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He's still suing them, and the lawsuit has yet to begin.

what do they mean by "challenge"? the lawsuit?


There was a federal claim on discrimination for getting fired, and then an actual lawsuit on general political discrimination. The former was dropped, as Google put effort into making it as legal sounding as possible from that angle. No idea how the latter is going to go, I think it's civil court which is a lot more broad

>labor board ruling that firing was legal

Literally nothing. The lawsuit is the only interesting part of this debacle.

Really shocking that spamming questionable political manifestos to everyone in the company is a fireable offence when you're hired for software development and have already been given multiple warnings to stop. Really makes me think.

Anyone that thinks he has a chance of winning either court case is retarded.

post that boipussy

Google Internet Defense Force office hours started?

>Anyone that thinks he has a chance of winning either court case is retarded.

The other lawsuit will end in a settlement. Google are not going to let their diversity programs and the infantile behaviour of their staff be subjected to discovery.

Sup Forums BTFO

>Really shocking that spamming questionable political manifestos to everyone in the company is a fireable offence when you're hired for software development and have already been given multiple warnings to stop.

Literally nothing you said here is accurate. Gas yourself reddit.

reddit begone
first line is wrong
second line is true under federal law, but in california its illegal to fire over political opinions

>in california its illegal to fire over political opinions

It's perfectly legal to fire someone that is writing long political manifestos on company time and sending them to almost everyone in the company when he's supposed to be developing software. Absolutely nobody asked for Damore's opinion on any of this shit.

While this is true, Google seems to have actively tried to promote a politically-charged working environment which staff are encouraged to participate in.


>Responding to previously written corporate political manifestos

Kill yourself leddit

Required watching:

But... didn't google actually solicit his opinion in the first place?

Nope. I think it's stupid, but there are very specific teams hired for diversity efforts and they have specific mailing lists to talk about this shit. The average software developer, which Damore was, is never encouraged to spam the mailing lists about diversity or political shit. Nobody wants to hear offtopic rants from either side of the political spectrum at work.

There's zero chance he wins either of these court cases and the federal case was dismissed in record time for good reason.

Read his memo and point out whats so wrong about it. I've read it completely and calling it sexist even by feminist standards is hilariously retarded.

The best case he has is that managers at google had blacklists for 'conservative' employees when it came to working together in teams and promotions. Pretty illegal

The other people were hired to write the diversity shit and shared them in places specifically for that. Nobody even saw them unless they went looking for them. Damore was not hired or even asked to write his shit and was supposed to be writing software. He also sent them to everyone like a complete moron.


The content of the memo really doesn't matter much. He wasn't doing what he was hired to do and was annoying other employees with things that aren't related to what he was supposed to be working on.

From the complaint in the main lawsuit, it seems to have heavily spilled into the company wide mailing lists too. There's a long list of quotes showing staff making pretty outrageous comments which they're obviously not being disciplined for.

What are you a google employee?

If he worked in a very large corporation, he'd know that dicking around with pointless shit not directly related to the business is surprisingly common among staff.

i'd guess it's enough for a settlement, that google is embarrassed by the blacklists and soapboxing is enough for me

> managers at google had blacklists for 'conservative' employees

That would be bad but the case will be dismissed since he acted like a moron and he gave them all the justification they needed to fire him. At best, that evidence could be used in discrimination suits by other conservative Googlers. Even that would be hard to prove though because lots of project managers have blacklists that are entirely unrelated to political affiliation and you'd have to prove the blacklist was based primarily on political affiliation to win a discrimination suit.

>At best, that evidence could be used in discrimination suits by other conservative Googlers.

That's what the class action suit is about, and at least one other employee is involved in it. It should prove to be interesting if it manages to go through Google's dirty laundry.

I don't work for Google anymore and am not that user but I'm a software engineer now at another big silicon valley company.

No Google doesn't have "secret unrecorded meetings" about diversity and no they don't force their founders beliefs onto the workers. The reality of it is that most of academia leans left. Most of Googles employees are highly educated therefor increasing the chance of being part of the left ideology. I've never had the ideology forced down my throat.

