>delete unused icons from your desktop
Delete unused icons from your desktop
>having a desktop
>icons in the desktop
2009 was 18 years ago
what linux distro would Jordan use?
I don't have an icons, just some basic useful info on rainmeter and I even have the taskbar set to autohide.
This. Who the hell uses desktop icons anymore?
>using your desktop at all
put the taskbar on the left side, trust me, it's superior
is there a key combo i can press to switch between?
Is there a way to get all of the tray icons to go onto a secondary monitor when I have the taskbar set for multiple displays?
The one that pays him 10 dollars per personality
I don't use multiple displays.
what's the point of having a desktop if you're not going to put anything on it?
literally just a nice image to see when you restart your computer. my browser is always maximized and on so its not like I'll see it anyways
you can literally switch the taskbars between monitors by dragging it. try it out.
you should literally kill yourself
lol fag
begone kermit
What icons?
dude your color scheme is cancer
God that picture is spot-on.
post your alchemy 2.0 patched version
No, it's windows, you can't change shit
>using desktop icons
>he doesn't uncheck "show desktop icons.'
no it isn't i always cleaned my room like a good boy
i would never tell my dear mother "fuck you"
I like your color scheme, don't listen to these fucking philistines.
"Clean your keyboard" works better.
>not having taskbar on top
I have feh as background with a cronjob that changes the wallpapers in intervals.
Am I good enough Dr Peterson?
>even being able to add icons to your desktop
>being trained as a computer scientist
>knows about regex, binary trees, and data structures
>cannot sort myself up
why doesn´t it work, Sup Forums?
ironically the soyboys hate Peterson, because he want them to stop being cucks, shave and sort themselves. Soyboys love being manhandled and dominated. They also love soy.
t. Soyboy in denial
>Not being an iconschad
lmao, the absolute state of Sup Forums
>ayy m8 you fooking suck @ life clean your room and buy my fooking book bloody hell
>using computers at all
So you're saying people should accept to be spied by windows botnets