When is this going to finally happen so PC can finally die?

When is this going to finally happen so PC can finally die?

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when they finally release the gentoophone

It's already here and working I'm already using it.

When x86 applications work

this, it would cost to much to write new software


This happens now. I have 37 HP Elite X3's and 23 Lumia 950XL's in the field, all of which dock when back in the office.

The HP's do multiple monitor, which is also nice, now that my VDI environment supports that and GPU acceleration.

My huawei mate 10 Pro can already do this. The phone turn into a touchpad even.

2019 when Librem 5 comes out

some of us have normal sized fingers and don't want to feel like andre the giant

I hope it never does, after this comes cloud-only storage, even more massive data mining, web-based applications only (*cough* Chromebook), etc.
Basically hell.

in the future you will only need to type with one finger at a time

When you can fit the equivalent of the hardware of your regular mid-to-high powered tower into something the size of a phone in a way that is as easily customizable, cost-effective, and energy-efficient as current PCs, then we can have this. Current phones are none of these things, and you need all of them to be feasable.

but user its the eventuality, we must feed the ai god as much data as we can (read:Roko's basilisk)



It did, however no one purchased the Lumia 960 so Windows Phone is now dead forever.

I thought that's what win gp xd supposed to be?

Why are people wanting PC to die?

>using deprecated architecture
ARM is the future.

Its lacking the customizability and energy efficeincy aspect. You dont get to pick and choose your own parts, operating system, and software for it without it fighting you every step of the way, if it even allows you at all (im guessing it doesnt.) And if you try running any programs that use any more proccesing power than your average phone app, your energy efficiency gets thrown out the window.

>Cloud based OS

I'm not a fucking paranoid freak, but do you really want to have a cellphone as your only computer?

when phones become as powefull as a desktop PC

Some people are just shills. Only shills would want pizzas to die.

>this setup + an external gpu
is this the future?

phones are pcs
the only difference is form factor


t. luddite

even the average laptop cpus are absolute shit, we are a long way before this happens.

This is about privacy, not progress. Nothing to do with luddism.

> it would cost to much to write new software
It should happen sooner or later anyway.

If you think about it not only is cloud based software a privacy nightmare but it is also a regression in progress as in the early days of computing we used central mainframes with dumb terminals and cloud computing and services are just an extension of mainframe computing

t. shit for brains

The internet is such a huge part of modern life that I would feel VERY unccomfortable with the idea that the ONLY connection between me and it is a little rectangle in my pocket that might die the moment it gets a bit wet, falls to the ground from hand or pocket height, or just gets stolen by a petty criminal

in the dystopian future this won't be a problem because everyone will have one user account mandatorily tied to their identity by the government, and the entire national computer system + internet will be run like one of those enterprise systems that syncs the user directory from a server to the local machine on login

What's a PC?

explain to a computer engineeringlet
all that has to be rewritten for the new processor architecture is the C compiler, and then everything else can be run just fine, right? the other causes of incompatibility are not hardware but software stuff, with different OSes providing different kinds of system calls for common functions


Anything written for the web, the JVM, or pure CLR software with no Win32 calls already works across architectures. Anything targeting an interpreted language already works across architectures. Anything open source that doesn't rely on assembly can be trivially recompiled. DOSBox has run on other architectures for over a decade. It's the relatively narrow band of proprietary Win32/Win64 software from 1995 to now and stuff directly written in 32/64 bit x86 Assembly that can't be ported.

You need 32 GB of RAM and 64 cores @ 4.5 Ghz to post on 4chin?

Hopefully never. Now kys after you leave.

PC sized things will always be around as gaming machines, workstations, etc., but the average normie doesn't need anywhere near that much power given that they use their PCs as glorified thin clients. That's the entire reason Chromebooks sell well.


Call me when they make a laptop one that you can slide your phone into

most people don't use their computers for anything more than facebook, news websites, email, maybe MS word
you can do all that shit on a cell phone from 5 years ago no problem

Yeah I'm sure great graphics hardware that right now requires at least 2 slots worth of space in your case is going to be able to be in a package that small anytime soon.

but user, why don’t you just give phones thunderbolt 3 and hook them up to an egpu with extra USB ports?

well there was the asus padphone, but it never took off.

