Dear ASUS, go fuck yourself

dear ASUS, go fuck yourself

not asus fault tho
it's apple's magic
now people want that shit
and people will not care about p2 anymore, because apple said bluetooth is fine
in the very same way, now Qi charger can finally take place, because apple

if things were completely shit companies would take a major hit and stop, but as people keep buying it, they sell
the just go were the money is

Wtf that notch or whatever its called is retarted.
Why everyone like to push all applel memes?
I won't buy any phone with that retarted screen.

What's the notch supposed to accomplish? Why is it even a thing?

No, Android P is rolling out support for the notch and it looks like it would be implemented a lot better than Apple's garbage.
If anything Apple is gonna copy the way Google perfects it.

Did apple just do this to send a message regarding how everyone just rips them off?

>everyone wants a edgless display
>problem is the self camera which is a must, plus the speaker!


Looks a lot less obnoxious than applel's notch tb h.

>Get rid of narcissism camera
>Put speaker on top

The must be a lot of those notch screen been made, and if Apple isn't going to use them other an OEM might want to use it's striking design.

How can it be better when it's literally a chunk of the screen missing? It's dumb no matter how you slice it. It's ridiculous to try and offer a "full-screen experience" when theres a cut-out in the way. The shills who say otherwise are just deep in Apple's pockets.

That would make too much sense, user.

>inch long notches in the screen
this is what we've come to as far as technological advancements

is tech dead? will there ever be anything new again? it's been the trend for over a decade now of simple formula for new phones - more power, more screen, less thickness. will anything actually new ever come out?

>Apple notch

Pic related, Essential Phone, released in August 2017, nearly two and a half months before the iPhone X released. Nobody is copying Apple and the reason people are doing it is to give more screen space while retaining the front camera and not making the phone fuckheug. I, for one, appreciate the approach since the notification bar naturally has dead space in the middle anyway. I think Essential's design is better, though.

Where else are you gonna put a light sensor, proximity sensor, headpiece and front facing camera?

That small notch is equally as retarded and manages to look even worse. The solution is to use one of the bottom corners, like some Xiaomi phone did, instead of putting it on top.

>that bottom bezel
So close yet so far

I'd rather have no front facing camera than a fucking notch on my screen.

This is still less offensive than everyone deciding to copy Apple's decision to remove the headphone jack.
Those other companies aren't trying to sell more Airpods. They had nothing to gain from fucking the consumer.

>Be me
>Have a Droid Turbo
>Want to upgrade
>Look around at different cell phones
>Nothing seems better than the Droid
>Guess I won't upgrade today

The same as always? It's amazing to think that only Samsung, LG, Google, and even OnePlus are the ones that get this whole concept right.

>What if
>guys, get this
>What if
>We took the NOTCH
>and made it SO WIDE
>it gives our phone a Jay Leno chin


Yeah you know what? I don't give a fucking shit about bevels.
>screen to the nanometre-edge
>flesh of your palm simulates touches
>screen cracks easier
Give me a massive removable battery.
Give me OLED and pitchblack theme
Give me an unbloated OS
Give me good optical hardware and not 60,000MP
Give me an IR blaster
A powerful CPU
That's everything a phone needs to be.
Everything else is wank.


There are two problems with that design:
1) It makes taking photos with the front camera awkward since phone users have been trained for a top mounted camera. At that point, it makes more sense to move the bezel to the top of the phone to accomplish the same thing.

2) The bottom bezel is going to disappear in high end phones completely. Apple has already eliminated it, which necessitated the notch in their phone. Apple is ahead of the game in that retard. Other phones will follow suit since eliminating the bezel is about increasing screen size while retaining the ability to use the phone in one hand. The notch is here to stay if you want a front camera, and most people do.

>it looks bad
It's about functionality, not your subjective view of aesthetics, which is probably shit anyway.


That's so much better!

Just wait a few years for Apple to steal it. Better than buying chinkshit.