Especially for engineers people don't debate things like this. They just do technical work because that is what we're hired to do. If anyone would take the time to simply look at the diversity reports these companies put out (tech numbers specifically) you'll find it laughable that they're discriminating against the majority in interviews. I've conducted hundreds of interviews at multiple companies. We are not lowering the bar for anyone. Most tech companies, the top ones at least, are not.

fuck off, mega nose

The only thing this memo will achieve is more affirmative action. Never recognise the opposition, just squelch them out.

>> find it laughable
>> despite people getting fired for going against diversity hire
>> Despite a jew getting fired for bitching about diversity hire

There's no reason for a pajeet to run your company

No company in the world records their meetings.

> There's no reason for a pajeet to run your company

I don't work there anymore. But just saying that disqualifies the rest of your thoughts about this.

Calling out a company for doing illegal things which aren't true results in being fired. Shocking.

I mean in the context of James saying they were "unrecorded". As in no material in that meeting nor the existence of said meeting itself was being recorded anywhere. Which is false. Of course they don't literally record all their meetings but most meeting outside of 10 people are on video because people work from home all the time or for remote engineers.

So once again false statement by him. At least watch his interviews before you go defending him. He explains what he means.

>lost reason to jewish pushed garbage nonsense in jewish pushed garbage nonsense environment
>get surprised

choose one

ITT: Google Internet Defense Force treating what they want to think as fact

all these stupid fucks influenced by jordan peterson getting BTFO by """postmodern neo-marxists""" makes my dick hard
keep trying faggots, you're just autistic children screeching random nonsense. It's pretty entertaining t b h

>He wasn't doing what he was hired to do
as far as i'm aware he wasn't fired for neglecting the programming duties he had

you probably aren't aware of much

He was an attention whore. He can rot in hell.

well i read the CEO's statement, he didn't mention anything other than the harmful gender stereotypes issue

was he actually fired for neglecting his job, or were you wrong?

He was fired for a multitude of things.

Discrimination is okay as long as it's against straight, white men ;^)

Guys this is not a wrongful termination suit, this is a gender descrimination suit supposedly targetting long term patterns against not just this guy but all white men at facebook. At least argue about the correct thing.

>At least argue about the correct thing.


Woops I mean google. All the same shit anyway

Thanks Google

Does someone have those twitter screenshots that showed their were seminars for furries, scalies and all other kinds of degenerate shit?

The cucking one was my favorite.

This. White boys with victim complexes deserve the worst.

Then why don't all the straight white men just get together and make their own company?

Because that's be illegal, user

> be right wing brainlet
> make successful technology company

Pick one.

there's no way he was fired for neglecting his duties

because then most of my office would already be gone, including me :^)

nvm, I found it.


It's illegal to refuse to fire niggers and spics.

Start writing unwanted long political screeds and sending them to everyone in the company.

Multiple leftists did this and got nothing.


they literally asked for feedback on some internal diversity group after a summit

the document sat there for three months until it was purposefully leaked to stir up controversy and get him fired

It was posted on a company forum used to discuss such things. The guy has a masters degree from Harvard. It's not like he was spamming Sup Forums memes to everyone.

>be right wing
>manage every fortune 500 company
sounds about right

Is having an open relationship cuckoldry? Most of the people in SF that I've met that do this just have a ton of friends and lots of people have sex with each other freely. Elon Musk is into this shit too.

Are they married though?

try constructing a scenario in your head that reflects the things that happened

>Multiple leftists did this and got nothing.

Not really. They weren't leftists, they were neoliberals, and they were hired for that purpose and shared their writing in very specific places.

>be right wing
>but not actually right wing because there's nothing "right wing" about liberalism
dumb fuck


>open communists are neoliberals

fuck off, i can't even look at internal memes anymore without reading some preachy blogpost about how the "strict asian dad" template was offensive and got taken down

the politics are shoved into your face day and night. FFS, have you seen the doodles? those go out to the entire world..imagine what stays internal.

Absolutely wrong. Specific people, that didn't include Damore, were asked for feedback and he sent his memo to far more than just the forum for that feedback.

