that's it. Today I'm officially moving to GhostBSD/OpenBSD
Thanks Lennart, thanks Linux Foundation, thanks Debian and thanks to all liberal/libertarian jews for making Linux a better system and improving its security. A big thanks to the GNU foundation for spending money lobbying for Democrats instead of fixing outdated and shit software. A personal thanks to the GNU Distro community for allowing their libre distros being totally shit and broken
That's it. Today I'm officially moving to GhostBSD/OpenBSD
ubuntu is a standard for Linux development environment, you will miss it
>can turn it off at install time, unlike a certain other OS that has placebo toggles at install
>doesn't contain personally identifiable information
I fail to see the issue. You have also failed to consider the issue of the BSD license in your thought process to move away from Linux/GNU. The most obviously retarded thing about your post is the fact that you are moving from Ubuntu, an easy to install and manage OS, to BSD which is difficult, lacks wide spread support, and does not provide a useable DE after install.
Consider moving to Sup Forums, instead.
SystemD was pwnable for 4 fucking years. If you're even using Ubuntu these days you need to go back
Linux and GNU are both run by people unrelated to tech but into business. Everyone is laughing at the linux kernel and even a distro like Mint has more issues today than windows xp/7
How do you do that? Thumbnail and pic are totally different
Go back where? Or are you just meme-ing? Anyway systemdicks can die as well as any involvement from Microsoft in the Linux Foundation with its money grabbing 3 E's.
Implying that a large number people even care about their kernel.
Trash distro has problems, no way...
>windows xp/7
Now you are just starting the issue of when Windows became a useless OS (8+)
T-Teach me senpai
have fun with OpenBSD. A week ago they adopted a CoC from a feminist wiki and have been banning everyone who complained about it.
>Implying that a large number people even care about their kernel.
That's my point. What is the point of Linux today? support everything out of the box including broken drivers, broken code and massive bloatware to slowdown your machine? then use macos or windows
that's freebsd retard
that would never happen to openbsd, not with theo the rat in control
google "magic png thumbnail"
>What is the point of Linux today?
You only need to look at your phone (assuming android device) and figure out what other option did they (Google) have to make various types of hardware work together on multiple devices that did not include having to create and maintain their own kernel from scratch. You can also look at user choice (freedom) as that is not an option that is as widely varying on other platforms such as BSD.
Build kernel yourself if you care that much.
>broken stuff
Computers are fast enough today that it doesn't really matter how many un-used drivers are in the kernel. There will almost always be bugs as long as technology keeps progressing the way has been, with new hardware being released almost constantly and people constantly looking for vulnerabilities.
>then use macos or windows
These are increasingly becoming more unviable options due to feature regression and data collection
That's FreeBSD. You can remember it by thinking "FeministBS(D)".
>Build kernel yourself if you care that much.
Fuck you
>with new hardware being released almost constantly and people constantly looking for vulnerabilities.
New hardware is not an excuse for making the kernel the mother of all whores
protip: the kernel today is so shit eventually they will have to start fresh
>magic png thumbnail
Thank you kind user