Red pill me on windows 10 LTSB (long term servicing branch)

Red pill me on windows 10 LTSB (long term servicing branch).

>app shit completely stripped out
>fake KVM activation or just skip activation altogether, it only leaves an activation watermark on the desktop
>10 years of security updates and only security updates

any downside to using it?


you don't get feature updates, no ms store so you can't play MS games

so no

There might be software that requires the newest windows update.

>suscription based

Is this true?

You cannot buy it, only subscribe??

I wouldn't be surprised, that's what MS was going for with Windows 10.

Yes, but if you crack it, then it doesn't really matter. No one using it here is actually paying for it.

>as a service

Does LTSB still have DirectX 12?

Its not for you. It’s for companies that subscribe to volume licensing. If you are using it as an end user you are a pirate and installed it through some bot net infested tool.

I would like to pay once for a bloat free OS legitimately, I don't want to have to crack it.

I have searched *some and cannot find a way to just buy it, but the wikipedia says 2019 it will be released in full. Maybe then?

>can't be simple can it, just suffer

Even if you could pay for it, it would be quite expensive. Probably even more expensive than what Windows 7 Ultimate used to cost relatively speaking to the lower options.

It's still Windows

Get Linux, nerds


>No no, you NEED to pay us every month otherwise it's cortana and bloat for you!

>opens wallet

>feels deepest shame

>activating windows

>I would like to pay once for a bloat free OS legitimately
download a linux distro and donate a few bucks to the developers

I would gladly do so, sadly.

Nice things are always out of reach, it's 10 or 7 Ultimate 64 bit then by *2020 no more driver updates presumably...

If it worked reliably, smoothly and was comparable with every program I want then I would.

I want something like Linux to be successful...


> he fell for the activate windows cnn screen burn meme

What do you need besides vidya that Linux can't do? Spend some time learning it and it's ezpz. A ton of steam games natively support Linux now, wine is great, and you can always dual boot.

Video editing software, audio editing software and games too.

I checked last year sometime and found that Linux unfortunately does not support much in terms of third party apps, however it is great for coding which I may try out sometime in the near future.

I will donate to the devs if I get a Linux distro

There are always open source projects but of course they don't really hold a candle to Adobe cc or whatever. Unless you're doing some really high level shit, run Windows in a VM. The only thing you need native gpu for out of that is for video editing hardware acceleration

Something to consider, I have heard of others doing this to though I will admit I know nothing at this current time about running a virtual machine. I will study the subject, but can you tell me right now if it is easy to maintain, or is it going to be a full time job to keep it from breaking?

It's ezpz. Libvirt/kvm is built in to new Linuxes but it's a little harder to use. Virtualbox is super user friendly. Plus it's harder to break because you can do VM snapshots. Fuck up your windows VM? Oh well, restore a snapshot and it's like nothing ever happened.

Correction, VMs in general are harder to break. Snapshots aren't a virtualbox exclusive feature

Plebs here on Sup Forums will say no, but it's an old version of win10 that's objectively worse than mature win10, win7 or win8.1

Compared to mature win10, the UI has less polish, and more importantly, input latency and frame timings are worse, because early win10 was the version that forced DWM compositing, and optimizations didn't come until late in the fall creators update. Game mode enabled (OFF in games- disable game bar) and the new fullscreen presentation mode for games lowers input latency, improves frame timings, and fixes issues with alt-tabbing.

If you don't play games then ltsb is ideal. If you do, you want a newer build of windows or you should just use win7 or 8.1

Thanks! I will check into it more and see if there are any limitations for what I have planned.

Oh, and checked!

The monthly subscription rate is what I cannot stand. I would pay a large some of money if I could just own it outright, you can't game on ltsb?

Still has all the technical problems regular 10 has bit of you need to use Windows it's fine.


You can game on it, it's just not ideal for the high standards of certain users. I certainly don't use ltsb or any version of Windows 10 before the FCU due to the issues with input latency.

What's the easiest way to debloat/make better Win 10 Pro then?

If it didn't have telemetry and spyware, China would be using it instead of demanding their own special version.


Don't trust what says, I've been using it for gaming since 2016 and I never had any issues. Same FPS like the "normal" version.
