/hpg/ - Headphone General

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stax > snapheiser

>And now you're going full HD600 mode and cherrypick your autistic measurements
apparently the hd800 is a mudcannon. who woulda thought?

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?
And while at it, what's your best girl @lantica?
I favor Sakuya.

stop liking products I arbitrarily decided not to

sakuya and mamimi are S-tier

Compared to HD600, everything is a mudcannon.
Agree about sakuya. I'm not convinced yet on mamimi.

I have a strong dislike for ponytails. Mamimi is cute I suppose.

Are the Sony MDR-V6's still a good choice for neutral headphones?


It's awesome, luscious, long hair if you untie it, ya know.

There's only one Sakuya in this world.

they never were neutral

Ringing canons were never a good choice.

>ringing treble cannon
I mean, maybe

See? It was just Idol Trash the whole time.

You forgot "rolls off bass as much as an open headphones but without the sound quality benefits from open headphones"

I will fucking destroy idol trash with memes until he cries if it ends up being him

Is this acceptable channel matching for $1100 headphones?

I'm innocent. I just contributed one little post of hd600 wisdom.
Pls no bulli.

At this point I highly suspect he works for ZMF or something because he gets triggered as fuck whenever people say anything negative about their products.

Whoever you are, that meme always brings a grin to my face, for whatever reason.

I watch anime on my ceiling and to do that I have a long HDMI cable running to a projector pointed at a mirror. I can't plug my Sony MDR V6 into it though because it'll sound crap like audio clipping, especially whenever a kawaii anime girl starts talking. My shifty USB speakers, however sound as to be expected. Is this a case of my projector being incapable of powering the headphones?

Thoughts on the Swans M50W? I've been reading some good things about the brand but impressions are scarce at best.


i'm just against people making shit up about the company for no reason other than that they can't afford it so they dislike it. I'd accept "I don't like how it sounds" as a valid reason, but people haven't heard it. they can't seem to read graphs either. I'm totally okay being labeled a zmfshill, as long as you are okay being labeled NHA

7506 and V6 were never a good choice.

if you're paying that much for speakers the least the company could do is replace the plastic facing with aluminum or carbon fiber

Buy LSR30X

I need something with sub.

Then which neutral headphones for around 130 dollars do you recommend, fancy pants?


Buy a sub separately. Them $99 polk audio ones I've heard are ok. Definitely going to be better overall than those tiny swans.

I'm a bit embarrassed to ask but space is rather limited and the LSR305 definitely won't fit on my desk. That was the reason why I looked at the Swans in the first place. Any help?

this will likely make people mad for me recommending this, but have you looked at the homepod?

No it's not. Any headphones above $100 with uneven channel matching is a shame (looking at you Sennheiser).
Get LSR305/30X and add a sub later. These monitors are insanely good, I'd take them over any headphones under $1000.
Even with a sub, the Swans you linked wouldn't even beat the cheap powered monitors.

>No it's not. Any headphones above $100 with uneven channel matching is a shame
angled pads cause those channel imbalances you see in most cases

I don't want a botnet speaker.

what are you currently listening too /hpg/?

Mamimi's mamimis
I see you added electric shoegazer, glad you liked it
And listening to mgmt's new album

>Gensokyo Electronic Shoegazer
Good taste.
Reminds me that I need to find some lossless downloads.

LSR305 not pictured
"Goodbye" is my recommended track on the album

Nice. The best headphones in the world. Nice.

So, what's the general opinion on Tin Audio T2? Anyone tried them?
Metal housing, detachacble cable with non-BS standard connectors, the fact they can be worn cable-down (four eyes user here), plus generally positive reviews have gotten me intrigued.


Thinking of getting pic related. Would it be a massive blunder, or a somewhat decent deal ?

The measurements I've seen seem pretty good.

Hello gen generation z generation

>The best headphones in the world

>"Goodbye" is my recommended track on the album
mah nigga. that's my favorite track too

also I think someone asked for my EQ preset a few threads ago, if you're interested here it is
tried to reproduce HD600 and added "sub-bass"
don't remind me I cry about it every day, every hour, every minute and every second

>have average plasticky headphones
>They're sony, so they have great speakers
>2007: They break
>Buy cheapest full-metal headphones on market
>replace speakers
>Indestructible speakers with good sound: achieved
>see this thread

Stax could be the best headphones in the world by a longshot and I still wouldn't put those waffles on my head.

that's because you are a soyboy concerned about people judging you for how your headphones look in the comfort of your own home

Already is, dumdum

>implying I ever let anyone in here

sachiko a cute.
A cute!!

