Tech you can not live without.
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Tech you can not live without.
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at first I thought that was this
I was going to get one but I have a dog
Classic shit smear.
raspberry pi3
Holy fuck I nearly choked in my drink
a CD player?
What do you use it for? Playing media?
Loo is technology
development server
dat meme
dell latitude ftw
Every time I see this I get angry that nobody involved could see how horrible that design was.
It should be a requirement that all who designs computers use computers.
I prefer my Dyson(C)(R)(TM) handheld vacuum cleaner, it gets the job done faster without bothering anyone and can clean things a Roomba will never reach. Have both though.
the meme of all memes
that dyson is in any way an innovator
>put dog somewhere other than the room you want to vacuum
That was hard.
A fan without a fan, member? Haha what a thing
I have one and we've had a few accidents. But since I also have a cat and I would have to clean the floor daily to manage the fur, I deal with it. Yeah, I had to clean shit off the Roomba a few times, it sucks, but it's very easy to take apart.
Lucky I have a small-ish dog
By now i had to buy replacement parts for the Roomba - the spinning brush was not working because the cogs making it spin had degraded - cogs made out of a soft plastic, planned obsoloscence par excellence.
The Dyson though is working fine.
My V6 Animal is fucking glorious, I never knew I could enjoy vacuuming.
You're joking but when cleaning with it i listen to political podcasts.
>letting your dog go inside
Id probably kill myself if I had to live without ac. Everything else in this thread is a luxury, but air conditioning is a necessity
You only need that when you're living somewhere where humans were not meant to live, like Phoenix, or Florida.
stop living in a swamp/desert
Get a real fucking vacuum.
My mother is a neat freak and she has been through more than 2 dozen vacuum from Bissell to Dyson and they are all garbage that break within a year. The only thing that has survived is her 20 year old oreck vacuum that is still running strong and cleans better too.
Your mother needs to stop being retarded.
to be fair, it's the same thing as heating, just the other way around.
Heating creates heat where there was no heat before. AC just transports heat from one place to another.
so? It's both "air conditioning", i.e. making your air/surroundings livable. By your logic heating is the devil as well and people shouldn't live anywhere where it's getting cold.
Surprised nobody has mentioned the peak of human innovation yet.
>Necessary to make your surroundings livable
What's it like being a pussy, faggot?
I don't have an AC, I'm saying it's the same shit.
Are you 12?
>the peak of human innovation is used primarily by children
Use a bike fatass they go faster and provide good cardio
why cant you live without it ? too lazy to get off your butt and clean your moms basement ?
>be vacuuming
>get shot
How well do these actually work? I've been thinking of getting one for a while but I'm afraid it will crawl under the dresser and die like a cat
That doesn't solve the problem of the pile of shit it left behind. How the hell is he supposed to pick that up?
I got a cheap Roomba from an Amazon Black Friday deal and it's pretty good. If you have a room with a lot of open space and you're too lazy to sweep before you mop, just turn this little guy on and come back in 30 minutes to finish the job.
Dedicated always on low power nfs server
What is the recommended vacuum robot ? the best one for it's worth?
>keeping your dog outside at all times
kys heartless cruelfag
>stumble across your shot neighbor
>get shot
People do live in shitholes like India or subsaharan areas without any conditioning if they're not pussies. It's not that easy surviving without heating in Alaska though. Not the same.
sexy as fuck
What's the point in having an animal companion if they are always outside?
>mans best friend
X270 is better.
I think I can live without that
I had a feeling this was gonna be AvE
They work great.
Idk if its too hot inside I just open the windows a little
Human powered cleaner will always perforn better, and you can haggle the price
Why the fuck is your dog pooping inside the house. Don't be a lazy fuck and give him a walk so he can piss and shit outside (and then take care of the shit).
Even dogs, unless pups or retarded, don't want to shit where they live, it's antihigienic. Seriously, if you don't let him poop outside because of laziness you're retarded and likely torture your dog, please give him to someone who can take care of him.
>not training your dog
Negro detected.
having a robot vacuuming everyday when one is at work is more efficient tho, house would be cleaner compared to vacuuming three times a day.
Also I doubt that if I vacuumed it would be much cleaner than a robot going through the floor, not sure tho, haven't ever seen robot vacuum irl.
>Human powered cleaner will always perforn better
yeah, but that assumes I'll use it more than maybe once a week. even if the robot is worse at the job, if it does it consistently every day it's still better
Dunno why but this Dyson seems a lost worse than mine. They must have cheaped out the last few years
Doesn't matter though, Dyson's patents expired and you can get cyclonic separation vacuums from other manufacturers
There's no way Dyson had patents on cyclonic separation. That's been around since long before Dyson was even born.
Deebot N79
He patented cyclonic separation in household vacuums and marketed the shit out of it, even if the tech has been around for decades in the mining industry
How can you patent shit like that? You could cut the prior art right out of the air.
I got one as a gift and used to think it was the dumbest thing ever but now I actually like it. Makes it so I don't have to actually clean as often.
Wow, are those yours? I love newfoundlands
In ur dreams kiddo.
>Create heat
It does the same thing as A/C but in reverse
>he doesn't know about heat pumps
>people voluntary let animals piss and shit where they sleep
animals like being outside
Or niggerland
Go drink some bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you dumb fucking shit smear.
>you have taken the lead
I have one similar to this from AEG. It has a detachable handheld cleaner, so you can switch between doing the floors and get in hard to reach places. The form factor is also really useful for stairs. I used to curse the old vacuum and its power cord that got stuck everywhere.
Do those even work?
There are a lot of factors in that. Off hand, though, I'd recommend a Roomba (any model, look at the features) due to ease of repair and availability of parts.
I wonder what happened if you replace the cog to a metal one by yourself.
getting a right sized gear should not that hard
deebot, got one of them on sale for $189 to supplement my vacuuming but my floors have been spotless since I got it last december. I dont think I need to use my traditional vacuum ever again
Very, very well according to my gf.
She turns hers loose about once a week and it cleans the place up.
Saves her hours of work.
>its too hot inside I just open the windows a little
To let the even hotter air from outside in, right?