what is THE programmer's keyboard?
What is THE programmer's keyboard?
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It's a meme keyboard. Real programmers use a regular 104 key rubber dome ones.
real programmer's use text to speech
None, benchmarks conclude it's all placebo. Besides, when you're programming you're not trying to be a fast typer. You're thinking.
I could never get used to that keyboard as I didn't want to bring it with me to work because it's kinda flimsy. The base really should've been made out of aluminum or some other metal.
then clearly when looking for THE programmer's keyboard you're looking for the one with the most comfortable one
anything else is for posturelets with rolled shoulders
Agreed, but comfort is subjective. Buy the one that is the most comfortable to you
sounds perfect
Not that one, that's a memelord keyboard.
Programmers use either rubber dome or mechanical in a normal layout, usually either qwerty or dvorak, and optionally with a split or curve for ergonomics. Or whatever comes with their laptop, because lightweight, non-gamer laptops are handy for taking your work with you.
Are you supposed to lay in the floor when you type with that?
Why would anyone need to lay upon the floor to type with any keyboard?
It's clearly very vertical so it seems that to avoid wrist strain, one must lay on the floor with the keyboard mounted above, arms outstretched.
It's a split layout like the MS Natural ones, except you can adjust the amount of space between the sides to your taste. Also the sides prop up because that's more ergonomic than holding your hands palm down.
It could also be used to type while sprawled out on a bed, with one side of the keyboard at either side of you.
The only thing more retarded than that keyboard is you. kys
If you can square up your shoulders and arms in a perfectly neutral and relaxed matter while typing at full speed on a normal-sized keyboard then you probably look like this or you're too poor to try it out.
How else are you going to copy your apps?
The one that you make in your garage.
That would be a NEET keyboard. Programmers don't have time for that shit.
Keylets get out
pic related if you have devoted your life to vi/vim
Speech to text you mean, somebody needs to get on this. Couldn't be too hard to write a vscode plugin could it?
Barely any spacebar tho
Whatever fucking keyboard my place of business provides.
A guy wrote a game in java with that.
why do you need a dvorak button
but that one is shit and awfully dirty
seriously though, what's the best rubber dome keyboard? I don't feel like spending a fortune on a keyboard, so I'm looking for something around $40
>Logitech k750
It's scissor switch, but feels nice. My daily driver, and I have many mech keyboards, rather use this one
>Dell USB Enhanced Slim DJ331
Really good travel and cheap on eBay.
>Dell 2GR91 Slim USB
Feels nice when new.
A real programmer ONLY uses a binary keyboard. Everything other option is pussy shit.
Fucking grammar. I've had way too much to drink.
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
You deserve to be burned alive and buried in a landfill with the rest of the garbage, you subhuman sack of shit.
Oh my. I thought I was having a bad night.
underrated post
>Logitech k750
>solar cells on a keyboard
why the fuck
Buying a new keyboard isn't going to make you any better at programming / stop you from quitting at page 12 of that new comp sci book you picked up
Nobody here knows what those symbols mean or how it applies to programming fuck this field and this board
>y is on the right side
learn to touchtype, retard. that shit is 100% correct
IBM Model M
Are you ignoring the fact that the escape key is moved to the left past where a normal keyboard would exist?
oh, true. i forgot about that. but, i meant that the y key placement is 100% correct, not that the overall layout is 100% correct. the esc placement did annoy me for a few days as a vim user.
is it a meme?
these boards are actually really nice. my roommate has one with mx blues in it. super solid.
Very much yes, and not a good entertaining one at that
Yeah I used one of these for a couple days and the Y really bugged me. I've since bought a columnar layout keyboard and learned to touch type
Overpaying for some shitty placebo isn't going to make your terrible programs any better.
Some people love it, some people can't stand it. Go to a store that has one on display and see how you like the feel before buying one.
Best keyboard comin' through.