>cares about headphone aesthetics
>doesn't ever see the light of day

how can company that doesn't exist be the best?

>STAX doesn't exist
have hd600 owners gone off the deep end and started to pretend they don't exist?


it doesn't. It was bought by chink company years ago. for measly 1.5 mil on top of that. there are probably richfag anons here with networth higher than that.

Can't help it. Can't stand ugly tech, even if I rarely see it because it sits on my head.

Threadly reminder $200 monitor speakers destroy every headphones under $1500. Only thing that can work its way out are electrostatics earspeakers.


I think they look quite comfy and retro. taste is very subjective. like how some people think the granite countertop look of the hd600 is actually aesthetic

when will we ascend to the electrostatic speaker master race

>for measly 1.5 mil on top of that.
Holy shit. Pocket change.

>not liking the retrofuturistic aesthetic

if perfect right angles can't please the autist then I don't know what can

>retarded anti-stax cuckolds stealing my memes

Really convinced me

Why do all headphones bleed out their sound so easily? What's the point of wearing headphones if literally everyone can hear the moaning from the porn you're watching regardless?

any good in-ears under 50 dollarydoos?


UMC204HD finally had stock in Europe so I bought one, if it's as good as my OL DAC then I'll be pissed

>hd 6xx
why do retards buy many entry level stuff when they can just save up and buy an end game setup?
couldve gotten neumanns or genelecs or adams or something adding all those together and you would be set.
fucking soyheiser

I don't live in my mom's basement anymore and I'm not well-off enough in life to afford an acoustically treated room so spending all of my money on speakers would be ridiculous.
also the Neumann speakers in your pic are garbage, my sister's bf had those and he was constantly EQing and fixing shit up to make them work properly

Enjoy your bass roll-off.

add a 100$ sub
also literally none of the stuff he has have bass lmao
sure kid
keep falling for memes
you dont even need a special room as long as u dont add a sub u wont bother anyone unless you raise your volume a lot

what did you honestly expect?

that color scheme reminds me of those shitty HP gateway computers with their dogshit speaker setup



Around 80€
>Type of headphone
Full sized
>Open or closed
Don't really care, only had closed till now but I'm not against testing out open.
>Comfort level
Very high, shouldn't be uncomfortable after 8h+, I wear glasses.
>Sound signature
Natural, balanced I guess
>Past headphones
Superlux HD 669
I had the Superlux for almost 4 years but they broke yesterday. The comfort was okay and the sound quality good enough for me.

>no anime feet
garbage. good luck getting a decent rec

Sounds godly on the HD800S.


At your budget shp9500s, hd558, hd579 are options. But these are all entry-tier.
Stretching all the way up to HD600 is definitely worth it. Good headphones last decades, and you'll be enjoying their excellent sound for decades. Look at some reviews and think about it.

I'm sorry!

see people are saying it's the most comfy headphone (which is a lie, it's the ma900). it also measures well

>This was the main reason I wanted to remeasure the two Schiit Yggdrasil DACs. I couldn't believe a solid state DAC in this day and age can have such a frequency response error. Same results were confirmed in round two. I am at a loss as to how a DAC gets released which some frequency response error.


>relying on measurements
>not using ears
>being this angry at schiit

So where's the magni 3 measurements?
Who cares about this $3000 piece of schiit for gullible audiofags.

>HD600 is definitely worth it.
No. Get a k712 or dt880. Don't invest money in limp dick bass.

He asked balanced and neutral.
k712 and dt880 are FAR from balanced and neutral. They're colored AF.
HD600 is _the_ recommendation for balanced and neutral.

There's no balance in having no bass at all.

>no bass at all
Level of 30Hz = Level of 1kHz
>there's no balance
HD600 is a legendary reference-grade headphone known among other things for having the right balance of bass, midrange and treble, near-perfect tonal balance and a hint of warmth, and overall sounding really fucking good.

This guy and his FUD again...

whatever you do do not listen to the hd600 posters
they just shill because they fell for a meme themselves
and theyre overpriced in europe too on top of that
just get those philips ones everyone seems to like them at that price point
or try finding a good price on shure 840 i saw them for 100 euro somewhere on thomann or amazon once.

The HD600, K712 and DT880 are all out of my price range but the philips and shure 840 look interesting. Has anyone used both of them and can give me a quick rundown on the differences?

K612 could also be a good alternative. I think they're quite cheap from Thomann.