Dont be mistaken user, this isn't Asus copying Apple

its Asus copying Samsung copying Apple

The Essential Phone is less than half the price of an iPhone X, I'm not sure expecting it to have the same features is something that someone who has the ability to think rationally would do. My point is that Essential achieved the same thing while having the notch take far less horizontal space, which is think is more valuable in a notch. You can see more notifications across the top bar with a narrow notch than otherwise. Unless you want your notification bar to start expanding vertically....

>confirmed never used a bezel-less phone before

I'm never buying apple again after they stopped providing features to my iPad with NO technical limitations to prevent them from doing so, while still providing new versions of iOS.
Most bullshit, obvious planned obsolescence I have ever seen.

Oh that's real good, unfortunately the batteries are so shit on Xiaomis they barely last 9 months. They went for mAh counts rather than durability over time.

Android vendors can bank on this shit by mocking Apple for having the notch and no headphone jack and fingerprint sensor. Instead, they copy the worst features and not the good ones.

>muh price
It puts my faith back into humanity to see people not fall for all that obvious viral marketing for the Essential Phone.

>>it looks bad
>It's about functionality, not your subjective view of aesthetics, which is probably shit anyway.
What functionality? They're removing as much bezel as they can, while keeping a retarded looking bezel because of the camera. There's no functionality gain from this besides bigger screen area, which could be achieved by simply making a bigger phone if they wanted to.
If you actually believe that any kind of notch that we've seen so far looks good, you're the one with the shit taste.

That's not how the world works unfortunately. Brainlet normies want Apple shit even though they can't afford it.
Luckily Android is a lot better than iOS. So not getting the real deal is still a net benefit.

>tfw didn't fall for the bezelless/curved/round corners meme
Grabbed it as fast as I could when first 5T pics appeared.


what you thought they were above dumb shit like this? it's the new trend. that company isn't wildly successful in the mobile market so they have to succumb to design trends to stay current.

I really wish Android phone manufacturers would stop trying to copy Apple. I hate Apple, and I hate the way they design products. That's why I buy Android phones in the first place! It was never about price. If people cared more about price, no one would buy flagships.

Oneplus fans, the only type of people more retarded than Apple fans.

Let me guess you were about to call me a samshit fan?

I really hate samsung but how the hell after 7 years are they still the one that makes the only phone in the world with a pen digitizer?

You are part of the problem


>There's no functionality gain from this besides bigger screen area, which could be achieved by simply making a bigger phone

Maximizing phone size without sacrificing the ability to use the phone with one hand. That's the functionality, and it's actually pretty important for lots of people. This is the main reason most phone manufacturers build two flagships; one for people who want to use the phone with one hand and others who aren't as concerned with that. Maintaining the same phone footprint for one-handed users while making the screen as large as possible is great. Being able to check messages while walking around the office carrying my laptop/coffee/papers/etc is kind of nice.

Nobody makes a one handed phone except Apple with the SE.

when i'm working around the house or in tight spaces the front camera is actually quite useful to take pictures/videos of nooks and crannies. it's a very rare usage scenario but it beats paying $60 for one of those colon cams

Anything below 6' is one-handed.

t. Midget

Honestly a meme notch is less retarded than getting rid of the headphone jack.

Samsung makes some low-tier phones that are small.
Sony makes the XZ1 compact, as well as plenty of other

That's the problem I am having. My Droid turbo is still an awesome phone compared to the full glass BS that is today's phones. Bought it second hand from a guy in the USA, and only reason I'm replacing it is the battery is just now showing it's age. And Verizon locking it down kinda sucks,otherwise I'd try lineage on it maybe.

I got a deal on a G6 from my carrier, 100 bucks plus 10 a month for 2 years so I was gonna just grab that and pay it off when I get a chance.

Fuck apple and it's dumb notch, the Droid turbo has almost as small a top bezel as the G6 or S8 I think and look at the age.

Did sharp not beat them to the idea?

the future is now

Maybe. I don't know who the first was, I was only pointing out that nobody is copying Apple-- this is just the direction the market is going.

