How is OSX not the superior unix-based system?

How is OSX not the superior unix-based system?

It even has functionality like what flux offers built into it now. Lots of features that you would have to install using a package manager on most systems is already there and working perfectly.

I know GNU is supposed to be about choice, but most DE's are trying to be the next Windows or OSX anyway. Unless you use a WM or want a specific server or development environment why would you still choose something like Ubuntu?

>inb4 it's not free
>what is hackintosh
>OSX gets easier to install on non-Apple hardware everyday

The only valid reason I see is that it's not open-source so people are naturally concerned about spyware being built into it for shady purposes or DRM.

It's not open-source.

I've used OS X, had a rMBP, use Windows a lot, also dicked around with normie flavours of Linux.

OS X does a ton of stupid shit. HFS+ is one of the worst file systems for bullshit. Plug in a USB? GUESS WHAT LEMME JUST MAKE A FILE HERE TO KNOW IT'S A USB. Why?

Software choice is seriously limited, and while a lot of creative software like the Adobe suite support OS X, they actually run a lot worse than they do on Windows.

The graphical APIs are abysmal, with creative software like Autodesk products, they run substantially worse than they do on Windows.

There are some really stupid problems like mouse input lag too, just stuff that shouldn't exist on any platform. One notable problem I found is that running mplayerx, it *never* unloaded stuff from memory. Literally never. I had the same issue with VLC too. If you're binge watching TV shows, it'll keep every episode you've watched loaded until you close the entire program.

Stuff like word processors, Jesus, I can't believe we have input lag on such a simple application. That goes for LibreOffice, MS Office, and iWork. So many ridiculous issues with them. The features are usually limited compared to Windows too. My favourite thing about MS Word on Mac, is if you work on 2 computers, one Mac and one PC, they conveniently use different default styles and fonts. It's just an extra layer of shit you have to do to get where you need to be.

The keyboard shortcuts are nice though.

OS X is vendor-locked to a tiny selection of hardware. If you fit the market, use it. You have nothing to discuss. This is a tech forum,not a Facebook appliance forum. You have no problem so be happy and fuck off.

OS X is great but Sup Forums is full of fat NEETs who can't afford the hardware on their monthly autism bucks.

There are closed source software that runs amazing on a Mac despite this amount of butthurt because he didn't know he was using wireless controllers.

"it's user error"
The classics never die.

Mac OS is ok to use, it's definitely not effective for powerusers.

Entire industries and organizations run on OSX, but Sup Forums would rather suck Windows dick before using something that does linux functionality better than linux does.

It is the superior unix-based system if you're looking for a personal computer. Servers are better off linux.


like what? macos lacks a lot of basic SUS/Posix features. maybe it's better at being a walking joke of security and having a poorly designed toolkit that is uncustomizable and has retarded drop shadows.

Because it's designed for gays, literally.

It's such a walking joke of security that the NSA uses it when they have so much to lose to enemy hands.

Makes sense. It's insecure and depends on nothing on the user who's behind the keyboard like in every GNU/Linux flavor anyway because you think one type of security is the save-all for vulnerabilities.

>It's such a walking joke of security that the NSA uses it when they have so much to lose to enemy hands.
Source: My Ass

BTW Apple makes it very simple and straightforward to securely encrypt your storage. Much more so in my experience than in "muh minimalism" flavors like Gentoo or Arch.

Flavors that people use so they can jack off to online documentation imo.

Nice try, Pookeet Singh.

External keyboard caps lock lights don't work
Nonstandard keyboard layout
Command + x/c/v for cut/copy/paste instead of CTRL + x/c/v
Pressing delete in finder does nothing. Must use command + backspace to move to trash
Enter in finder renames file instead of opening it
Maximize button doesn't maximize
Clicking a programs icon in dock doesn't minimize/restore
Menu bar doesn't extend across multiple monitors. Must go to primary monitor to open menus for programs on secondary screen
No proper package manager
Finder has no option to show hidden files, must execute a terminal command and kill finder
No preview of program windows when hovering over the dock icons
Lol no ports. Lol just use a dongle
Filesystem isn't case sensitive
Glossy screen instead of matte. Not even the excuse of being a touchscreen

Didn't The Open Group approach Linus Torvalds and offered him the use of the Unix branding but he refused because he doesn't want Linux to be just another Unix system?

spies on you, now fuck off

So does your smartphone you ignorant goyim

>How is OSX not the superior unix-based system?
Because it is fucking less stable, that a kernel, that was written by swedish-finnish student.

not mine (custom rom without jewgle)
U could keep your privacy but you cant be an idiot.

>Torvalds programs on the desktop in the back
>web dev shit
>more memes and web dev shit
show me actual developers programming shit that people want to use.

That's a pretty old picture of Torvalds. He uses a Dell now, I think.

>I know GNU is supposed to be about choice, but most DE's are trying to be the next Windows or OSX anyway.
How can you say this with a straight face immediately after
>It even has functionality like what flux offers built into it now.
When GNOME added this feature into the DE first?

>literally less SUS/Posix implementations than linux

wow really showed me with that certification that basically means nothing. fucking retard.

Looks like shit. I'll stick to my tiling window manager.

Bloated af with useless features. I'll stick to my Arch+i3 that I can be exceptionally productive in & uses ~230MB ram on startup. Mac hardware is very nice though.

are macs approved for use on the ISS?

It sucks at, you know, being Unix.
>garbage scheduler
>garbage memory handling
>horrendous filesystem (although APFS may represent a genuine improvement)
>GNU tools literally 11 years out of date due to crippling license autism and desire to keep the iPhone bootloader locked
>OpenGL support inferior to Linux and Windows
>ZERO Vulkan support
>shitty XNU kernel architecture takes the worst parts of Mach and monolithic kernels without compelling evidence of advantages from either

> osx
It's called macOS.

Linux is a kernel.

looks legit

i would rather spend 3x more for maxed thinkpad P series I am not poorfag

this is more common for Windows though

I did not know about some points, wow

>takes the worst parts of Mach and monolithic kernels

Citation needed

Darwin is open source. The only part that's not open source is Cocoa, the GUI framework.