/hpg/ - Headphone General

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aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20180215231930&SearchText=Takstar Pro 82

Is this acceptable channel matching for $280 headphones?

is it acceptable to hold an opinion if you are too afraid to even post your headphones?

What headphones?

I don't understand how many times they have to get BTFO to shut up

Yreland and Yapan

This is an $800 cable. The increase in sound quality is enormous.

Which headphones to buy that arent expensive? I prefer ear on. I have samsung but left ear not work and it removed.. i had apple earphones and same problem

Takstar Pro 82

Alright lads, just purchased decent cans and DAC+amp for the first time... it's pretty amazing. Probably spent around $500 or so total.

My question is, I know people meme them alot, but would the lowest of the low-tier of STAX ear speakers (I'm talking around $500 - 700 range) still be better than any sort of DAC+Amp+expensive cans set-up?

There goes the thread not 20 posts in.

You still need a DAC but yes.

>(I'm talking around $500 - 700 range)
do you mean L300LE? reservation ends soon senpai

>make a new reddit account to shitpost on /r/headphones
>post on /r/politics
>instant -100 karma
w-wew. these people are insane


don't forget to store it in an aquarium with your audio pebbles to keep the plankton alive and happy

i love my hd600 and there's nothing you can do about it!
looks like a $20 cable from venture electronics

>i love my hd600
thems fightin' words user

L300 is better than every headphones under the kilobuck. It's actually the best of the Lambda series, better than the L700.
Also you'll hear people talking about the L300LE which is $700 without amp. Don't go for it, it's garbage.

It's a $1200 cable with six million strands of ultra pure aryancopperâ„¢ which direct the electrons into the headphone at lightning fast speeds

>Don't go for it, it's garbage.
post your headphones, and then I'll post mine.

I'm currently NHA. :)
I already know your whole setup Atticus user.

Haven't heard this before

>I'm currently NHA. :)
once an NHA, always an NHA unfortunately.
>I already know your whole setup Atticus user.
I've already made it clear that I'm not afraid to show my opinions or hide. I ask for your setup because you seem to have heard the L300LE and claimed it to be garbage.

is amazon having a crazy ass sale on this or is newegg just retarded because newegg is still charging like $200

Thanks for the input anons.

Question though: Is there a notcieable quality difference in the STAX L500 speaker+amp system than the L300 speaker+amp system they sell? The L500 system is literally double the price of the L300 system, so I didn't know if there was a huge "double the cost" sound quality difference.

I know the L500 system uses a different cable+amp but why bother if the L300 system is just as good? Pic related is the L500 system they are selling just shy of $1700

How bad is the sound leak on the SHP9500? My apartment has thin walls and this is the only thing stopping me from buying them before the Newegg sale ends in 4 hours

L500 are the same drivers than the L300, just with thicker pads.
The amp with the L500 is a little bit better, but Lambdas don't require much power anyway.
Pretty much everyone skips the L500, it's always either the L300 or the L700.
>once an NHA, always an NHA
The L300LE is "garbage" because it's not an L700. Look at the feedback from japanese people who were at the audition. You can find it easily on japanese imageboards, Twitter or audio forums.
If you like the sound signature of the L700 and shiny gold plates, sure go for it, it'll be kinda close. But the L300 is the better deal out of all the Lambdas.

Open backs don't leak. And if you don't play it too loud even someone sitting next to you won't hear it.

pretty bad. they can be bought $30 used and the newegg deal has been going every other month for a year or two, there's no rush in audio

They were that cheap around the end of last year, it just goes on sale every now and then for God knows what reason. They are fantastic at that price, by-the-by.

At comfortable listening levels, I would say about... six feet one should be able to hear what you're listening to

until about

Monoprice m1060 a worthy endgame?

>The L300LE is "garbage" because it's not an L700
>But the L300 is the better deal out of all the Lambdas.
honestly i'm disappointed in you whoever you are. you already backpedaled from saying the L300LE was garbage to saying "it's not really bad, it's just not as good of a deal because of auditions I've read about". okay dude. go buy a KCS75, it's a better deal than all stax headphones.

