Didn't know linux was full of soyboys

didn't know linux was full of soyboys

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You have to go back and bring that reddit meme with you.

Linux is a kernel; it's full of modules.

No this is an actual thing, soy is poisoning men either directly through female hormone simulation or by association with feminine social constraints.

what is a soyboy

>No this is an actual thing
No, it actually isn't.

It's a far-right conspiracy theory that products containing soy has so much oestrogen that it literally feminises men.


You guys keep laughing but the soyim are slowly replacing male humans.

>It's a far-right conspiracy theory that products containing soy has so much oestrogen that it literally feminises men.
interesting, care to share some links?

I don't think soy sauce has any estrogen in it, that's quite a manly sauce.
Soy milk and other vegan shit, I wouldn't be that surprised.

>interesting, care to share some links?
It's a fairly established meme by now, just google soyboy.

>Soy milk and other vegan shit, I wouldn't be that surprised.
Disclaimer, there is no scientific evidence that drinking soy milk or eating products of soy is bad for you.

phytoestrogens aren't made of remotely the same things as estrogens you koolaid drinking fuckwit

Friendly reminder that video games is an anti-feminist conspiracy. I'm glad to see that the far right and the far left agree on something.

But this PJW guy said it, it must be true

>Disclaimer, there is no scientific evidence that drinking soy milk or eating products of soy is bad for you.
Yeah, except giving you a vagina lol

Lmao Nintendo and soyboys really go hand in hand, dont they?

BrainForce Plus (endorsed by Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson) contains soy, you filthy Sup Forumsyp. Go back to your containment board.

That can't be real


Also, friendly reminder that PJW is literally a former toilet scrubber and would not even be considered a remote candidate for Trump's merit-based greencard system.

Get off my board

>how does culture work
>how do memes work
Plz go back to your containment board and never come back

It is, ask any of your vegan male friends to show you their penis.

They will either refuse, or reveal a disgusting inverted ball sack and miniature penis, resembling a clit.

I've seen it.

Show us your manly penis then, with timestamp. Or are you a coward soyboy yourself?

>Why are they getting away with it?
They won't for long.
Daddy Trump is eventually going to come down HARD and Chyna and all the other chinks.
Apple won't survive.

Dihydrotestosterone is what causes baldness you retard.
Pic related, it's you.

Stop RPing, no one is that stupid and it is kind of lame

>Dr. Strangelove reference
My nigga

RAM are Korea, GPUs are Taiwan, monitors are Korea.
The chinks would massively improve the market.

>Stop RPing, no one is that stupid and it is kind of lame
I was respond to someone (you?), who asked if it was real.
So clearly that person is that gullible.

Read again, I said it can not be real

ITT: buttmad linux users who cant accept that linux is BugmanOS

>video games
Pick one

Wow man, you recognised that reference? Sweet catch bro, thanks for letting us all know.

>Read again, I said it can not be real
Of fucking course, but you still replied with a serious response

>Show us your manly penis then, with timestamp. Or are you a coward soyboy yourself?
Not a soyboy, I just have a naturally tiny penis.

>he still tries to educate Sup Forumsfags
Good luck, you'll have more success trying to educate a wall

This study says that excessive consumption of soy might be linked to certain "soyboy" effects (granted, in mice), but in moderation it doesn't effect much. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20171261
Soyboy is pretty much just a meme, and better said by "numale" or "bugmen".

Just don't make soy your main food staple


oy vey system needs more slaves.

"I use linux"

what the shit happened to my thread
i should of replaced soyboy with numale

Who gets a fucking console for Christmas. How rich are those people.

Ironically all of them use windows.
You know that full well deep down, don't you? You're probably just jealous that you don't have any friends/life.

Neck yourself and you will be freed from your sorry existence

>Not a soyboy, I just have a naturally tiny penis.
Holy shit, no wonder you're projecting so much. Fucking embarrassing.

The gaping smile is because these numales don't know how to smile properly for a camera, in case you guys were wondering why they do this.

> (OP)
>The gaping smile is because these numales don't know how to smile properly for a camera, in case you guys were wondering why they do this.

I always thought it was numale duck-face