I've never written a line of code in my life. Is this a good place to start?
I've never written a line of code in my life. Is this a good place to start?
try code academy first and see how you like it
here are some java tutorials as I'm assuming you want to make games
I did some Codecademy and am now at chapter 4 of pic related. Considering applying for bachelor ICT.
I would start with C
Hello World is a good first step.
No, start with Haskell if you master that then you'll never need anything else.
Why has no one suggested Python?
i would recommend following along coding tutorials on youtube or getting a lynda.com sub
learn C
It's programming or development. When you say coding you sound like a brainlet
Is Haskell a meme. Currently learning Python and trying to decide on Haskell or C++ next, although school will require C++ next as Im taking Data Strcutures in C++ next semester
too be honest I recommend python. You'll get familiar with basic paradigm ideas whilst having fun, because basic shit is really easy to do in python. Eventually you'll start to learn more about computers, and you'll be able to appreciate and even enjoy the power you get in low level languages like c and c++. But ya python is a good place to start
Before you start programming, I would first start with getting a good Programming Logic book and then start with a language. Programming Logic will teach you the whys on what you are doing.
>for computer science stuff
>for math stuff
R or python
>for games stuff
C (if you want to make your own engines)
C# if you're a nodev
>for webdev
Javascript, PHP, basic styling shit
remember, after you learn a language (except web dev shit because it's basically what the fuck tier) the concepts are easy to adapt into others.
No. Don’t start with theory. Just try to slap together some programs that can make your life/job easier in C++. You’ll understand the basics by the time you make functional software, and then when you read theory you’ll understand what you’re reading
learncpp.com is what i point to for beginners. learning C++ first gives you good fundamentals and that site is excellent in my opinion for it
nah don't bother. I tried the c++ for dummies book about 10 years ago when I first got into programming, and it was shit. Didn't explain things properly, didn't teach you the right vocabulary, etc.
I've heard good things about codecademy. Though I would recommend learncpp.com, even though that's exclusively for c++.
I suggest learning a language that is useful for you, and one that is not too easy. C/C++ is what I need because I'm from EEE
Learn Python first, then choose which direction you want to go and pick appropriate languages.
Learn python or Ruby first.
Personally, I prefer Ruby the most because it encourages you to become intimately familiar with one of the most popular programming paradigms (object oriented) whilst also allowing for support for basic functional programming, which is a the most aesthetic programming paradigm. And it has nowhere near the amount of bugbears of javascript.
But you can do both of those in python anyway, so you can start with that.
Learn C
>le I don't recognize C++ as a language
the post
Learn C, the greatest language ever made, do not learn rust since it's on its way out
Do c++ now so you ace it in school, while you ace it in school so haskell
>Is Haskell a meme
For the most part yes.
Instead of making threads why don't you start and figure out on the go?
Pic or avr assembly. Is monkey level.
Haskell may be a meme but it's fun as fuck and makes you see other languages from a totally different perspective.
What's the best way to learn C in a short amount of time? Need to be able to read code written in C by tomorrow. Is it even possible?
The classics never truly die.
Pretty much deprecated at this point
That's a reference book, more for people who want to implement C rather than those who want to program in it
What’s the difference?
That's a type of snake, user
It’s too constricting
Writing a C compiler vs writing a C program
>[Ctrl] + f
>no "sicp"
I am disappoint.
If i want to develop apps what should i pick?
Pick a different career
Unless you're a masochist
I this book. Is it any good?
>tfw you are too dumb to learn programming
>tfw iktf
Life is suffering
I pretty much only need to know enough C to:
-Find the result of:
#include int A [7] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; int main () { int
*p ; p = &A[3]; p--; printf ( "%d" , *(p+2) ) ; return 0 ; }
-Find where the runtime error is in :
#include 2 int factorial( int number) { 3 int res; 4 res =
number * factorial(number - 1); 5 return res; 6 } 7 int main(){ 8 int number = 5; 9 printf("Factorial of %d is
%d,number,factorial(number)); 10 return 0; 11 }
I don't know how advanced I should be in C in order to be able to quickly respond to those questions. Should I bother with free online courses?
>tfw code used to look like autisitic scribbles once but now I can generally understand code from languages I don’t really know after learning Python
Feels fucking good, man
Dont be a (()) , learn LISP
fucking no.
Learn by jump right into it or you will just burn yourself out with boredom, seriously find what you want to do with coding and pick anything C based and start doing it.
I agreed, OP should install a linux distro, mint will do and its easy, they should learn something like vim for writing their code.
Fundamentals in programming first is a must and can be learned in 1 - 3 days.
Learn basics like data types, flow control, loops, logic and the basic anatomy of a C program, then move quickly on wards to actually writing your first program.
more can be learned by doing, learn by finding what you need to learn about to get something done.
it's great if you want to waste your time
the market is already oversaturated
Implementing C means writing a C compiler, programming C means using C to write programs.
youtube is a good source for learning things like
learn how to pull data from an online source for instance.
any key word or piece of code you don't understand just google it.
Underrated post
Learning theory first is boring and you only get knowledge without knowing how to use it. Just ask yourself what kind of program you wanna make and start making by watching tutorials and looking up theory when you need it.
You'll progress 10 times faster seeing a program you dreamed of coming to life and quickly fall in love with the language soon enough to start reading in depth theory.