.
>better than your average pajeet
okay so they can do a single line fizzbuzz? pajeets are fucking retarded and being better then them should be standard, not an achievement. FUck off with your shitty bait threads, hole.

hire based on experience and skill, not on gender/sex. stop discriminating you piece of shit

Sometimes literally no coder is better than a pajeet.

Pajeets also don't object when you sexually harass them.

why would you want to replace them with women?

Nowhere in the world hiring is based primarily on experience and skill. Ultimately recommendations are what really matter. Always.

Can someone explain to me WHY we NEED women in tech? I mean - I don't mind. But why do we NEED more women. Explain in great detai l please.

Because they want to stick it to the patriarchy. But only when it comes in the form of a comfortable office job. Don't hear them making a song and dance about needing more women in refuse collection. Or building site labourers.

There's LOADS of women into coding. They were just born dudes and have something wrong with them mentally.

There's no reason from a technical standpoint but a diverse workforce is better for business in a number of ways i.e. grants, publicity, marketing, access to different demographics, etc.

That ugly cunt can't even make a fist correctly, why the fuck should we trust her to code?

I've got a mallicious python injection for her box

we don't


Agreed. This is probably the least threatening picture I have ever seen. And that includes pictures of literal dick sucking.

Nah, I find her a solid rapeable/10.

We cannot get a genre inside a profession. It is not a pice of lego. We begin by behaving ourselves and evolving our ways when women are not around. Like here, for instance. Close your /gif and grow the fuck up.


>its not your sex holding you back I promise.
/thread. People need to stop blaming others for their problems the reason pajeets are shitting on you are A they are cheaper they don't bitch and cry they actually work even if they don't do the best work we don't have to worry about some bs pajeet rallies about lander diversity. Businesses worth their shit hire off skill level if you are unskilled that's in you stop trying to blame others you incompetent sweat bag.

You can find them in RUST and MS Excel tier companies lel

show them something fun that can be made with code
majority of men I know who are interested in coding became interested due to video game related interests, either making online hacks, flash games or mods.

>Thumb on top of fist

>How do we get more women into coding?
What's your motivation with this? To make tech even more buggy than it is already? Besides, most desk-jockey types of "males" could already pass as girls anyway. Women will never get into coding until Hollywood makes it seem cool and trendy on TV and with the skanks it's monkey see - monkey do.

Women can actually be great at coding, and I hope more get into it.

I have a few female friends who are coders (mostly front-end devs), and some of them are better than other male devs that I know.

I also work with a couple outsourced pajeets at my company, and the female pajeets are better than the male pajeets. It's actually kinda cool. I mean, they still suck (because outsourced), but still, nice to see.

Male pajeets need to stop systematically raping them to even let them code for five minutes

mmmm if shes that cute she can pair program with me anyday.. if you know what i mean ;)

>reddit spacing
>woman can be great at coding
lmao 2/10 bait, stick to reddit kid

>le reddit spacing meme
Reminder that this is a meme forced by dumb phoneposters who hate double spacing (which is more aesthetic) because it rapes their tiny screenlets.

honestly you're wrong. reddit spacing is something DONE BY phoneposters because on a phone screen a few words look like a big paragraph and they think it needs more spacing. In reality its just 2 lines on a monitor. Regardless of who does it, it looks retarded. Reminds me of fucking stories posted on LinkedIn, those people also use similar retarded spacing.

>reddit spacing
Enjoy surfing Sup Forums on your phone. I, myself, am enjoying it on my based pc masterrace gaming battlestation.
>woman can be great at coding
Let me guess, PHP developer? Maybe Java? Over 250lbs?

Seriously though, doesn't matter if male or female. I legit know some girls who are damn good at programming, and I know guys who are fucking shit.
I can't speak for back-end stuff, but for front-end development, I'd argue that women actually tend to be better (in general) than guys, because they ACTUALLY care / have a better eye for creative design.
Like seriously, there's lots of devs out there who are like "huirr durr CSS sucks lol, Bootstrap is great, I'm a pretty good JS guy but man, that css whatever man". And that's how stuff looks like shit.

Also, I do actually also work with a couple outsourced Pajeets as well. And yes, while overall, the outsourced pajeet devs suck, the female pajeets are better than the male ones, also for the reasons I mentioned above. Relatively speaking of course.

yes that is how this website works, go to reddit if you need your safespace or filters


>How do we get more women into coding? The team I work on has only two women, they are both quite a bit better than your average Pajeet.
You only want women in tech because you want to bang them and you're miserably single. Once you have a girlfriend/fiance/wife, you won't be thinking such foolish thoughts. It's enough to be around one woman.