We would already be here if applel and their ishit didnt hold back phone technology for a decade.

what are you using to achieve the "desktop" look?

>donald the drumpf tweeting on his blackberry circa 1998


Bluetooth mouse and keyboard and monitor and USB-C to HDMI adapter.
If you're talking about the desktop environment It's already implemented in the OS, but there's no dev that develop for it.
Much like split screen support.

Windows Mobile happened

Time will come, 9-10 years ago people being surprise by smartphone. Maybe 10 years from now?

>cost effective
That's only true if you assume people wouldn't get a smartphone anyway, which they would. Using the smartphone you already have as a desktop via a energy efficient
Yeah, I guess it's less energy efficient to use a 5W max smartphone than it is to use a PC that consumes twice as much while idle to do the same task. If you're talking about the battery life as it is implied in this post , you should realize that the dock can provide the necessary power, the only issue manufacturers would have to solve is not killing the battery by having the device constantly charged, but that's easily solvable.
>lack of hardware and software customizability
I give you that, but most people don't really care about hardware customizability, and you can install third party OSes on most phones, it's just not officially supported. If phones were widely used as desktops, I'm pretty sure most linux distros would have acceptable support for them, and maybe the manufacturers would make it easier to install third party OSes as it would be a selling point.

Never, this is classic designer larp as engineer fist create product then try to find consumers for it instead other way around, we had dozens of these already and all of them are dead because nobody fucking need it.

But OP... that IS a computer.......


>using Huawei
Enjoy your data theft and surveillance

You do realize notebooks exist right? If you think this turbo nerd gimmick is ever going to be mainstream you need to leave your basement ASAP

Phones are good at being phones, notebooks are good at being notebooks

>tfw your phone has MS Word, Outlook, Excel, and a web browser
>tfw unlimited storage on cloud
>tfw you're a normie and this is literally all you need
Why would anyone carry around a notebook when your phone has enough power and all the software to do what ninety nine percent of people do with their computers? All you need is a keyboard, mouse or touchscreen, and a bigger display. Why carry a notebook to work when all you care about is a bigger screen and better ergonomics?

hahahahaha that is a funny. nice meme my friend, DRUMPFFF is FINSIHED!

ill get one if it can run windows 7

If you need to take work to home you just pack your notebook and go home, with this shit you will have to either pack screen, keyboard and mouse or have another set at home which is redundant and every normalfag and his boss will point this out.

>All you need is a keyboard, mouse or touchscreen, and a bigger display.

That’s exactly why people use notebooks you moron

But why carry around a large display and keyboard with you when you don't use it during your commute? Given the choice between having large displays and keyboards at home and at work and just docking your phone wherever you are and carrying around a notebook that you never use during your commute I don't think most people will choose to carry around more stuff. And if you absolutely need to look at a document while you're commuting you can still do that with a phone.

ARM is just as old and bloated to shit as x86, and exists for pretty much the same reasons.

do-it-all devices are the cancer that killed computing

windows on arm will be compatible with x86, but not with x64 :^)

sauce plz, no luck on reverse image search

>%architecture% is the future
Said by people much smarter than you since the 90s. They've been dead wrong, every last one of them.
While PC may already be eclipsed by phone sales it's not going to take over PC's architecture. The inertia on x86 is unmovable.

Never. I mean if you want you can dock your phone to a USB/HDMI hub right now. The old Photon 4g had a dock that did this right out of the box. But business are never going to go for this for a million reasons. Security being the main one. Useless for industrial applications where x86 windows NT/win7 compatibility is required. You could do this at home I suppose no problem. But if you're deep into writing a document or email and you get a call are you going to want to suspend your desktop to talk?


I heard some time in fall 2018.

I don't understand the image?

I would rather have the Chinese botnet than the Jewish one.

>When is this going to finally happen so PC can finally die?
When gays rule the earth

Isn't Razer making this, in laptop form?

