>Winblows 10 treats qbittorrent as a "threat"
What do they mean by this? Should i go with uTorrent?
Winblows 10 treats qbittorrent as a "threat"
i cant read your moon runes hanz
try tixati
can i get illegal pornography off that?
torrenting often has virus along with desired file and trackers to add even more viruses.
I though you would understand why limewire fell
I get pirates never learn.... Oh well sux for you enjoy your virus.
If you're going to bait people, you have to make sure they can actually read your bait first.
>computer is in klingon
you can use utorrent if you don't mind having ads and embedded bitcoin miners
>Underage b8
not bait you retard your just too young to remember moron.
Implying i get to choose in what language botnet installs itself. There isn't any option to change system language. I'd probably had to add additional language but i refuse. That's bloat.
just use deluge jürgensen
>Implying i get to choose in what language botnet installs itself
You can change it
Sure it looks cool but no, thank you.
That's not the point. Sup Forums told me before that qbitcuck is a meme and now even windows says so. Deluge have many plugins so it should get the work done.
kurwa just run it, warning is because of unknown source, signing, etc
>unknown source, signing
>just run it!!!11!!1!
well nigger could also confirm hash if he's that unsure
Well I mean to be fair literally anything can be a threat to Poland
pole here.
Kurwa nie pierdol małolacie tylko instaluj.
Najlepszy program do torrentów na winblowsa.
turn off smart screen and windows defender polbro
people on this board generally have low iq or crippling laziness so that's out of the question
Hahaha, kielbasa, ja perdole
>używaj winkloca
>bój się własnościowych programów
zapierdol się
damn klingons
Just install it. Or use picotorrent.
That's probably a false alarm but qBittorrent is one of the worst free bittorrent clients anyway, uTorrent 2.2.1 is last good version and I recommend it.
People will probably screech autistically about muh security holes, but there is only one exploit in that version and it's related to magnets (some special magnet links can execute code remotely on your machine, that is if you're retarded enough to click a magnet url without reading it first).
Newer versions of uTorrent have spyware and bitcoin miners, avoid at all costs.
You won't get viruses from torrents if you download only verified torrents from users with good feedback/reputation, sites like KAT have icons that show trusted torrents, look for those before downloading any torrent files.
>qBittorrent is one of the worst
It's literally the best one on wangblows.
>To koślawe spolszczenie
No you fuck. Use tixati
fuck you, you waste of quads
just use Transmission
fakt. chronił w sensie już nie chroni? xD
That just means qbittorrent is not popular. SmartScreen is a whitelist, not a blacklist. If you're a hobby developer and you don't sign your installer (read: you don't pay Microsoft and the certificate mafia for a valid Authenticode signature,) and your program isn't popular enough to get on the whitelist, it will show that message. If it was actually malware, you'd see a message from Windows Defender, not SmartScreen.
It's insanely easy to beat virus checkers. To even trust them is retarded
Do Poles have different keyboard layouts for normies and programmers? If so, that's cool.
It's misleading. The other layout follows the german standard where Z and Y are swapped.
I couldn't get qbittorrent to work at all on Windows. Just use Deluge
>Should i go with uTorrent?
>using windows 10
wydaje mi się że nie uznał to za zagrożenie bo coś wykrył, tylko niektóre instalatory tak mają
program jest otwartoźródłowy więc nie bój żaby user tylko instaluj, ewentualnie skompiluj sobie
>download capeshit.exe
>install virus
Fucking qbitorrent!
>>click "run anyway"
useless fucking thread
Retards will torrent lesbianrendezvous.exe 32KB and infect themselves
nie żeby ci to było potrzebne anonie ale gdybyś z jakiegoś powodu chcial to naprawde łatwo jest dodać język i jeśli twój komputer nie ma 30 lat to nie przejmowałbym się tym, że zajmie to 500 mega na dysku
use rtorrent on your host OS, why are you torrenting from a VM anyway?
The installer has a shit digital cert, probably missing a countersignature, which trips SmartScreen but not UAC.
Foobar2000 went through the same thing, and instead of purchasing a decent cert they just threw a tantrum and removed it altogether for new releases. They also refused help to use a pgp signature, and wont even provide sha checksums just to have even a minimal way to check their installers were not tampered with.