
>gnomlets will defend this

what is this about?


Foots are technology. Foot thread

Cover that nasty thing up



>meme microphone

I want to stick my dick between your legs, boi ;3

Pls do owo

Better than a fucking window

the ABSOLUTE state of Sup Forums


>YouTube Red
Are you gay or something?

I bought a fuck ton of Google Play Music when it was on sale a few years ago, it expires next month and I ain't renewing that shit

The G is for Gay

But to answer your question yes uwu

Post more

>tfw foot fetishists make a DE

GNOME is pretty comfy desu
Now if only they would play nice with KDE devs on CSD shit :-(

Why do I even bother with this board?

I am diamonds, sauce?!

This board has always been queer, how new are you?

is a foot