The Model F XT, since while you're writing code, you'll also be producing a wonderful symphony of clacks and pings.
In all seriousness, it may look like a monstrosity at first, but the layout is honestly quite nice once you get used to it. It is very ISO-like, which is a layout I've really come to love, one I think is very comfy for programming and navigating the terminal and such. The esc key is in a reasonable enough position to use for vim, and ctrl+c works quite well too, so no need to rebind. On that note, I think the position of ctrl on this keyboard is FAR more comfortable than where it is traditionally placed. There are some other niceties, too--the island of function keys to the left is comfy and nice for binding macros to, and the offset 0 on the numpad is quite comfortable.
The single-width stepped keys are a shame, though, as is the lack of a numlock indicator (which is a bit annoying given that it swaps the function layer of the numpad, which includes the arrow and navigation keys, but not too bad because I try to use vim keybindings for everything anyway). The lack of 2 function keys also sucks. You could probably get a pretty similar feel (layout wise, certainly not switch-wise) out of a standard ISO keyboard by rebinding some keys. I recommend giving it a try if you have an ISO layout.
Honestly, there's probably an even older, wackier layout out there that I'd probably love. Maybe an old beamspring or something.
>Autism : The Keyboard
Ah, and I just realized the one I posted doesn't have the standard XT layout.
You've found an even bigger meme than OP's.
Real programmers toggle their programs in using binary with the front panel. You DO have a front panel, don't you user?
Very reasonable keyboard.
I have one and it's awesome. Probably best feeling buckling spring keyboard I've tried. But the strange ancient layout and lack of a Windows key puts me off using it on a modern machine.
Super meme.
Reasonable if you like split keyboards.
Except for the stupid fucking "ruler" on the bottom. Just give me standard legs ffs.
>I have one and it's awesome. But the strange ancient layout and lack of a Windows key puts me off using it on a modern machine.
Give it a try for a bit--the layout was very offputting to me at first, too, but it really grows on you. I would have a hard time using any other layout comfortably now (Although, like I said, you can pretty much achieve the same results by rebinding a few keys on a modern ISO keyboard, and arguably have a more functional keyboard).
HAHAHHA my sides
Wtf is that keyboard? It looks so difficult to control. But well.. once you master it you could feel like the god of keyboards.
I still think that's not really a practical keyboard.
The infinity symbol is for when you want to set a variable to it's infinity
Chording keyboards can be amazing if youre good at it.
Not even what that is though. That looks to be a flicking keyboard.
How do you even control the cursor with that thing? Would love to try that board.
I googled what flicking keyboards are and the 'autistic keyboard' looks way more to a chording one.
how chads program
I don't mean the dumb phone swiping shit that comes up on google images for "flicking keyboard". I mean a keyboard with fewer keys that you push up, down, left or right to get different symbols, which is what that one basically is. You aren't pressing combinations of 5-10 keys. You're pressing single keys, but they're arranged so that many of them are 'pressed' by pushing a finger in a direction from its home position.
Coming through.
>flat plastic instead of keys
Inefficient. The entire keyboard should be keys
Yes. Because our hands have no flat space that isn't covered with fingers.
You use the flat space on your hands for grabbing. The fuck are you going to use the flat space on your keyboard for? Fucking doodling
IIRC they're still taking preorders.
Not having keys that I can't easily reach without significant wrist movement.
god damnit why are keyboard so expensive
stop looking at overpriced german shit, when chink shit is cheaper and just as good
>unironically applel butterfly
I'm considering buying a macbook only for this keyboard, even though, it gets kill by one particle of dust
apl is a dead language m80
>just as good
>buy chinkshit
>practically breaks in 2 months
Is this what yurocucks believe?
German shit is so pathetic now that the chinks have caught up and surpassed them
I'm speaking from personal experience
is this some sort of banking or finance related keyboard?
i tried to imagine what it would feel like to type "nigger" on this and it was just too weird.