
This shit is the new Dingoo a320
> Runs Gahnoo/Loonix
> Affordable
Why didn't you order one ? It looks promising

Other urls found in this thread:

This guy created an OS for it

>no analog sticks
>shit resolution for emulating 320p games

how is this better than a homebrew 3ds?



Muh freedom

What games can I play in this, it looks cool


Already have one and it's excellent.

no, i already have a hard-modded PSP

enjoy your shit, OP

Yes, I've seen on /vr/.
Mine will arrive in a few weeks but just in case steward gets bored, I created a ticket on github for him to port mplayer.
But all /vr/ meming aside, what's SNES performance right now?

45 fps. Several emulators need tweaking and resolution fixes. Resolution is fine for SNES, just needs optimization.

Can it hold time? The a320 couldn't

I wonder what kind of optimizations that will be. It's re-compiled from Dingoo sources, which
>had a similar CPU
>with worse clockspeed
>which ran the games better

>50 burgers for something this outdated

>100 dollars

Really? I prefer getting a gpd xd or a 3ds.

Fuck off Chen, i'm not buying your chink garbage. My phone emulates just fine.

I got mine for 45$ including shipping.


because I have a hacked vita and 3ds

Not him, but it's $48.99 off AliExpress

>oy vey! The chinko psa69b!
It runs chinux and everything!

$30 on aliexpress

detective conan

Dope device

for 50 bucks i can a top of the line joystick for my phone, this chink trash is soy tier

>so long gay bowser

>Cheap jz4760 dedicated foss gaming device coded by a Chinese hacker in his spare time is soy tier

Fucking neo-Sup Forums I swear

In other news: SNES9x4D has just been released and it plays Starfox at a constant 60fps. The device is now officially better than a hacked PSP.

Nig don't steal my pictures

Android is garbage for games

>wasting money on a dedicated device you don't need cause you already have a compatible device
you're the worst soy possible, Sup Forums nigger

just how many video games do you people insist on playing? what does this shit do that you cant emulate on your laptop/phone ?

isn't that a revo k101, or is it a clone i never heard of

>using a dedicated device

Well then Sup Forums must be the soyest place on earth. Why are you even here?

Good shit
Do you have one too? Can you test out ALTTP for me? I leave mine at home sadly.
Zelda seemed to be the worst performing game I test, lower than 45 fps

>tfw got it from Amazon to take advantage of my last day of student prime
>expected nothing
>its already surpassed the original dingoo

>wanting to play games on a phone and drain it's battery and distract from work instead of keeping your entertainment device separate from your school / work device
i bet you watch porn on the same computer you do business on
rather, i bet you watch porn

The newer MIPS in the rs97 does hard float and has several other things that i don't really understand but it equals faster

It feels good having self control and a phone with good battery life.

>adhd ridden mong projects his mental deficiencies unto others

fuck those things.

the screen of mine broke (completely fading/washing out after 1 minute of use) after using it only a few times, eventhough I was REALLY careful with it.

only used it at home, never dropped it, tried changing the battery etc.

seller won't take it back for repairs or replacement.
so I'm stuck with this broken piece of shit now.

Because GPD Win is a thing

>inb4 poorfags

>what is this machine?
weird someone would ask this so many years latter

Give me one good reason why I shouldn't


just get the x86 version
android sucks for muh emulation


Nice graphgear 1000

too expensive
You can get a mid tier AMD APU build for the price of a pocket or win 2.
The input lag thing seems to be due to shitty emulators, apparently retroarch doesn't have that problem.

If you have a RS-97 make a youtube video showing off the new OS


why not just buy a phone and switch style controller for it for cheaper than this garbage ?

It's literally opendingux and gmenu2x ported from the gcw0.

Android has built in lag no matter what

>Runs Gahnoo/Loonix

The fuck? Why? It's for emulation. Shit should be running on a FPGA with no OS.

Can you put Lakka in it?

Idk it would have to be ported