FreeBSD is now an SJW OS

oh no no no

The FreeBSD Project is inclusive. We want the FreeBSD Project to be a venue where people of all backgrounds can work together to make the best operating system, built by a strong community. These values extend beyond just development to all aspects of the Project. All those given recognition as members of the Project in whatever form are seen as ambassadors of the Project.
Diversity is a huge strength and is critical to the long term success of the Project. To that end we have a few ground rules that we ask people to adhere to. This code applies equally to everyone representing the FreeBSD Project in any way, from new members, to committers, to the core team itself. These rules are intended to ensure a safe, harassment-free environment for all and to ensure that everyone feels welcome both working within, and interacting with, the Project.
This document is not an exhaustive list of things that you should not do. Rather, consider it a guide to make it easier to enrich all of us and the technical communities in which we participate.
This code of conduct applies to all spaces used by the FreeBSD Project, including our mailing lists, IRC channels, and social media, both online and off. Anyone who is found to violate this code of conduct may be sanctioned or expelled from FreeBSD Project controlled spaces at the discretion of the FreeBSD Code of Conduct Committee.
Some FreeBSD Project spaces may have additional rules in place, which will be made clearly available to participants. Participants are responsible for knowing and abiding by these rules.

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If it wasn't shit already it'll definitely be shit now.

Fuck me, its begun

don't care

Linus is literally the only thing stopping the SJWs from taking over Linux. Say something nice about Linus.

he's not a gay transvestite


> Code of Conduct Committee
> This Code of Conduct is based on the example policy from the Geek Feminism wiki.

Something nice

They managed to destroy one of the oldest open source project.
At least we still have OpenBSD.

>At least we still have OpenBSD.
theo is just as insufferable as linus so i guess it's fine?

SJW's destroy everything. I bet they already got their eyes on OpenBSD.

>I bet they already got their eyes on OpenBSD
i don't think you understand how that project is run user

The only code women contribute is code of conduct. Stop hiring women.

(((The FreeBSD Project is inclusive)))
>Diversity is a huge strength
>harassment-free environment
>systemic oppression
>dead name: a name assigned to a person at birth which they no longer identify with (transgender)

This was literally written by George Soros or someone working for ADL

There's someone in the subreddit defending the Code of Conduct who apparently was Randi Harper's "mentor".

I think it's pretty obvious the intent behind this CoC.

That someone is very smart (Colin Percival) but also completely cucked.

Colin is legit dev but he's a victim of a Canadian soy based diet. As is the case with the citizens of his nation, and with many here in Silicon Valley, his dick and balls retracted back into his body years ago and have been replaced by a feminist approved mangina. His toxic masculinity will never code rape a #womanintech ever again.

All hail our overlord Linus

Pretty accurate pic fukken saved.

thank god

how did they get to FreeBSD?


Sun going under and being absorbed by Oracle was a tragedy almost as big as Macromedia being absorbed by Adobe.

the bigger tragedy is the SUN building.
its now home to faceberg.

According to the glossary "systemic oppression" is defined as:

>The ways in which history, culture, ideology, public policies, institutional practices, and personal behaviors and beliefs interact to maintain a hierarchy — based on race, class, gender, sexuality, and/or other group identities — that allows the privileges associated with the dominant group and the disadvantages associated with the oppressed, targeted, or marginalized group to endure and adapt over time. (Derived from Aspen Institute, via Open Source Leadership)

So let me try and parse this out:

The way in which all of the following interact:

- history
- culture
- ideology
- public policies
- institutional practices
- personal behaviours
- personal beliefs

to maintain a hierarchy which may be based on any subset of the following:
- race
- class
- gender
- sexuality
- other group identities

The said hierarchy allows:

- privileges associated with the dominant group
- disadvantages associated with other groups which may be:
- oppressed
- targeted
- marginalised

to endure and adapt over time

What did they mean by this?

I mean I'm pretty sure that the hierarchy is what gives the privileges. It doesn't cause them to "endure and adapt" it's what causes them in the first place.

it's the progressive stack senpai, it's not that complicated. Literal categorization of people based upon race/sex and socialization of "privilege" for "equity".

> BSD License is ~218 words.
> Code of Conduct is ~488 words.

She's already gone.

FreeBSD is just a kernel, retards.

>this triggers the salt right

Tits or gtfo

you dont wanna see my moobs trust me


>This Code of Conduct is based on the example policy from the Geek Feminism wiki.

>All those given recognition as members of the Project in whatever form are seen as ambassadors of the Project.


>All those who got into FreeBSD with the sole interest of helping and utilizing an Operating System, are now required to follow our religious bible and spread our religion because that's what FreeBSD was created for, as a congregation ground of preachers and a religious inquisition for socio-political jerking

It's like the Church taking over a car production facility and ordering that all workers should spread the word of the bible as they are now ambassadors of the Church.

This. So now and forever every freebsd contributor will be spied on in every aspect of their lives. Oops you thought a fat green haired female was male. You """misgendered""" you will now be labled a racist and will need to step down from the project and all your code will have to be removed even if it breaks the OS and a black female tranny with an 89 IQ will be hired to replace your racist cis code.

>This Code of Conduct is based on the example policy from the Geek Feminism wiki.

I threw up a little.

being christian in 2018 is problematic

Hell, if we ignore Christ overturning tables, he is pretty much a god damn Ghandi except without the criminal history. If only Christfags ignored every other fucktard in the Bible talking shit, especially the Judaist ones, and focused only and solely on Christ's banter, they'd actually be a top tier people.

>except without the criminal history.
>Literally executed for being a criminal.