You fags believe whatever you want even when the first court case was thrown out in record time and the judge basically laughed in his face. The civil case is going to end the exact same way.

You clearly dont know what he did, try getting your information from somewhere other than a hit piece

>IWW and antifa is neoliberal

lol taking a meme about a racial stereotype is having politics shoved in your face? Please go work in a conservative company for a bit.

None of them are even close to communists. Most of them are retarded Hillary shills.

>make an arbitrary and nebulous standard for value AND attribute it to an equally arbitrary and nebulous definition of judgement
>get evasive when confronted
you're trying to be deceptive, but you're just incompetent



Here's the complaint. On page 10, it clearly says he posted the memo on an internal forum, called CoffeeBeans. Read the memo, it wasn't an attack piece, it was an informal, well-sourced criticism of Google's policies written by someone with a graduate degree from Harvard.

Most notably, it sat on the forum for three months before it was leaked to cause this outrage.

Google encourages employees to provide feedback for things the company is doing, including the diversity meetings. He submitted his feedback, and was only fired much later when it became a public controversy. You have bought into liars and charlatans because of your confirmation bias.


bro i can't take a shit at the office without reading some sob story about oppressed minorities and how to help them. it's plastered LITERALLY EVERYWHERE including inside the bathroom stalls.

it is completely overbearing and unless we're in a total war, politics of any kind should stay OUT of the workplace.

Google is incredibly hypocritical for tolerating the kinds of shit that it does, yet cracking down on Damore for posting a slightly controversial memo which got leaked against his will.

And any news agency ever doesn't do this? People get fired for arguing with doners that give the news stations alot of money right on air. What's google doing that a news station asking you to give your political views all day on isn't?

>People get fired for arguing with doners that give the news stations alot of money right on air.
are you 12?

That's a couple of people in a company of 20,000+ and they have nothing to do with the work Damore was supposedly responding too. The people hired to work on diversity efforts come directly from Hillary's campaign staff and various neoliberal think tanks. They aren't even close to communists.

Google has tons of weird offtopic mailing lists with political extremists from both sides. All the way from communists to neoreactionaries/dark enlightenment. Steve Yegge wrote a blog post about this a long time ago and as long as it stays confined to those mailing lists nobody cares.

It was an internal memo. Not a "tell us your experience" survey.

> On page 10, it clearly says he posted the memo on an internal forum

Damore is just trying to support his case. He's full of shit and got laughed out of federal court because of it.

>Google encourages employees to provide feedback for things the company is doing

Nobody did anything of the sort in this instance.

I'm done with you clowns for now though. Your boy lost the first court case in devastating fashion and he's going to lose the second. It won't matter though because you'll still believe whatever Damore says because it fits your persecution complex.

The post was made on CoffeeBeans, an internal forum dedicated to off-topic discussions like this. You're grossly misinformed. The post wasn't out of line. The only reason he was fired was because of the media backlash that occurred 3 months after the post was made. There's nothing incendiary in Damore's post.

It's also laughable that you believe lefties at Google identify more with neoliberalism than communism.

it wasn't a memo by any definition

> Trumples/conservatives not welcome in Silicon Valley and SF

Really shocking stuff. It's only been that way for the last 40 years at least.

>Damore is just trying to support his case. He's full of shit and got laughed out of federal court because of it.
Nobody disputes that the post was made on CoffeeBeans. You're a moron. The first case was dismissed on procedural grounds, he still has a civil case pending against Google.

>Nobody disputes that the post was made on CoffeeBeans.


>news only refers to it as a memo
>not a memo.

okay. call it whatever you want fag.

make better posts

>pajeet meme isn't true
Man you are in for a rude awakening.

>hurr durr, Damore's attorneys lied to the court about basic facts of the case, here's my evidence:

Wanna provide some fucking proof? a judge threw it out but couldnt even fucking verify where it happened? come on bro.

it was a forum post, and all references to it as a "memo" were deceptive.
is Sup Forums your blog? are your posts memos to your parents (employers)?

Considering that in America the democratic party are "lefies", using the labels "right wing" and "left wing" is pretty much meaningless.