>just docking your phone wherever you are
requires a pre-existing dock wherever you are, at which point the "portability" of the phone doesn't matter anyways. you could get the same results with cheap desktops everywhere in place of the docks

I could see some use among people who normally carry around a cheap low-power netbook plus a phone, IF the technology becomes standardized and gets software support from phone manufacturers. Instead of a full notebook you just have a gizmo with keyboard + screen + battery + plug for the phone. Same size as the laptop would've been but cheaper overall, and lets you keep a unified environment between your two devices.

The PC IS dieing every second, Android is the most used operating system in the world. Only fat basement dwelling neckbeards and office fags in the United States use PCs anymore.

never, because being able to use your device the way you want to doesn't vendor lock you into some retarded botnet service or micro transaction economy.

>personal computer is dieing
>[personal computer os] is the most used operating system [on personal computers]
>only [everyone] use PCs anymore

Right, because most people really give a shit about the botnet. Year of the linux desktop! Huzzah!

>b-b-but muh gaymes

It's already happening since a long time ago. They are called laptops OP.

Desktops are a meme for "muh games" idiots.
There is no downsides between laptop and desktop. Only a e-penis thing and battlestation posts.

>heh videogames are not a valid use of computing
>only important things like very important business things and also shitposting on Sup Forums
>look at me i'm a very serious business adult
i guess you're just trolling, but fuck you anyway

1) sounds like you need to go back to whatever unfortunate tech site you normally post on, winbaby faggot.
2) what the fuck? I'm not even convinced of your first point. I hear a lot of people complain about the invasiveness of this blatant push towards value added servicing that literally everyone is doing. having a desktop that people can use the way they would expect to use their laptops is against how phones and these spyware apps work.

>very serious business adult

not condoning your use of nonfree software, but I always found this thing to be stupid. proud to be a corporate cuck and do work for my corporate masters. please disney, you must pass legislation that makes copyright last forever. think of the mickey mouse IP

I love how butthurt anons turn when I insult their stupid videogames. That resistance that pop ups when someone tells them to mature and change their habits.

Video games are destructive in everyway and no male should play them unless you have to tinker. There aren't many games like that.

I do play videogames on my chinkpad. Obviously I don't fall for the stupid triple A goyming.

Just buy a laptop, stop buying games on Steam, learn how to compile stuff, visit other places than your bedroom, learn how to read code, you'll feel more active than playing fucking KiddieShooter 2000(tm).

This is honestly my dream situation. a dock for the tv, a dock for the home desk, a dock for the work desk, it would be maximum comfy.
my only concern is that the way things are going it'll all be "cloud based" and botnet shit.

but i cant play games on that setup

I would love if more people cared about free as in freedom software, but how many people even know what GNU is? I'm not sure who you're talking to but people are buying Android and Apple phones like crazy. People are buying PCs with macOS and windows. People are not leaving the botnet, they're buying into it more and more. I appreciate your optimism, but I'm sure people have always complained about their cars, too, all the while buying further and further into that economy.

This is the dumbest statement in the world. Your phone is a PC, it's form factor is irrelevant. You could connect your phone to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse and plug right along doing just about everything you could in a windows environment.

I was actually legit ready for some seriously hateful exchanges but this follow up bait was shit. I feel like I'm growing out of Sup Forums. I used to be so hateful and angry, now I'm just tired. Feels bad. :(

You know that they make docks for computer...

Gabriel drop out
try whatanime.ga next time

Being angry is the first step for change. I truly think staying inside your bedroom behind a big battlestation full tower full of leds and big ass GPUs is really bad for your health. The "gaming" thing sucks the hell out of people.

Buy a chinkpad, you won't regret it. I'm not here to troll, I'm just trying to help since nobody did that for me. Also, install Gentoo.


Post some examples, user.

>It's the relatively narrow band of proprietary Win32/Win64 software from 1995 to now and stuff directly written in 32/64 bit x86 Assembly that can't be ported.
So... very nearly all commercial software ever?

Have one of these at your desk, one at your tv, and one at your work.