this bug has been around for over a decade and it's still not fixed
is this seriously what ayymd users have to put up with?
Did it to me all the time when I was playing league of legends
question to programmers
why is this shit not fixed?
Same reason why their shitty drivers brick your GPU
and that reason is...?
And not the times nvidia fired GPUs with a driver update
this issue is like 10 years old. it's basically a feature by now
is it really such a widespread issue?
Is it OS specific?
What causes it?
Used to get this same shit before I got my 1060.
Running the cursor back and forth across my two screens along the bottom edge used to fix it.
GNU/Linux + AMDGPU + Mesa doesn't have this problem
I remember that, I thought my graphics card was dying.
Fun side note. Its not OS specific. Linux and Windows have it. It happened on all my amd CPUs since k9
On what cards? I've had 3 AMD cards in the past 5 years and not once has this been an issue. Or is it CPUs? Because I had a Piledriver CPU and didn't have this problem either.
My 280x had this issue sometimes, my Fury on the other end never had it. Combined with intel CPU's.
I got this on a 480, only when i played stronghold
I've had this on my 480 and very unfrequently. Before I changed to the Vega 56 a driver update took it away almost for good, I think it was version 17.5?
never have this issue, op just a retard using cheap chink hdmi cable
My rig has an rx 480 and I can confirm this issue, doesnt really come around oftena and when it does it's always fixed through a restart. However, sometimes (very rarely) when the pc shuts down I get all sorts of fucked up artifacts on my display and I have to turn it off manually otherwise it stays stuck like that
Had this shit on my old laptop, never got it on my RX 470 but I've since upgraded to all nvidia
nice attempt at changing the topic from amd GPUs and their shitty drivers
post prove or you just shill, anyway who give shit, miner still buy amd even with your fud
Prove I moved to nvidia?
AMD drivers: persistent annoying bugs
Nvidia drivers: we fry a batch of cards every three years
AMDrones on suicide watch
hey look, another nvidia shill.
which AMD drivers brick cpus exactly?
or are you still goalpost shifting 364.72 (wqhl / 2016), or maybe 259.03, or .. ah just google it, there are plenty.
fuck off.
But amd drivers are totally good, dude!
Works on my machine.
this is true and you'd have to be an actual drone to try to deny that this still happens
happened on my 7850, happened on my 280X and now on my RX480
shit is horrible and i'm amazed it's been YEARS and it still hasn't been fixed
the only "fix" is opening the magnifying tool and having it run in the background on wangblows - since it somehow fixes the damn cursor
this but unironically
This bug comes from flash fucking with your drivers. AMD hasn’t fixed it because it requires work from Flash, which is a lazy, non secure, and shit standard which is almost extinct.
Maybe just don’t use flash? You shouldn’t be using it anyway.
It's related to multiple screen setups. Just move your mouse to the edge after switching from full screen window like a game.
>>Running the cursor back and forth across my two screens along the bottom edge used to fix
On older amd drivers like the 5770, this was permanent once it happened, you can go into mouse options and select trail set it to nothing and its gone, but it still has other glitches, a restart fixes it but its not worth it.
newer amd cards, at least since 7970 this was an issue but it was never permanent.
better than nvidia's considering I have to unplug my monitor to fucking fix their issues.
I can confirm it wasn't permanent with my 4870 and 7970. Moving pointer to the edge worked and I didn't change anything specific in the mouse settings
I have not seen this once and I have an amd GPU, CPU (fx) and windows 10
What is this? I never had AMD GPUs
>unironically buying AMD products
sometimes the mouse cursor glitches and turns into a comb on amd cards
I never shut down, the first time it would happen, sure rapidly making the cursor change what it is would fix it, but the third or fourth time... no it was permanent.
nvidia has royally fucked me several times, not fucking again if amd is competitive, and for the price, amd is competitive.
Pajeets in charge of writting your drivers.
Programmer here
I don't know how you can fuck this up to begin with since the cursor is just an overlay that is painted on top of everything without any complicated logic
AMD drivers never kill gpus, nvidia has on at least around 5 different occasions
You are a scrub mother fucker.
The cursor is driven by machine code in assembly language.
You fix it faggot.