What does Sup Forums think of C#?
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What does Sup Forums think of C#?
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I unironically like it. It's got good integration with Microsoft office products, and has good functionality in general. Also there is some support for webdev with ASP.NET and good integration with Azure. All great stuff
It's a meme
Hate it. You're tied to one shitty platform (no, mono is NOT a valid alternative) and .NET development is a mess.
I really like it.
It just works and has a lot of functionality/3rd party libs that are easy to install with nuget.
It's trash don't use it.
C for life.
.NET Core is a thing
The best syntax, ide, debugger and the only language I would use to build a frontend for a mostly C business logic.
I haven't done my research but businesses seem to use it so it must be doing something right. Don't know a lot of linux soft written using C# so I guess it's not very popular among open source enthusiasts.
Easier than fuck to build something with it if you're using visual studio.
Otherwise I prefer Java.
And no I will not poo in some fucking loo!
I am full on aboard with you. Fuck all these dumb fucks that shit on Java just because its a trend to do so.
I don't know but I fucking love coke
Java is c++ without pointers but still follows the same shit design and still adds random garbage aka features and has the type erasure meme.
C# plus .NET was basically Java with better syntax and implementation but now Java is trying and failing to catch up with C# plus .NET
fa/g/Sup Forumsots are just afraid of/mad at a pogramming language that has everything built-in because they made a habit of writing unnecessary low level/script tier buggy garbage.
How useable is it outside of the MS world? Linux, android, ios?
Thing is Java is very worth learning early on since you need it for android studio, can be used also for ios with addt’l library, and can be used for both windows/linux.
.NET core and .NET standard libraries are the future.
.NET core used to lack lots of features but now we have core 2 which is a portable version of the .NET framework.
Performance is basically the same on all platforms (except android from my experience).
GUI toolkits and game engines based on .NET core are being developed and hopefully Xamarin grows even larger to support all *nix although we already have a wrapper for GTK (called GTK# go figure) and WPF/UWP for windows
I use both but C# gets things done in a blink and is growing larger everyday. Have you tried reading utf-8 files on Java or any I/O operation? It is a bloody mess. Not to mention all the exception catching shit.
The only thing I care about that Java has and C# hasn't is default interface impl. which is being worked on and is to be added in C# 8
Everything I do at work is C#.NET (with two Node projects in the entire fucking arsenal), and everything I do outside of work is Node.js.
After using both for a long time, Node is the winner. .NET Core is cool and all, and I'm glad Microsoft is finally treating *nix with the respect it deserves, but it doesn't come close.
Java ain't shit post-Sun. Especially on the server.
Java for web will never die because it came sooner and big companies use it.
It is however being slowly kill by ASP. (in regards to job opportunities)
Though I wouldn't recommend ASP MVC for people with no previous experience with HTML/CSS/JS and at least one web tech like php/laravel because they tend to have a hard time getting the core of the project done and get swayed by other non-trivial things.
EF + LINQ + SQL + ASP + .NET core = Best Web Dev environment.
This post would have been correct 4 years ago.
Using node.js for anything other than web devel is like recreating openssl with bash.
You might be able to do it but it is not the right tool for the job.
But I guess that the mindset of a script kiddie. Always trying to make your 'experience' sound useful.
how is 2013 treating you user?
.NET offers you a complete and absolute organized, equilateral and ordered ide. If you aren't a chaotically person then you will love .NET
Any xamarin peeps here?
What's wrong with C#? There's no question that .NET is one of the most productive frameworks out there, and if you know any C-based language then C# should take you all of 10 minutes to get familiar with 99% of its features.
Not everything needs to be OMG 3FAST5U NATIVE SPEED.
>salary of C# devs
pic very related
What's the point of the NSA stuff in this image?
to distract from it being a paid m$ shill op
You think C# is a good starting language? or would Python be better? (im also an engineering student that kinda wants to learn more about PyTorch)
>engineering student
Python. It's not about the language, it's about its industry applications.
My other concern is there are more job openings for java it seems... as someone entering the field in a year will specializing in c# instead of java hurt me? As in take me longer to get employed?