You know what i mean you nigger.

thanks based linus

time to switch my freebsd webserver back to loonix i guess

Well, I'll try to have something more than "FreeBSD is now a SJW OS" to contribute to the discussion.

Firstly, SJWs don't exist anywhere else than in your imagination. Feminists, afrofeminists, PoC, disabled persons, queer persons, fat persons, disabled persons and disabled rights activists identify as such and aren't the homogeneous group that you try to depict with the term "SJW". A so-called "SJW" doesn't have a stereotypical behavior in which every other female, PoC, disabled, fat person or every other LGBT or grassroots activist will fit. For example, there are various feminist paradigms, including trans-exclusionary (so-called) radical feminists (TERFs) who are, according to everyone else, horrible persons. There are also various considerations of ableism and many disabled persons won't agree on disabled rights movements, even if there should be a bedrock of obvious points (on accessibility, institutions, etc.).

Secondly, if you can hire 200 developers, you want to hire the 200 top developers, including, of course, women, trans women, people of color, etc. The libertarian STEM paradigm is dissolving old-school management strategies (humanist values, goals to attain, and self-management/responsibility for attaining these goals) into inclusivity because they'd rather have 25 employees unfit into their company (because of school bullying, teachers showing them they're not worth doing school efforts, and a lack of social insertion resulting in being unfit into STEM) than 50.

I don't mean that it's a bad thing, that I don't want women, disabled persons, or people of color to excell. It's amazing that they can be excellent in whatever they want, be it building a blockchain microtransactions service or an autonomous borders guard robot. But STEM ain't a social worker and they don't care about addressing the problem (why people are mentally destroyed and unfit into their companies), they're patching it (by moving these persons out of their companies).

That's good.

Jesus lived on what is now the Palestine, you stupid cream boy

There is OpenBSD, where only your code matters, not your background.

They got a very simple netiquette that covers everything necessary.

Linus' wording pretty much describes eeverything
"How would you describe Theo de Raadt?"

>trans women,

no one wants to hire mentally disabled people.q

when will openbsd get a usable filesystem?

HAMMER2 might get ported

thank god Theo will never agree to something like this.

The fuck is your point?

>Linus will die in your lifetime
Our only hope is that society changes enough for SJWism to get shoved into the extreme fringes of society by then.

Oh shit, were so fucked. Fuck, FreeBSD is one of the smoothest and most stable operating systems to date, and all of its devs are about to get kicked.

>Geek Feminism
another *bsd bites the cuck dust, and nothing of value was lost

It is commie shit. Seriously.

Travelling along this path will inevitably result in inheritance being seen as oppression
>we're going to take away everything your ancestors worked for because this kid in the class doesn't have everything you do.

>>we're going to take away everything your ancestors made their slaves work for

>Literally every single mud person (PoC) and retard (disabled) isn't part of some insane SJW movement
Great insight

>Inclusivity is about making a space more inclusive so you can get the best people
You get retarded purple-haired trannies to fill the places of more qualified "old white men" and remove anyone with opinions that are offensive to insane tranny negroes.

>It's amazing that they can be excellent
But they usually aren't. These people tend to underperform, hence why they're in such shitty positions.

dam dude that's deep

Yeah it was definitely the slaves that spilled their blood in war, yup.

long live to the king

Well that settles it then.
We just need new slaves to build new things.


>We just need new slaves to build new things.
and put people out of work? didn't work so well for the romans


> Hammer
Problematic terminology

fuck off tripfag.

Don't expect them to understand anything except CHS geometry.

>tfw Linus will die in your life time

Yes, and who cares?

Thank God Theo made OpenBSD.

>Being this ignorant of history
There was never any hope anyway

>Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like "*hug*" or "*backrub*") without consent or after a request to stop.

I like FreeBSD but that’s retarded.

> retarded
Careful there.

Does anyone knows if OpenIndiana or SmartOS also has a SJW problem?

>He doesn't know about the Tedu

>Physical contact and simulated physical contact (e.g., textual descriptions like "*hug*" or "*backrub*") without consent or after a request to stop.
>this gets you SJW'd in the current year

the that it

Thank mr penguins.


>all people I admire will die in my life
Not if I kill myself first loser!

I hope to God he has a based successor in training.

Linus is a freedom hating traitor. Just look at this smile and the rotten tux.
His cuck foundation club makes me vomit too.
>advocates against GPL
>shills proprietary software
>CEO openly uses macOS
>4 freedoms on
>no references to GNU

speaking of licenses, is there a BSD/MIT license with a clause to prevent the use of a Code of Conduct, even in forked code?

Well what do you expect? The Linux foundation is just a bunch of big corps. They cloudn't care less about the Linux desktop, their interests are in the areas where they make money I.E servers.

Well, it spawned from Berkeley University, so...


How does this slimy cuckoldry sneak into EVERYHTING?

>not realizing that people you admire also admired people who are now dead so therefore you should strive to be like those you admire in order to create admirers and continue the cycle
>breaking the cycle

>Diversity is a huge strength and is critical to the long term success of the Project

why? how?

they just made it up

they only need another thousand

I'm pretty sure the ratio is 99:1.

that's a problem, apparently.

>implausible that the top are 98% male
Has this retard ever been to a CS/CE class in college? Programmer conferences? Anything related to programming?
Holy fuck I have pretty thick skin but this shit manages to make me rage.

It’s official. FreeBSD is dead.

The logic he posted is as far as I've seen it go, and what he said isn't new. The idea of the hypothetical hordes of active, willing talented contributors that waiting for the moment them put up that Code of Conduct.

They don't exist.

>Diversity is a huge strength and is critical to the long term success
and actually happens the contrary, that bullshit exist only to subvert and destroy projects

good thing that i use GNU/Linux