Would you give up your computing power for an ad-free internet in such a perfect free market deal?
Salon to ad blockers: Can we use your browser to mine cryptocurrency?
Depends. Would prefer if it's transparent.
They can eat my shit, certainly not my CPU.
>visiting salon
You don't belong here. Fuck off.
I don't even know this site, I just saw the headline on ars lol
>reading salon
Is this the future of the web? Built-in crypto-miners?
>missing the point of the thread
The point is that large, well-known websites are starting to put miners on their pages. Nobody gives a shit about visiting salon specifically.
I'd be fine with this
>uuhhhh web 2.0 and javascript have done nothing wron-
You got caught, libtard. Go back.
>"why do users keep blocking our flashy video ads that blare sound and hog cpu?"
>"I know, let's put in a program that taxes your cpu and gpu for volatile currency"
I have problems with this
t. Someone who's gpu died from mining
Can we just go back to web 1.0 and ignore all those bloated sites with 742749374 ads and/or js crypto miners ?
>a future web where literally the only thing that matters is time spent on-page
>click bait, javascript alert mazes, video fucking everywhere
sounds great. i hope somebody finds a way to transfer human shit over the internet so we can just skip straight to the timeline where I'm just literally getting my face shat on by fat californian "journalists" all day long
Everyone who visits this site deserves to get mined
Its salon today, its gonna be YouTube or whatever tomorrow and a shit ton if people on this board ignoring this now will be assmad
What was that saying about an inch and a mile?
How about you just nuke san Francisco and Seattle? It'll be doing the world a favor.
>their face when I block their miners as well
It's already a minefield.
Just block JS.
>they start mining crypto through request chains
God, what a nightmare.
Also whoever thought mining bitcoin using weak wasteful methods on your users machines would be an OK thing should be executed. At least have them download a program that does it right.
I know a site's good when my laptop's fan has to kick into high gear to render the page.
As usual, SJW-ism has an effect of demonetization and loss of trust from the normie majority to be substituted with an image of court jesters.
- Hasbro for example managed to bankrupt the GI Joe brand by employing SJW writers, with the first fucking comic issue.
- Marvel keeps losing money over the new female "muh womyn power" Captain Marvel, who keeps being rehashed and forced in apparent desperation yet keeps failing and not making returns.
- Disney's Star Wars has now lost trust among prop sellers, a first in the brand's history. Because shelves are filled with unsold TLJ "womyn powa" toys which are going to be written off as a major financial loss for both the sellers and Disney. Now sellers have no alternative but to scrutinize all future Disney's Bolshevik marketing projections and force increased costs on Disney as a risk tax. Disney even lost a potential market of 1.3 billion people in China which cites "Baizuo", "Low IQ (SJW) writing", and "Ugly cast" as critiques.
- SJW publications such as Salon being forced into adwalls.
- Video Game developers appealing to a vocal minority of SJW's who don't even pay for games but gather around a single "representative" professinal critic/influencer via social contacts for mob criticism, who are merely there to support that one critic against products they don't even care about; resulting in a loss of the core majority of gamers and net loss in revenue due to appeal to minority over majority.
It's like the religious preachers who exist to preach against products they don't even use, gathering fanatic supporters, yet who are mistaken by the object of criticism as users in ignorance and stupidity.
The ride keeps going and going. Appeal to minority profits, and you get a reduction constant in revenue until a negative is reached over time, if not instantly like GI Joe.
>Journalistic integrity
pick one
Jesus fucking christ, you people truly are victims of a defunct education system.
I'm sure if it comes that far there will be good mining blockers
if they were calculating cool stuff maybe I'd consider it. for memecoins no way
>expecting critical reading from a board of autistic retards
This reminds me off those Sup Forums ad that fucked up the site if you blocked them. Did we ever get to the bottom of what they were doing?
Lot of content online is addictive but trash, so the signal of someone browsing it, therefore the content being good and worthy of compensation is false. Of course this entirely subjective, someones trash is someones treasure. I'd count salon(Sup Forums too) being one of these cases, lot of it is trash but people still go see it. Then owners wonder why is it so hard to fund it. People in their hearts know the content isn't worth paying for, they might even hope the site dies away so they would be free of their addiction.
I've held this obnoxious view for a while that I as a viewer should be the one to be paid for wasting my time in such sites, not the other way around. Instead of me paying for something, they should be paying me for the damages, nuisance they have caused.
There needs to be a universal fatwa to make the killing of all cryptominers legal.
How about I make my own ad blocker that doesn't mine crypto
Nope, that's why I use uO
at least is optional
Great discussion, nigger.
>goes on coinhive.com to learn about their shit
>page blocked
>by my ad blocker? No, by my fucking antivirus
JS miner are a threat
>blocks your path
I made website, I pay money to host on https, I ask wife to abort kid till we green card to silicon valley
Now how I make money from website? It cost money but you have to spend some to make some.
Offer a product or service that's worth paying for, Sanjay
idk lmao get other jobs or something
Use a sustainable business model by having good content worth paying for. If you dont have the content then you need to find a new job.
If I had service or product to sell I would have market instead of website.
Then your site will also be shit that people will either block ads on or find a better site.
But Sup Forums doesn't sell except gold.
and yet moot was able to keep it going for almost a decade. what is your point
>mobile technology improves to the point that laptops are now a viable means to do work while not connected to a power source
>let's just fuck all that up with crypto-semitism
Banner ads that anyone could buy with a text message
There were literally kids advertising their let's play minecraft youtube channels
then sure do that. I block ads because they are malicious and in-your-face. don't put anything like that on your website and there's nothing for me to block to begin with.
>not just viewing Salon through archive.is
>not viewing Salon at all
>to mine
>after crypto prices drop
Good luck earning enough to even buy food after fees are paid on transaction. Running a fury x with 25mh/s for 40 hours lets me earn 0.005 eth.