What are Sup Forums's thoughts on apple users?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on apple users?

regular people viewed through the prism of ebin memes just like just about anything on Sup Forums


I think that Applel users are a bunch of cock sucking retards who are easily parted from their money.

gays are ok i guess


lazy in that they wont do research on the products they buy and go purely off marketing but they can afford it so more power to them

it's the fanboys that try to justify their purchase (ie. "i paid twice as much so it proves my thing is twice as good") that annoy me

We are superior. We have used your shitty "alternatives" and found them lacking. Windows is not a capable operating system. Linux is not ready for mainstream adoption. Thinkpads are not good enough. We expect to buy something, pull it out of the box, and expect it to just work with no setup or troubleshooting. Nothing else offers that, especially not the shit you poorfags shill on here.

you're obviously trolling but whatever here's a (you)
The issue isn't having something that just werks, it's a matter of configurability. Macs sacrifice customization and optimization in favor of a smooth and more consistent product, which is a valid practice but not something always desired.
What would ricefags do if they couldn't rice?

macbooks are passable

everything else is fucking stupid

With us, the point of using a computer is to work. We do not care about customization or ricing. The trade-offs in efficiency and reliability just aren't worth it.

> muh ricing

Nobody doing serious software development gives a shit about extensive configuration of window managers and other mundane shit. That stops being interesting sometime in your early teens.

literally this, all the 160 iq programmers I know just use whatever, they really don't care, even when it comes to peripherals, rubberdome membrane shit keyboards

it's funny because it's true
the biggest greybeard in my company uses a damn windows 7 machine

iphones+ old thinkpad running gnu/linux is master race

but software development still falls under that same category. Macs have a lot of backend stuff hidden that makes development harder, no?

being able to use unix based cli out of the box on a mac has been more convenient for me than using windows.

Not really no.

completely wrong
where do you even come up with assumptions like that

from my ass desu

Soyboys have defended this.

People that desire social status and a mistake resistant OS more than thier finances and thier freedom as computer users.
I really wish I could understand a programmer that uses Mac over Windows and Linux.

>I really wish I could understand a programmer that uses Mac

They don't want to fool around ricing and want excellent hardware and software support. If I go to a meeting/conference and my Linux laptop doesn't work with a projector that's my problem and reflects poorly on me. If I go to a meeting/conference and my Mac or Windows laptop doesn't work with a projector that's their problem and doesn't reflect poorly on me.

If you think Windows is an acceptable operating system for programming you can just fuck off. Outside of C# libraries, most modern programming libraries are barely even tested on Windows.

If you think fagOS is an acceptable operating system you can just fuck off.

I don't know what a "computer" (???) is or does, sorry.


I believe the correct term is sheep.

>t. proprietary soyboy cuck

>I don't know what a "computer" (???) is or does, sorry.
So, you're 8 years old?

>anything I don't like is trolling or bait

> defending windows
> someone defending OSX is a proprietary soyboy cuck

How's your first day on Sup Forums going?

>most modern programming libraries are barely even tested on Windows
such as?

still better than than w10 users.
also because i don,t care about other peoples sexual orientation



>defending OSX
>not a proprietary soyboy cuck

i think they're chads who get tons of pussy

>Most libraries untested on Windows
That doesn't sound right but I can't prove you wrong. From personal experience I've heard of more people having to do backflips to get libraries for Mac than the inverse.

>Linux distro incompatible with a projector
I have never heard of a projector being dependant on an OS. Unless you're refering to those SMART board touch things they have in schools.

Fruit religious hipster soyboys who have more money than brains.

The only common thread between Apple users is they're Apple users. I know Evangelical conservative pastors who use Mac, and I know libertine soyboys of the gay and straight persuasion who use them. What particular brand of computer you buy doesn't mean anything...

you know what i find interesting, the fact that people root their identity in electronic devices and are literally getting into fights about it, goes to show how strong tribalism is in humans.

as a developer, i use windows, mac os, linux machines. There are aspects I like about each but I don't take pride or heritage in an os lmfao

seriously, how old are we, if x was really bad, no one would be using it, the reality is that there are people with different needs and x product suits that need.

I prefer using android phones because I prefer the customization, but I know people much smarter than me who prefer iphones since they just want it to work.