I've worked with women and few were great, but many of them were terrible and had no work ethic. They're great as an "assistant," especially the smart ones but most of them are not pleasant to work with and are not dependable.

The only female programmers I've ever met were meme programmers, learning meme languages (Micropython/C# with some web IDE from microsoft that can't even download)

>and the female pajeets are better than the male pajeets
Yeah sure bud, it's not like you want to hit on them or anything.

Because it's 2018.

These guys are addressing the real issues. Sitting in an office looking at a computer isn't nearly macho enough to overthrow the patriarchy.

Because these 23-year olds like are getting hungry and they think virtue-signaling is the best way to get laid instead of taking the red pill

>advocates for more women in prison

Now we're talking!

same (edgy) fag

and are me. Not the other.

I don't believe you frogman

Sometimes people just happen to have the perfect webm to complement your jpg, and you just happen to have another perfect jpg to complement their webm. It's destiny.

Now go find some bitches who wanna dig some ditches!

Step 1: kys
Step 2: reincarnate as woman
Step 3: go into coding.

Being a woman and going into coding is the only way to ensure there are more women in coding. More advertising money is not going to cut it, just ask Hillary.

>a number of ways i.e. publicity, publicity, publicity, etc.

You don't, most women are not good with machines, but with people.
Even if you get one that "multiclass" decently, you put her on management, as she will be able to spot the lazy fucks and put em to work.

Also marketing.

change the definition of coding
put the bar higher so that autistic neckbeards can't get into it

>front end devs

Webshits of any kind are not developers.

You don't.
You let the women who are actually good at coding rise to the top without the stigma of being a diversity hire.
Fucking end of story.

turn the men into women~ :3

>it looks retarded
Just like your opinion, which is trash.


Please stick to your containment board, virgins.

how do we get more paki women into coding really tho?

>how do you get more pajeet women into coding tho?
Goddamit fuck off

asian people are degenerates

offer them free money to do their job

women love money

Feminanon spotted. Fuck, we don't need more women, we need just enough. The Stacies of the world only care about Chad's dick and are social whores, thinking computers are icky and merely touching one will turn them into a hermit incarnate.

Girls think of computers as televisions with controls which allow me to talk with Chad, Adan, Jamal, friendies and family, while simultaneously checking offers for shopping. They want jobs which will involve Chads or possibly other women, and your ass in front of the screen doesn't do that.

Also, women generally pursue jobs which provide social satisfaction (inb4 orgies, no, I am not that perverted). So teaching, nursing, administration etc. Programming is essentially solitary occupaton.

What's it like to be an adult virgin?

That's not a woman OP

You make more guys turn into women. It's been proven that only trans girls are good at programming among women.

>thinking diversity of appearance, race and psychological diseases matters
maybe in sweden. everywhere else only diversity in skill matters.

Free expensive purses for completing the course

>my worth as an individual pertains upon whether or not I have slept with another person

>> worked in IT for only three years
>> had three females on the team that did jack shit all day while everyone else worked their asses off
>>females file complaint because they felt they were being treated unethically
>>company freaks and forces everyone into diversity training, they fire half the team and hire on more females and ethically diverse.
>>literally two of us working now, see signs of the company going under and quit.

If women want to be housewifes, let them be housewifes.

He is right soyboy.

its just queers searching that, soz

If Women have the freedom, then they pursue feminine jobs.

Women who are only in it for the fame and money are horrible waifu material anyways and do not much positive to society. They are always angry. Always unsatisfied, always unfulfilled. Fuck them.

>t. "please have sex with me, I defended your gender on the internets!"

We need more female roofers. Its a total sausage-fest.

Are you that desperate to fuck OP?

Make posts on Sup Forums and suck their dicks.

Women being better at front end development.
Yeah I wonder why.
>maybe because they are illogical creatures and won't even recognize when a system is broken and will just eat it up to make little colorful buttons and be so happy about it.
Men reinvent things if they don't work or are a burden to humanity
Women just eat it up, because they don't understand technology anyways.

Sorry for being so hateful on women but this thread is stupid.

Look at all the frontend devs and tell me they are not degenerate.

We should reinvent web development so it makes sense again.

Why would you want to work with people like this?

Treat them like treat boys since their birthday.


Ironic since in my engineering course girls are the ones that have the greatest difficulties with programming tasks.
Oh right, we're talking coding here. Slap some more python kid

It that Autism City, the capital of Retardiland?
What fucking board looks like that?