Which PDF reader do you use?

Which PDF reader do you use?

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Does it really make a difference? Holy autism



PDF Architect

Adobe. Because when I actually need a non-browser PDF reader it better fucking render forms and shit properly.



Document viewer from fdroid

because when I use a non-browser PDF reader it better fucking not allow execution of arbitrary javascript, include phone-home tracking code, and have 10,000 security holes

Google PDF Viewer

It's simple and works great.



Yes. There can be huge differences in load times and rendering.


>allow execution of arbitrary javascript, include phone-home tracking code, and have 10,000 security holes
Good thing Adobe Reader doesn't do any of that.

it is literally a feature


usually pdf-tools in emacs, but evince if I want something standalone.

>using pdfs for forms
>using a file format meant for consistent cross-platform document display as a content management system
how about you use things for purposes they're fit for? Forms go on webpages and such, not documents. Pdfs are read-only copies of editable docs from your office suite of choice. that's how they should be used

as usual, adobe sets a really shitty example and people fall for it

This. Very basic and works decently well.

Xodo is quite nice

Zathura is wonderfully minimalistic.

the one that comes with calibre

You have no idea what a CMS actually is, do you?

Where does it say arbitrary?

the only downside of sumatrapdf is that you can't mix windows and tabs


Zathura is my go-to. Great mix of simplicity and customizability. Plus it has live updating and reverse search for LaTeX compiling.

There are two things which really bug me about zathura, and the docs say nothing about what to do about this. One is remove the bottom bar which has pdf name and page number, on startup. Two, rebind arrow keys to smooth scroll (whatever Ctrl+Arrow does).
Otherwise zathura is perfect for me.

Except sometimes you'd like to be able to fill a form offline, dumbfuck.

>filling forms in pdf documents
Who does that? Oh, wait, let me guess... burgerland?


Shit loads in a fraction of a second and pages render fast as fuck.

>pdf reader

I just found out about emacs PDF tools and interleave mode. Emacs packages for this feel?

Okular/Sumatra in Linux/Windows. Acrobat if I need to do weird shit.




Edge. Which is getting PDF specific improvements in the next major update so this is clearly an intended use. Win 10 also has a video player built in that plays MKV and an audio player that plays FLAC. Why are you so resistant to change?

Evince, very fast

What platform?


llpp, you probably haven't heard of it

mupdf. It's a bit annoying that it lacks dual page layout, but I tile a terminal next to it when I want to take some notes anyway, so usually it's not much of a problem.

>Why are you so resistant to change?
it's not resistance to change, it's not seeing the value in change for the sake of change

SumatraPDF, Winamp and MPC-HC on Win7 do their job well. There isn't any incentive to change.


This is an almost embarrassing level of damage control. Unless you're getting paid by Adobe, just let it go.

evince (best mfing thing)
muPDF (good shit, search kinda sucks)
Sumatra (good and minimal)


I thought I might ask here.
Is there a PDF that support filling forums and generate QR code?

>Company uses pdf with blank fields to be filled in
>the data in those field are converted into QR code
>Print the PDF
>the QR code can be read to re-insert those data into the corresponding fields.

Okular. Best one on Linux, period.

pdf.js in browser

>tfw most of the annoying pop-ups ads work by spawning PDF with javascript that doesn't follow the same sandboxing restrictions

The insurance company.

Just set your browser to download PDFs, instead of using PDF.js

Zathura is fucking amazing.
Literally my face when

Atril on Ubuntu Mate
Sumatra on Windows 8.1

this for win and android.
on linux i dont care, just take the one preinstalled.

Sumatra on Windows
mupdf on Android
evince on *nix

I'm going to look into Zathura.