Only comes in 128 and 256 GB models

>Only comes in 128 and 256 GB models
>If you want 500 GB of storage space you have to pay Apple an additional $500
>Btw the SSD is soldered in lol so you can't do it yourself
>So is the RAM lolol
>Better buy an external harddrive if you don't want to spend $500
>But we can sell you cloud storage for a nominal fee every month
>You can also buy an older model
>We can swap out the SSD but it'll cost you lol
>You can't do it yourself though because we use proprietary pins for our SSDs lol

128 and 256 GB laptops in 2018. How are they getting away with this?

A coworker brought me his Macbook to hopefully clear some storage and I told that fool to buy an external hard drive.

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Line 2 contradicts line 1, retard


This is why I'm glad I got the 2012 non retina version. The screen isn't great but I use an external monitor and I can upgrade the internals

who the fuck stores shit anymore?
people who can also afford some other storage solution

No it doesn't, retard. The 500GB storage UPGRADE isn't a fucking model. Don't you feel like a dumbfuck?

Maybe you should just accept that you're not in Apple's target market and buy yourself a 1998 ThinkPad like everyone else on Sup Forums.

> buy dirt cheap Lenovo model on sale a few years back
> 128 GB SSD and 4 GB RAM
> fok dat
> Still using it with a 512 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM and IPS screen
It's nice but it's a bit silly that I ended up paying like half the price of the laptop itself for upgrades. It's very nice that I had the option of doing so.

The only detail that makes me rather unhappy with it now is that it's got a dual-core i7-5500U CPU. I just assumed it was a quad-core since it's a i7. Even the new i5-8250U has 4 cores and 8 threads and that's a i5.

Not sure, I'd imagine the same way they got away with no 3.5mm audio jack in 2017


Same. Which one did you get?
I managed to nab the 2012 15" built to order.
It's got a 2.7ghz i7-3820qm, 16gb of ram, 1tb HDD, Apple's overclocked GT 650m, and a 1680x1050 display.

Yeah it really is a joke in 1009 x 2

My 2011 debian macbook air is 256gb !!! Thanks to soy products and moores law shit is getting banal real quick.

Apple bois go and get a real computer, anything other but no Windows 10 botnet shit.

I got the version below yours. 2.6ghz i7 8gb ram 650m and the 1440 x 900 display.
Already upgraded the ram to 16 gb and replaced the hdd with a 256gb ssd. Only regret is the display, but I don't use it that much. It still runs really well and I don't plan on upgrading any time soon

Because "muh cloud".

I've generally disabled all of the iCloud crap, but I was helping one of my friends with their Macbook and turns out the the desktop folder now defaults to an icloud drive.
I think the only directories that were still locally stored were ~/documents and ~/applications

MacBook is not a computer.

128gb macbook + $8.99/mo vps for a private ftp server. boom

Yup. It holds up pretty well.
I was going to try and replace the DVD drive with a SSD, but that didn't quite go as planned.


Apple still sells the 2012 macbook pro for this reason.
Sneaky fucks

I thought they finally discontinued it.
It is the best version though.

Actually a lot of things started to suck after 2012, come to think of it.
Maybe the Mayans were right.

>This is why I'm glad I got the 2012 steaming pile of shit.

I got the non retina version dumbass

That's a different model you retard.

They have great mechanical keyboards. Once Linux can properly suspend and hibernate on them I want to get one.

With the 2015 12" Macbooks Linux couldn't use the keyboard or trackpad for a while, the SPI chips had to be reverse-engineered. They have been reverse-engineered since. It's only a matter of time until the touchbar-era Macbooks are easy for a Linux user (a real one, not just Ubuntu) to run Linux on.

>t. throttlebook cuck

> that pic
Jesus, why can't we just nuke Burning Man?

Whatever you say kiddo

why do people buy things i hate?

>100 degrees C

RIP Shitbook

It's a stress test, what do you expect?
Besides, even at 100, it's still maintaining a 0.5 ghz overclock.

That's right, it's fucking hot as shit, and it's still running above stock clocks.

>t. mactoddler

>I can't argue with test results so I'll call you names

>not even close to full load

Is this a troll pic or does this actually happen?

Is that High Sierra? The toolbar looks more flat than normal.

Prime95 defaults to only using logical cores.
Intel Power Gadget reports 50% utilization because only half of the logical cores are being utilized, despite the fact that the physical cores are in full utilization.

Just 10.12.6 Sierra.
High Sierra is too buggy, I don't want to upgrade to it.

It looks like has reduced transparency. It'll make things look more flat (and nicer, imo)

I can't hear you over the sound of your thigh skin sizzling. LMAO

The setting works like this:


Well normal people don't have terabytes of hentai. 128 is literally more than enough. I only use about 4GB

let them jew the idiots out of their money


Good one mate. My VMs and various software will eat up those 128 GBs

What, VMs for your CP?

Do you exclusively use cloudshit and "web apps"?
128gb is fucking nothing if you're actually saving files locally.
Apple used to sell iPods with that much capacity, and that was purely for music (or movies if you liked watching them on a 1.5" screen)

VMs for work, faggot.

So then why isn't your work giving you a laptop?

movies go on blu ray, music goes nowhere because i'm a grownup
Actual documents don't take up much space

Found your problem.

>>We can swap out the SSD but it'll cost you lol
>>You can't do it yourself though because we use proprietary pins for our SSDs lol
Mactoddlers have defended this.

I do have one but I use my other laptop for experimenting with different OSs and environments and what not

>calling me a soyboy
You’re the one with a fagbook bro

256GB was fine for me, I have a NAS and desktop for storing large files. I even have a few VMs on the 256 2015 MacBook Pro. It isn't exactly roomy, but it works for me.


>t. iBrony

Data has no weight, so there's no reason not to store a copy locally. Anything less than 1TB is a joke for a "premium" machine.


I just installed high sierra on my x220 i paid 124 bucks for. Runs just as fast as my friends brand new MacBook. I fucking love it.

They get away with it because people, in general, are more concerned with how they appear to others than the functionality of a computer.

They really ough to start killing thenselves.