Mini ITX/SFF builds don't get enough love around here.
Thinking about building a Mini ITX system soon. I'm torn between Ncase M1 and the Caselabs BH2 (pic related) and I'm looking for some mini inspo.
Post anything SFF related.
Mini ITX/SFF builds don't get enough love around here.
Thinking about building a Mini ITX system soon. I'm torn between Ncase M1 and the Caselabs BH2 (pic related) and I'm looking for some mini inspo.
Post anything SFF related.
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you have to watercool
Dan a4 is ugly
Why? I see plenty of air cooled mini systems that look and perform well.
I wouldn't bother, I got meme's into it and it is inferior to a M-ATX or ATX tower in just about every way. It's less expandable, SFF-specific parts are expensive, harder to cool unless you take a hit on performance, much louder and it's a pain to work on/clean.
2/10 would not recommend. My next build will be back to ATX for sure.
>but mom I need a bigger case
Do you actually need that big of a case though? Also I like mATX form factor but unfortunately mATX motherboards are trash and cases are just as big as ATX ones.
Don't go mITX unless you're prepared for a 20% markup on specific components:
CPU Fan or any cooling really.
I'm using a Node Fractal 202 and I love it. It came with a 450w power supply that I had to switch out because it was garbage.
I work with people that run large scale computer recycling operations and rather than get a nice used one from him I had to buy the SFF PSU replacement just to ensure everything fit.
All said and done it looks really nice (1.5x the size of a PS4) and normies don't realize the bitch blows their tower out of the water.
node 202 is kind of cool but i'm always worried about temperatures especially cause if I got one I'd want it horizontal which would probably starve it of air
It's bigger than you would think. I had to get a noctua fan for my CPU because the stock fan was too big. I also bought a couple of corsair fans that I put by the GPU just to ensure my it has enough air flow. In the heat of summer I definitely take care not to run it at 100% for prolonged periods of time.
This is running horizontally by the way. GPU intake is at the bottom left of the reference photo and is definitely less effective at pulling in air than when placed vertically.
If I were to do this again I'd probably buy the new Intel NUCs or go mATX.
itx is a meme, perfect for memers who want an xbox grade computer
How is it a meme? It makes the most sense for most people in my opinion. I don't need 2 graphics cards or 8 hard drives or 5.25" bays.
I had a Node 202, this isn't a problem. The layout is fantastic, and there's room for extra slim fans in the GPU compartment in case you need them. Had to sell it though, couldn't buy overpriced RAM or afford a proper GPU thanks to miner kikes.
Full size is a meme if anything, look at all the wasted space in mATX towers. ITX needs to become more popular so we don't have to buy ugly oversized boxes when we don't need them.
exactly, people like you just buy an xboxits a mulibillion dollar company service directed straight at you
Is mITX really as loud as people say it is? I'm having a hard time deciding whether I want to go mITX or mATX. Which mITX and mATX cases are the cutest? I found this and fell in love with it, but I'm definitely not in love with the price.
I don't want an xbox though, you can't do shit on it
pretty cool case but it looks like it has airflow problems and looks pretty ugly on the inside without a custom loop
Take a look at Geeek cases
Budget ITX build
After the laptop market boom, it's impossible for me to carry a full mATX everywhere on my home.
I'm gonna build a mini itx with
ryzen 2200g (comes with iGPU) and it can play native linux games very well
mini itx am4 motherboard
4gb ram ddr4
psu 400w or 500w
60gb or 90gb SSD
a really thin case (since it won't use GPU)
I just hope the linux kernel is able to run the vega iGPU properly. Does it? I don't know because I'm currently using noveau on my laptop and a polaris amdgpu.
Square cases are dumb as fuck, why would you go to the effort of making a tiny build if it's going to take up more space on a desk or floor? Everyone has vertical room, a thin case makes so much more sense
I'm the poster above you. I cannot find a good thin case for my build in my country. They are only selling this piece of chinkplastic which is ugly and vertical.
I'm also thinking that 400w is overkill for my build.
It's $30.
That's why.
tl;dr 2200G and 2400G graphics support on Linux right now is spotty even with up to date kernel, better wait if you can. Also, 4 gigs of RAM is kind of questionable, that's very little to start with and the integrated graphics will further eat away at you RAM since there is no dedicated memory for the integrated graphics. 500W PSU is also overkill.
Gigabyte motherboard is pretty bad; go for the ASRock B350 mITX. It's got much better VRMs and an 8-pin for CPU power, rather than a single 4 pin.
Other than that your build is fine.
If you're planning on putting a 1070 or better in it I'd get a blower card and water cool it. Its going to run hot already from the size and few fans
350-400W sounds ideal.
They're shit - every ASRock board i've ever owned died within 3 years.
No single Gigabyte I've ever owned has died.
ASRock are second only to MSI is terms of terrible meme hardware, even Biostar is better.
You're right.
I'm thinking that I don't really play demanding games. 4gb ram and let the iGPU 512mb VRAM is not bad... I know it's not ideal, but we are talking about budget here. Also low temps and low resources is always better.
Thanks for the link
I really want to do an open loop in a mini-ITX build, that is my fetish. I want to use an external radiator. The only issue I have with doing it is the reservoir placement. I don't really want the fucker on the top of the case looking stupid.
I have an asrock z77 mobo in my pc that's 6 years old
Every brand has mobos that die. Everyone praises WD Hard drives too and I went through 3 of them that were DOA
You can put a monitor on a horizontally placed case or a square case. You wouldn't do that with a vertically oriented case. I also doubt people are so space starved in the first place that it actually matters.
My anecdotal > your anecdotal
You're not going to convince me to buy an ASrock, or MSI.
I wouldn't really buy BIOstar either and that was probably pushing it a bit.
dark rock 3 cooler, 7700k @4.8ghz @71C
1070 strix, oc'd modestly at 61C
this is with a full system load test
Got them as a gift. They're pretty nice.
Nobody is convincing you to do anything
The anectodal was to show that your logic didn't make any sense, but I'm guessing that flew over your head
Rate my budget sff pc, i made it almost 3 years ago.
Amd 5350 - $50
8gb ddr3 -$27
240gb ssd -$80
Msi mobo - $30
Picopsu -$18
Old dvr as case - free
For a 200$ budget build its served me well.
The sub is oka-ish, but the speakers are unbelievably tinny. For the price you can get much better, but not a bad gift I guess
>windowed case
>gaymur leds
These always look like shit. Why do you do this?
Actually it lights up my desk just enough at night to see things, since I have dark furniture.
Don't get a gigabyte board, you will instantly regret this. First of all fucking coil whine, second of all - what WiFi adapter are they using? Intel? Have they learned NOTHING? just Google something like "7260 stuttering" you will see that Intel doesn't fix their WiFi for 10 years, and its not only 7260's problem.
I am an unlucky owner of fm2+ gigabyte mini its board. Also it overheats even without a case.
I've thought about getting one of these and getting some more hi-fi looking feet to raise it up a little.