Sharp was the first company to demonstrate the ability to have virtually bezel-less display, but didn't have the technology at the time to mount the display connector behind the panel (they had to put it at the bottom of the panel, hence the chin)
Xiaomi was the first to popularize the concept with the Mi Mix, but that still had a tiny bezel on the chin-bar.
I think Essential might have been the first to do a full bezel-less display.

Essential Phone has a chin bar. See

>make another fake iphone
>is not they fault

shut up Jamal

>not knowing that Xiaomi likes to fake the bezel in render

oneplus fans are Indians who can't afford a real phone and a toilet

Doesn't matter - the point is they came up with an objectively better camera position. And they are still the only ones with bone conduction ear speaker.

Why would you pay more for worse real world performance?

maybe to not have a chinese botnet on me at all times.

Then don't buy Huawei and ZTE.

No matter what smartphone you buy, you'll have a botnet on you at all times. It's just a matter of preferring American or Chinese botnets.

I'm pretty sure sharp had it first. But doesn't really matter now that they stopped using it and back to using normal earpiece because bone conduction was shit in mix 1

Not for long. The x will drop soon

Why can't Android come up with anything that isn't stolen from Apple? They are really enforcing the stereotype about Googles.

Ebin spongebob reference there.

No, its the Apple notch. The iPhone X was in development for much longer than whatever Essential bullshit was.

You can never make anyone happy, in the tech world, there is always compromise of some kind.

>make screen-vibrating speaker like Xioamoemi whatever phone and have camera on bottom 'chin' bezel: Ew its ugly!
>place all the shit at the top and have a 'forehead' bezel: Ew its ugly!
>put all the shit at the top but instead of covering up screen real estate, embrace and expose it because why not: Ew its ugly!

I prefer the notch. Its the only choice where potential screen isn't covered for no reason. Even if there's no real use to the extra space, the sight of having almost all of the front of the device lit up, on all corners, looks a lot better.



>Buy a $1200 Samsung * edge
>Every other touch opens the sidebar and launches Samsung Fit
>Overheats if it gets used too much
>Shit battery life because the UI is white and the OS is burdened by apps sharing all you data with Samsung and google
>Extended periods of excessive heat and CPU redlining causes the battery to prematurely swell and die
>Can't remove the battery
>Can't flash a custom ROM to lift the ridiculous bloat burden off the system
>Buy a new $1200 Samsung * edge 2

No thanks :-)

>Narcissism camera
You sound incredibly boring, Grandpa

I thought it was just macaroons

>all this craving for a bit bigger screen at the sacrifice of hardware buttons and functionality
oh am I laffing

Why not Meizu?
They even use a side fingerprint scanner ever since they started cutting down on bezels.

>rounded corners on a screen with rectangled aspect ratio

t. selfiefag

The notch is so pointless and ugly. I hope it doesn't kill bezel-less design. Thanks Apple.

Oh yaaaaaaaa selfies make me so excited I wanna shit

>plus the speaker
Sharp Crystal doesn't have a front speaker, it uses the glass as a reverb mechanism.

It's okay to be ugly, user.

>Rounded rectangles are not a thing in all modern tech

Everyone got memed so hard on bezels that the only solution was to make a more obtrusive bezel.

lmao give it 2 weeks and Sup Forums will be shilling asus all over

>they did it better!

aren't asus always brag and copying apple? anyone still have apple air vs asus thinnest ? really fucking funny asus have like a biggest bezel from all.

Source on that claim
My redmi is 2 years old and battery is great

it's ok to kill yourself user

Apple was a mistake.

If they threw a newer CPU in that, I'd buy it in a heartbeat.

It is.

Mine is 1.5 years old (redmi 3), the battery lasts for 2 days easily. It could last 3 but miui9 increased the usage

>miui9 increased the usage
Stop lying

>he doesn't run lineage

It really did, no need to lie. I'm not that shitposter who complains xiaomis have shitty battery

I don't use the front facing camera so remove it all together, would be perfect.

2 expensive for what's inside
but looks cool and it's different. 2 bad it has android and not bb10

If only I could see the phone I'm buying beforehand and not buy that meme.