>ringing technically flawed driver
It's not endgame in any sense. HE400i is better despite the chinkshit build.

You don't have to worry about headphones leaking through walls unless you're playing at retard 100db+ levels and the other people have their ear pressed against the wall

Good price
No, don't buy M1060

MSR7s are basically semi open, you can hear everything if music isn't on and they like like a mother fucker, even more than my open ones I traded them out for.

It's almost impressive how leaky they are for an open headphone

How are the Philips Fidelio X2HRs as bass cans for $200? How are they in general?

Pic unrelated

Is useing a surround sound reciver as a DAC via S/PDIF a bad idea? I ask because I can get decant used recivers for less then a USB DAC. I'm kind of a retarded so I'm not sure if this would be a better or worse option. or what the pros and conns would be.

Nice greatest headphones ever manufactured, anons.

For headphones and a PC? Yes.

Surround Sound Recievers might only input/output certain digital audio formats that might not be compatible with your headphones/headphone amp. The safest bet would be to get a regular DAC/Amp combo or DAC+amp separately.

Cute fumo user

I'm only trying to warn you about what you're buying since you have clearly no idea what the L300LE is.

My HD 280 pros finally died. I want an upgrade for around $100 that are closed back. How overrated are the meme40x?

>make a new reddit account

>I'm only trying to warn you
nope. what you are doing is obviously backpedaling. first it's trash, then it's just not a good deal, now it's just a warning. kys my man. this is the reason why we even ask for pictures of setups in the first place. to prevent strong opinions that are trash because they hold no water. if they were worth anything you wouldn't be afraid to associate that opinion with your setup in the first place. it's not like holding an opinion in the first place is even hard when you are anonymous. the fact that these opinions falter so easily with a setup request just goes to show how weak they are.
>since you have clearly no idea what the L300LE is.
first of all, this is Sup Forums. you don't need to hold people's hands and their purchasing decision. secondly, you clearly know what you are talking about. you've clearly heard the L300LE for an indepth amount of time. tell me, how does it sound? is it a good deal?

Takstar Pro 82

>chink headphones
Do I even want to? This is coming from someone who owns KZ ATEs and Tennmak Pros

unfortunately I lost my password for /u/noheadphonesanon so I made /u/Idontownheadphones

He's replying to everyone who wants cheap headphones with the Takstar 82s.

Real talk: If you've ever used a Hypercloud II headphones, you've used the Takstar 82s under a different brand/name. They're literally the same.

>Hypercloud II
that's the superlux which the takstar kicks the shit out of measurements wise. lurk more

Yeah, man. It's good for the price, and very comfortable. M40x has comfort-related issues

I don't do it ironically. It is the go-to closed-back for sub-$100
>Real talk: If you've ever used a Hypercloud II headphones, you've used the Takstar 82s under a different brand/name. They're literally the same.
I don't know what you're on about that. The original HyperX Cloud was based on the Takstar Pro 80. The Pro 82 is a newer model, and I don't think the Pro 80 is even in production anymore

>this is Sup Forums, you don't need to hold people's hands and their purchasing decision
Not the guy that you're responding to (as I have zero experience with Stax and therefore can't advise you on what's a good deal or not) but that's why ~90% of people come to this general, because they're too lazy to do proper research or demo anything and want us to tell them what "the best" is. Of course, that also means that they deserve whatever we tell them so none of this arguing matters anyway.

I lived through the HD 280 pros, I think I can handle the discomfort of the m40x. I'm mainly worried about them snapping in two, but apparently the fixed that in the newer models? I don't know.

People should only be coming here to get suggestions and discussion. /hpg/ saved me from buying schiit, for example.

>that's why ~90% of people come to this general, because they're too lazy to do proper research or demo anything and want us to tell them what "the best" is.
I disagree. people come here to learn potentialites, not be spoonfed and told what to buy and follow without thinking

I always use Sup Forums and generals as a starting point for research, and then an end point when I narrow down my research to one or two things to buy.