I kind of agree.
> (OP)
>lazy in that they wont do research on the products they buy and go purely off marketing but they can afford it so more power to them
I kind of agree. They aren't likely to be too good with computers to begin with so they get a lot of sentimental value from a very solid web browser\doc editor\ableton\premiere container in terms of ui\ux

Asynchronous PostgreSQL drivers for basically any language.

I'll use Tensorflow as another example. When it came out it didn't work on Windows and Google's official response was basically "lol who gives a shit." Eventually Microsoft paid some developers to create patches but even that took a while because Google wouldn't accept anything that made the code sufficiently more complicated just to support Windows. It kind of works on Windows now but patches that break Windows support are totally acceptable while patches that break Linux and OS X support are release blockers. They've also threatened to remove Windows support multiple times because they aren't willing to maintain it and are sick of seeing bugs about it in the issue tracker. The situation with PyTorch isn't much better.



What did he mean by this?

what are you guys having for dinner?

>putting your food on a computer
This kind of thing is how Monsters Inside Me happens

What's a computer?

What's a computer?

what's a gender?


Very annoying on the Internet, historically nonexistant in my country.

Hilarious, upvoted XD!

>t. iCuck soyboy brony

What's with all the bearded, Pink impersonators, these days?

From their bank's money. Most of them buy their gayDevices on financing plans and credit cards anyway.


>Calls others cuck soyboy's
Keeps a folder full of images of a brand he doesn't like so he can shitpost about said brand over the internet.

Apple Culture:

Programs = Apps
Programmer = Coder
Computer = Mac
Tablet = iPad
PC = Windows

i like apples

So did Eve.

We use mac windows and linux for work at a roughly 20/70/10 split. 90% of service calls come from mac machines either not taking AD updates, refusing to talk to printers or other basic shit that should work.
Long story short, macOS is a shiny toy and something that should be used for work.

perfect consumers, will shell out more money for inferior products because of marketing, buy every model when it comes out because of planned obsolecense and shill all of this for free because of herd mentality
usa's greatest accomplishment of the 21st century so far, a true marvel of social engineering and conditioning

And IBM says the opposite. If you half ass Macs in the workplace of course they will have problems; everything you have is set up for windows.

>90% of service calls come from mac machines either not taking AD updates, refusing to talk to printers or other basic shit that should work.
> not taking AD updates
> AD updates

Found your problem. Stop using your proprietary Active Directory shite.

> using Windows in 2018

Windows is so shitty Google, SpaceX and Facebook have banned their developers from using it. I'll take their experience over your podunk fly over state company.

Mactoddlers will defend this.

>pinnaple pizza

>non-pineapple pizza


soyboys will defned this


They're generally people who don't care about technology, which is why they go for something that's flashy and simple.

>They're generally people who don't belong on Sup Forums - technology.

Sup Forums doesn't actually know anything do they

Of course not. A few looks at the catalog should prove that.

this is fine

This era of memes fucking sucks

Mommy look I said soyboy! It's a current meme so it means I'm cool and the other kids at Sup Forums accept me! I stay current with le memes!

Fanboys, Hipsters, iDrones, some productive users

(most productive users Hackintosh because the hardware is insanely overpriced)

the male one needs to be less flattering, by obfuscating an equal percentage of the object as the other two. otherwise there is a clear bias

>5 guys
The gayest.

>t. assblasted soyboy


It really doesn't. The stupid wojaks are great

I replaced my Probook 6460b with a 13 inch 2015 Macbook Air for 400 bucks. I've built every desktop i've ever owned.

What do you coons think of me?

Every time Sup Forumscunts post outside of their containment pit, they lower the average IQ. Go back to your shitty board.


don't talk shit on 5 guys

>enjoys 5 guys
Like pottery.

honestly Apple has now surpassed Android with not only have better computing power/efficiency but also more reliable storage. still a shame the batteries are terrible, I'll probably replace my iPhone 8 battery after the first year.

y r liberals so dumb if they r so big-brain?

Obomber is truly homosexual though. And not because of Michael.

Why do apple users consume so much soy?

I wanted to use Linux, but I already managed to uninstall my UI (3 fucking times) with apt-get remove [X package]. Usually the package contains some dependency for the gui like python3 which gets auto removed and i end up with a console based laptop.

>What made up group of people can we make fun of to make us feel better about ourselves.

Who gives a shit what other people do. Pathetic to shit on "normies" for using a different OS, grow up.

>t. soyboy

faggot lmao
