So it begins

So it begins...

Other urls found in this thread:

Are there a way to trick sites into thinking that i'm not using adblock?


Crypto currency miner kek


purged my ublock origin filters.
updated filters.
It went away.

Right-click > Block element

Just use the monero miner

There are at least two miner blockers (for Chrome).

They make it sound like you're going to be solving some important shit but it's just a regular botnet

>that brain power analogy
fucking lel


Hillary lost, get over yourself.

werks on my machine ;)))))

Also why would you ever go to this trash in the first place

The correct answer is to not visit the site, or any site that does this.

Not what the thread is about retard.

Option 1: Nano defender
Option 2: Stop using this shitty site

Disabling js might work out


As expected of Salon

kill yourself


I'd boycott them if I ever went there to begin with

Salon is bottom of the barrel news. The kind of website that produces click bait articles with zero substance just to be upvoted on the front page of reddit.

>going to a kike website
>being surprised at kike antics
i dont know what you were expecting

What you do is stop the page from loading at the beginning and anti-adblocks never load up. Nice little trick for you there brainlet.

Yet again, nothing of value was lost. Anti-adblockers are doing our work for us.

>Nano defender


It just werks.

>going to sites that do this



Get rid of all anti adblock notifications
Add this script to your scriptmonkey
And add the filter list
to your ublock (or just click subscribe on the first link and it'll add it for you)


What's stupid is they don't consider the electricity bill.

In most of the world it's already no longer viable to mine bitcoins because the electricity bill is higher than the value of the bitcoins.

Mining in JAVASCRIPT is terribly inefficient so the electricity bill will be many times more than the amount of money the site can earn.
A simple donate button would be far more effective.

But salon does not pay for your electricity.
They don't care about anything that doesn't directly profit them.

Delete this!

What extension/add-on is this?

lmao top kikes

3P Request Blocker

Werks on my machine :^)



While yes those articles are similar in title one is about Republic smearing Hillary saying she has brain damage, while the other is discussing the extent of McCain's capture in Vietnam.



wot about these?

Works on my machine.

uMatrix doesn't have this problem

Block javascript, use one of the anti-anti-adblock scripts/extensions. The adblock/antiadblock arms race has begun.

All the brainlets in this thread holy fuck the absolute state of Sup Forums

Not to mention most normies these days are using systems where mining will literally kill them and reduce their lifespans (laptops).

>Not to mention most normies these days are using systems where mining will literally kill them and reduce their lifespans (laptops).
>mine bitcoin
what did he mean by this

As usual, SJW-ism has an effect of demonetization and loss of trust from the normie majority to be substituted with an image of court jesters.

- Hasbro for example managed to bankrupt the GI Joe by employing SJW writers, with the first fucking comic issue.
- Marvel keeps losing money over the new female "muh womyn power" Captain Marvel, who keeps being rehashed and forced in apparent desperation yet keeps failing and not making returns.
- Disney's Star Wars has no lost trust among prop sellers, a first in the brand's history, because shelves are filled with unsold TLJ "womyn powa" toys which are gonna be written off as a major financial loss for both the sellers and Disney. Now sellers have no alternative but to scrutinize Disney's Bolshevik marketing projections and force increased costs on Disney as a risk tax. Even lost a potential market of 1.3 billion people in China which cites "Baizuo" "Low IQ (SJW) writing" and "Ugly cast" as critiques.
- SJW publications such as Salon being forced into adwalls.
- Video Game developers appealing to a vocal minority of SJW's who don't even pay for games but gather around a single "representative" via social contacts, who are merely there to support that one critic against products they don't even care about; resulting in a loss of the core majority of gamers and net loss in revenue due to appeal to minority over majority.

The ride keeps going and going. Appeal to minority profits, and you get a reduction constant in revenue until a negative is reached over time, if not instantly like GI Joe.

it does for me, although disabling first party scripts makes it go away.

*blocks mining script too*
nuthin personell kid

How common is sites nowadays with or without ads secretly mine your CPU for crypto?

hey manchild, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are over there

>myth that we only use 10% of our brain
This make it sound like it's a myth that you don't use all of your computer's processing power.

Your maligned stupidity and butthurt will not make the message go away, the truth is reflected in real world statistics and mathematics.
Cry more bitch, nobody wants to monetize your shitty website when it's very nature is pouring lefty/pol/ diarrhea into the world.

the absolute madman!

How long until Hiro does this for anyone who uses Adblock but doesn't have a Pass?

also check out what's on the 404 page now

Does Pihole do this?


I'd think the Sorosbucks are enough to keep them going even without advertising revenue.

We all knew this was going to become standardized. This will go to court and get OK'd by a judge just like Facebook tracking habits and will become the new "by using this site you agree to tyrannical terms"

We need a new internet, preferably one without Google and big businesses.

what browser based crypto miner are they using?

There's literally nothing wrong with this. Just use another website.

Fuck that. I give them valuable traffic and they call me a thief. They should be paying me.

Google Cache in those bitches.

>muh Sup Forums
aaah the leftie tears when doesn't have a real reson to exist anymore

My nigga.

I laughed hard at this.

and nothing of value was lost

i mean just dont visit shitty websites

Oh yeah? Name five non shit websites.

I could but then they'd be shit because you would visit them

stop being racist faggot

>copy article link
>paste into
>read archive

Salon is pretty trash desu, it feels like your listening to a neurotic cat lady jewess when your reading it.

why havent they blocked alt-right archiving sites yet?
did they learn nothing from vice?

>reading salon

kys retard


I was getting around this just fine the other day by simply updating 4chanx, but today it started the fuckery once more. Anyone have any ideas?

change your user agent string to google bot, fools a lot of sites, especially if they are wanting the text indexed. you may be able to view source and edit the page to get around things as well. perhaps time to make a web extension to get taround this bullshit.

Oh, that's clever.


First they served me ads
Then the ads got annoying
Then the ads filled with malware
Then they blocked my adblocker
Now they're openly putting malware Bitcoin miners in the JS


Fuck salon and the cucks who don't block their ads.
I don't have any adblocker by the way, my autism is too high for simple commoners to understand.

Sites built in things like angular won't work.

>he reads soylon

Personally I use Poper Blocker. It has a feature that lets you right click on overlays and remove them. Works on pretty much every site I've gotten a "Looks like you're using an ad blocker" message on, and it doesn't break a bunch of shit like blocking scripts can.

ssd have limited amount of writes before they degrade rapidly


my only argument is they're 788 days apart and probably not by the same writer > editor

What the fuck

Is salon gonna pay for the electricity theyre hogging from me with mining? Kikes

has anyone ever told you you're a faggot?

>expecting Sup Forums to not be full of brainlets

Mining isn't an i/o heavy operation you idiot, it's literally multiplication. Your SSD is in no danger from a miner.

to be honest, i'd rather let websites use a bit of my computing power than see the ads. ads are fucking annoying, but i won't even feel small miner if it's implemented correctly.

i like it, sorry

What about not browsing leftists garbage site that use your CPU ?

It's not an either-or. Run an adblocker and don't put up with either of them.

i don't even know what kind of website is this, i'm just saying that miners > ads

what about not pushing your beloved politics wherever possible?