Guess the user

post your battle station and guess what kind of user owns it (gamer, photoshop, music artist)

>guess the user Anonymous 02/18/18(Sun)17:36:00 No.64774923 [Reply]▶

But I know who I am, user, why do I need to 'guess'?


You work a shitty retail job and live either in your parents attic or in the attic of some shitty run down house that hasnt been remodeled in 40 years with 4 other poor useless adults.
You probably talk about video games far more than anybody in their 20's ever should and are cripplingly alone.

Okay okay I'll bite.

led's and spider mouse, gamer

Sup Forums doesn't appreciate games or thoughts

>windows 10
definitely a cuck

Gamers. No other use for Wangblows.







I got the mouse for free.

since its off: it runs Debian/XFCE

poorfag stoner / gamer / drunk


well that's linux, so programmer or tech savy college student?

deep web merchant

virgin who browses a Vietnamese basket weaving image forum on a saturday

>shit speakers

That describes all of us including you.

autist attic dweller

kid who thinks leds are cool


guy who ends up fixing all his friends computers

faggot who has a token job at his dads company

struggling college kid


serbian weeb who also looks at CP


42.5" 4k
25" 1440p

>womens hockey

Men's hockey had just ended and they were going over the overall hockey standings, including the women.


kissless virgin / twitch streamer


i'll toss my hat into the ring

This is a fun twist.

The guy shitting on apple users in starbucks.

Multitasking hobbyartist.

you post your fucking desktop twice a week here. move on or at least take a new pic

I will, i've just been busy so i haven't been able to clean it.

pretentious poorfag loser
muh leds, muh windows 10, my gayming
probably has a well paying job
minimal setup, probably just starting out

i3 gaps is sexy



>no amount of colors will fill the void in my soul


a faggot

Tell me what you think?

The MSI laptop is only there temporarily.


Attic dweller on Sup Forums
Middle class fag with extra monitors laying around
You actually have a job
Very poor NEET
Anime faggot/ Confirmed virgin
Failed Normie gamer
Poor college student or NEET who fell for the thinkpad meme.
Some one who likes sci fi and occasionally games.
Rich/comfy fag (What desk and monitors are you using?
L33t hacker
A weeb from some irrelevant country
A 20 something who thinks LEDs are cool/ Man child
Failed twitch streamer/ comfy fag
Cozy musician


i haven't even started my career yet cuz i don't know where to start

What do you do?

i sometimes make a little bit of music, read lots of technology related news, sometimes jerk around in VRChat to ease my agression disorder and play league of legends and other games from time to time

So no job?

i'm responsible for a drinks market as a manager

I have 2.5 stations, sorry for inconvenience

Poor fag that has fucked up priorities.

That keyboard and mouse are amazing

Are you 13 years old?

Are you 60 years old?

Just a CS student, actually. I wish I were a musician. Haven't touched that keyboard in months.

>Failed Normie gamer
Pretty far off the mark. It's a GTX 960 running a 4k 60hz and 1440p 60hz panels.
Paired with 5820k @ 4.2ghz, 32gb ddr4, and 20TB hdds. This is a blu-ray encoding rig.

getting egpu in 3 days, and third monitor later

Are you mentally retarded?

No, are you soyboy? LEDs are for man children. Grow the fuck up.

>Grow the fuck up.

Says the shit smear insulting strangers on a Bohemian Bakla board.

new build

Got laptop on eBay for about 250 Canadian, then upgraded with free RAM and old ext. HDD


gayest person in his art school

tinfoil Sup Forumstard

gamer whose only worthwhile possession is his rig who likes to stare at his rig and fap to it cause why else would you put it in such a dumb assed spot?

m'lady fedora tipper

why is the breaker box in your bedroom? and why dont you have any windows for sunlight? and why is there a drop ceiling in your room?

struggling college kid

faggoty podcaster

annoying youtube/twitch jew

suicidal eskimo

some neckbeard who lives in his grandmothers house

guy who wears a robe

some guy who wears a sports jacket with patches on the elbows

some guy on vacation

some guy names chad or brody

guy who likes gay mmos

>why is the breaker box in your bedroom? and why dont you have any windows for sunlight? and why is there a drop ceiling in your room?
It's not technically allowed to be called a bedroom because it only has one exit. It's a room in my parent's basement which can help explain each question you had. Hope this helps

whats behind that blocked off door?
must feel kind of weird living in an interior room with no windows.

Behind that sealed door is this really creepy like 5 foot by 5 foot room that water seeps into a little bit and there's over 9000 cave crickets.

do they chip all night?

Cave crickets don't chirp

posted this in plenty of /bst/ threads, but I wonder what people are going to interpret from that