Pc gore

when's the last time we had a gore thread?

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What the fuck



top kek

That's not gore, I used to do that to clean dirty boards.

They all worked after drying using a hairdryer.


someone post the guy who drilled holes in his gtx970


weren't you worried about discharging the caps?


I need more Mugi in my life.


Someone needs to post this on plebbit pcmasterrace, the butthurt would be so delicious.


Guaranteed to rustle your jimmies

AT least they didnt break the keyboard.

battery is still in it



What the fuck are they doing?

Best guess is to stop people rubbish skimming and reselling them.

Looks like they are preparing broken equipment to be shipped to Congo. Can't risk anything randomly working, it'll get stolen and undercut sales

I wonder how much energy those monitors use.

probably business computers, they're marking that those are used or something