Depends on lots of factors. If you want to know what is a computer, learn C# and go back to C++ -> C -> ASM (no MASM trash)
If you just want fast programming and not fast programs and don't think about programming as a way to make a living, go for python.
Most python jobs require knowledge of lower/other languages such as C, java, scala and bash because the use of python in the industry is mostly because python provides a high level interface for binding to lower level libraries. There are also python jobs focused on data management and web devel like flask.
Take tensorflow for example, it is written using optimized c++ and CUDA code but the interface is provided using python which is a high level scripting language used everywhere.
Just wondering, what is the difference between C# and VB.NET? Obviously they have a different syntax and all that but what differences do they have that actually affect the compiled program?
Why not learn both? Java is really easy to learn after diving into C# although you will miss an amazing IDE and lots of language features.
Most of the times it is just a different import name and camel casing instead of the beautiful pascal casing.
awesome, thanks for the advice dudes
If you convert line by line literally, there wouldn't be any difference. Both compile to IL and are JIT'ed the same way.
There might be a difference for F# which is optimized a bit especially for math operations.
Enums are broken, too wordy in general, generics are broken.
It's a shittier Object Pascal.
Because you have no idea how to use them?
Why are they both currently used then? Wouldn't it make more sense for people to just use VB instead of both VB and C# since VB has a more readable syntax?
>VB has a more readable syntax
KEK for script kiddies maybe.
Many professional .NET developers use mainly one language but also have knowledge of others.
If you come from a scripting background (e.g VBA for MS office programs) it would make sense to use VB.NET.
Other than that it is just flavors.
no, because you need to jump through hoops to actually convert generic enum type variables into their integer values, as an example.
It's an enum, how do you fuck up this bad. There's type safety, and then there's stupidity.
Its the thing you use to keep the pajeets out of your main code.
You program in C++, you interface it with C#, pajeets program in C#, and no big problem happens due bad memory managing etc..
C# is the least hated language everywhere for good reasons. All or most of its downsides would probably be related to .NET or microsoft or something else because the language itself is pretty clean.
If it's just flavors, what's the point of maintaining multiple when it's easier to maintain one?
>$2 bills
No it's not what the hell, C# is a disgusting language.
Just the Capital letters are enough to trigger me
You forgot to catch doubleSpacingException, Javeet.
There isn't?
Its hard to master both in a short period of time though
This so which to choose?
your cute
Bump this
Not at all. It would actually be harder to get a Java job because there are many who might be more experienced than you are. Meaning you have to master the language AND other stuff like frameworks (hibernate) web tech (jsp) and at least two/a popular project management software (maven or gradlel).
.NET on the other hand has a smooth learning curve and things like EF and other external libs are really easy to catch up. The basics for getting a Jr. job is experience with interoperability, reflection, ORM (EF) and advanced abilities in System.IO & System.Net.
Generics and threading are always a must. No one will take you seriously if you can't into exception thrown in other threads.
If you are going for .NET learn the basics of it and go advanced in either client side devel (.NET core business logic or wrappers mostly) or full stack web developer (ASP MVC, EF ... etc).
If you are new to .NET I would recommend iterating over all .NET namespaces (System.IO, System.Net.. etc) and see what they have to offer and google what you don't know until you know.
In the end it comes to your first impression of the languages and which one you like because it makes things a thousand time easier.
smells like poo same as Java, but now it's a complicated piece of shit too
>if you don't like [poolang] you like [different flavour of poo]
Yes, what are you trying to prove here?
Is there a good book for slapping together gui apps on wangblows in C#?
I'd rather die than use it. Left my previous job because they were incorporating a lot of c#
Use it daily. Of course it has it's drawbacks, but it is easy to learn, and extremely versatile.
WPF/UWP and there are dozens of websites to teach you about every control.
Use GTK# for *nix (which also supports windows but I recommend giving your program a native look).
Thanks for the blog. Die.
Not a huge fan of the language itself but the .NET ecosystem is pretty great honestly.