The people who are too lazy to do their own research will get memed into either shitty things or decent things but not as good as the thing they are actually looking for.

It sounds worse than the Pro 82, though.
Pro 82 measurement on the left, M40x on the right. I know which one I would get. It's on amazon and ebay

I thought you were saying the 82 sounded worse than the m40x based on those measurements and then I died on the inside a little

>people come here to learn potentialites

Is hi-res audio a meme or can I be happy with 16 super nintendo bits?

I hope you voted clinton, fellow audiophile!

super nintendo is all you need

is neil young giving you a handjob in the windowless van parked in the alley behind his recording studio? the more bits the better

are you listening to cds or anything ripped from cds? shit from bandcamp, spotify, soundcloud, youtube? super nintendo is fine

wait. this gets me thinking, what's the worst retro console that is actually better than the yggy?

Don't some hipsters use the PSX as their DAC?

I'm gonna laugh if that larping dude with the hd800/psx actually has a better dac than schiit. I wish someone would send theirs in. does anyone still have a psx they can send to amir?

already measured here archimago.blogspot.com/2013/03/measurements-sony-playstation-1-scph.html


more importantly, how was the beer? have you been drinking with me?

It was some fosters ale, pretty good. Was drinking with a friend and watching Sam hyde videos and anime.

I spilled on my keyboard awhile back while posting here, gave it a good wash under the sink. didn't werk so I scrubbed down the circuit board with a toothbrush and rubbing alcohol. didn't even need to reflow the solder. have you had dragons milk or old rasputin? they sell it here. it's the shit

Best of luck maki user, at least it wasn't the stax. Watch 'An inconvenient anime' by Hyde for me

This is why you use a headphone stand

It's still functional so I'm hoping nothing happens. Haven't had either of those but I'll keep those names in mind.
I love that one.
The problem was my headphone stands are on a rack lower than the desk, causing the beer to pour directly onto the HD600s.

yeah don't do what i did. I only washed because my glass tipped directly into my keyboard case and poured almost a pint into it somehow. somehow.
>causing the beer to pour directly onto the HD600s.
funny how that happens

Whos got a headphone amp here and where from?

After thinking about it, I think I may get this sachiko on my element

why not a lewd sachiko?


Get this

I like my Porta Pros but i want something with a little more top end sparkle and slightly tamed towards neutral.
I would rather not be slave to an amp, and I've got shallow pockets.
I wanted to go for MDR V6s on recommendation from a friend but they are TOO sharp and trebly. At any reasonable volume they'll murder your eardrums.

It sucks that there's no real way to demo headphones where i live.

Takstar Pro 82
aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20180215231930&SearchText=Takstar Pro 82

Hey guys. Was wondering what Amp would pair up with my HD600?

Valhalla 2

Objective 2 will be a nice pairing with your HD600.


I picked up a SHP9500S after requesting advice. Maximum comfy and they sound great. The only downside is my neighbours can hear my porn. Thanks user.

>The only downside is my neighbours can hear my porn.
that just means it's multiplayer friendly

Ty for the suggestions! Think I'll go with Objective 2.

Distortion sounds good, just trust your friendly neighborhood distortion merchant and buy a tube amp.

>buy a tube amp.
build a tube amp you mean. bottlehead crack


Good choice. The O2 is the most neutral amp out there that has been measured and reviewed by everyone, you'll be very happy with it.
I suggest buying the Massdrop O2 if you're in the US, it's the cheapest available with the "upgrades" manufacturers usually make you pay a premium for.

Yeah but how's the plankton?

who cares? the crack is cooler looking

Not in the US unfortunately. Do you think the OBJECTIVE2+ODAC REV B would be worth it? First time buying an AMP since I only had to spend $200 on the headphones.

Is Bang and Olufsen headphones worth the price?

Is there any truth to the rumor that the stock cable on the SHP9500 is so bad that it negatively affects sound quality?