Crappy hardware brands

What are some relatively small brands that you would avoid AT ALL COSTS due to personal experience?
>Trust: Lowest price comes with huge downsides. Non reliable products, and the worst keyboards you can imagine.
>Tacens: Awful PSUs and pretty crappy products in general.
>TOOQ: Shitty cheap PSUs in general. Id recommend always googling a PSU brand if you dont know it.


intel chips all have coil whine of some sorts, like WTF, slo their thermal framework or whatever makes my laptop unusable due to agressive as fuck throttling.

Kingston: They made a decent 500/500 SSD, then started using shitty 500/200 nand in them without even changing the model number. A pure scam.

you dont fuck around with the psu

corsair in a pinch
seasonic and superflower

no exceptions.

Do chips even have coils lmao?
I know a lot of asus motherboards with intel chipsets have coil whine but how is it intel's fault?


I really dislike MSI products, especially motherboards. MUH GAYMING all around the front, yet using shitty components.

>0 support
>broken drivers all day err day
>5 years between driver version releases
>crap-quality hardware

ANYTHING considered "Microcenter's" brand.

Multiple coworkers worked there for some time, as sales reps and PC assembly techs, and they had something like an 80% return rate on a few of their store brand products. They released a tablet thing for a bit that apparently had a nearly 100% return rate because they were so awful.

Corsair makes fucking garbage PSUs. My one died out after a year of using it in 2013, then I switched to an Antec one, still using that at this very moment. My RAM at the moment is also Corsair, it needs a few restarts to make it run at its proper timings and speed.

I built a PC for a friend and I, the retard I am, got him a Corsair PSU (CX650M) and it came DoA or could only provide a bit of wattage. It took 3 FUCKING MONTHS to diagnose the problem, as the morons we bought it from said the PSU was fine; thus charging us a hundred bucks for a """false return""". Sent it back again and they found a problem. It even ruined the hard drive I got him.

Absolutely fuck Corsair. I am avoiding them like the plague.

sec cells

I've had 3 of their headphones and they all die almost exactly after 1 month of use


Maxtor. Every drive failure i've ever seen has been a fucking maxtor piece of shit. Now Seagate has bought them I don't trust them now either.

Also Belkin is pretty shit, back in the early days of broadband I had a cable router I had to hit the reset button on if too much traffic went through it, they may be better now but i'm not giving them the chance. Also a bit dubious about Linksys and Netgear with their backdoored kit.

seagate has pretty high failure rate compared to WD or any other, id avoid them

Who says there's no justice in life?


>Shit case, flimsy, comes without half the screws
>Q4 """indestructible""" phone eats ass after dropping from 3ft on tile floor and get wet through """waterproof""" port covers

damn i wanna fuck her in the ass


Chink phone companies. Only exception is gook phone sammy and lg but lg still has shit build quality. I would just get Sammy or apple everything else can just burn in fire.

Also anything not evga and dell motherboards. Dealing with chink customer service is like watching your dog get skinned alive by one of them. Never buy chink anything

>bought a product from the same brand 3 times even though they were shit
